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The Suspension Mods (continued)


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IHCMAATY = Jons irritating (but true) comment :

[harry enfield mode on] I have have considerabley more axle articulation than Yow" [/Harry Enfield Mode off]

The latest so far in a very long saga.............................

Last weekend I "B&ggered up" a perfectly good 90 rear tub thus,....... this was cos the wheels were rubbin and needed to come up more inside the tub from the various .............and copious ....mods so far :


Oooops !



And yes the arch return was cut away .............as was a large amount of the rubber eyebrow,........... then all linished.............. to give a clean surface as the tyre is a close fit....


The arch will be glued on once all is tested and ok....Oh yeah ......black line is how far the tyre comes in !!!!

Test covers made, these are the finsihed items (had these made) will be the only chequerplate on the 90 ! :D


er...other side was looking more difficult......grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..alter one thing mess up another syndrome...


Trying out the movement :


You'll notice following the various mods my jack is now nowhere near enough on the lift area -

note to self buy a bigger jack with more lift, ...........................any suggestions anyone ?

Here is the side................ spring removed ...............compressed up to the bump stop making sure the shock doesn't implode,.............. its ok, and fine, .................but I have plans (read they are sitting on my bench) for even longer shocks,............... just need to finish the top mountings, ..................which I have made specially for the job....just on the list ...............and not todays job !!


fair bit of movement ?...and you reading this Mr White ?


Now all I have to do is somehow get the tank back in, ..........need to remake some brackets :angry:


...............and from the back a fair amount of flex now .................eh Mr White ?

Have spent ages "Flaring" the wing so the tyre has clearance on the way in :

and in it goes :blink::o:D


and finally,..................

I walked out of the workshop thinking, looked up and thought Bl**dy HELL !

........................and took this :


Just need to finish the tank,

remount refit hydraulic pipework (longer has to be made up),

oh, and then fit the even longer shocks and special mounts and then test,

front end to finish but as per other post mostly done,

it won't match Nicks 3 Link, ..............but will have a load more flex than many....

Springs are still being played with re poundages and lengths, ..............still not 100% happy yet .............so some more to pick up and try....

Will hopefully get the winches / Tank working again by Sunday

Nige :ph34r:

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...what about the front axle?


What shocks did you get in the end?

Only got shocks with 5 inches more travel in the front, :) which is klooking good, its making the jockey sticks move that was the fun, and hence why I had to make my own turrets and a load of other mods, have got the basics done on the front now, returned to the rear to do more complete further and maybe finsh ? B)

Then back to the front for more work and finishing ..........

Just think, it will all be done by the time you sit in it for the MWWCE in Feb 2006 B) B) :blink::D


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Nige, that looks so good. The up travel is just the biz and I love the way the shocks almost but not quite top out, spot on :D

My tyres rub still inside the arch but I suspect the higher initial ride height and different wheels have made this less of on issue on mine (so far). I did have bother with the tyres catching on the back corner of the wheel arch though and have had to move the fender back to clear (in addition to the usual trimming of course).

Nice to see there is no problems with the tyres binding on the spring mount or shock at this level of articulation.

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Just think, it will all be done by the time you sit in it for the MWWCE in Feb 2006 B) B) :blink::D


Just keep it far from water,that's enough for me


Impressive,back later with the usual questions...


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True words,


1) I wnated to keep my bank balance

2) I wnated something that worked without the side effects of 1) above and 2) fingers pointed with the "Oh you havn't bought that then have you"

3) I'm allergic to Orange everything, ....except oranges and tango and Jaffa cakes, none of which are LR Based

4. ) I like springs that don't sag and behave like Jelly on drugs

Other than the above it was a close call ..............



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So Nige,

What happened to your oh-so-well-thought-out-plan to use 34" tyres to avoid fouling the wheel boxes......? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just think how all the big boys will point and snigger at your weeny tyres now!! :o:P:P and they're not even the "right" tread pattern :o:blink:

Coat on, door located :ph34r:

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Oi !

If yer wnat to wind me up you'll have to do better than that !.....

I always knew the tyres would hit the wheelboxes, but I have managed to get 34s in without huge problems on the arches, and could have stopped there........................

I knew to gain more the wheel boxes would have to be attcked, ..........and hence why I am now where I am with the mods.

Fitting a lifted spring kit reduces many of these issues,........... but then you can have the fun of increased hieght, ....and fitting in tight areas,.... COG changes, .....

often lifted 90s have / need harder rating springs, ..........which means you don't get full articulation so don't run into the more complex problems..., but not always I know, ............some work out poundages vs lengths etc, ........but its then a load of work to get it all right, .......caster and propshfat come into the equation too...etc etc etc.

A 'simple lift kit' is a simple way around a lot of issues, a 'lifted 90 with the correct poundages and springs mounts and shocks' is not the same thing........ at all !

Mine is complex time consuming, ..............but should end up giving me a 90 with good balanced articulation (see little point in having huge amounts at the rear and fraction of this at the front as with some kits ??) ...........springs that allow the axles to move quickly over twerrian, .............but too fast will mean visit to Mr Bump Stop, and I'll loose the 90s load carrying capabilities, its all about compromise...and plans should see the body staying level(ish) :blink: ,.... no increase in overall height, none of the COG propshaft etc problems... etc etc etc.

I have looked at all if not most of the off the shelf kits out there, .................there is some real dross, .........some stupid prices, .............and often many have serious drawbacks in either design quality fitment, side effects and some on top of that are just IMHO plainly just not worth the money either.....some are just not worth fitting.

I have not finished yet,................ and it is already a bit of a testbed process, .............I have gone from top cones on the 1st tweaks............., to Gon2fars cones now on the axle.......... Reason ??..

Cones on the top are good, ...........but as and when you gain more droop, .............the springs can come right off the cones, when they return the noises and actions are hooreendous, often making contact off the cone then cracking into place as the 90 moves along...

The G2F cones are more tapered and HD too, and are far smotther in operation, my springs are something like 5 inches from the base plate, on fullish droop, yet relocate smotthly, this will be reduced when I fit (and have worked out which ones - had several attempts so far and got it wrong :) ) longer and softer srpings etc,

but they are IMHO a nicer unit, and so well made that franklly I bought them as I couldn't see the point of me making them, .......they are not exactly expensive ...........and it saved me a days work - praise indeed from me that is !!

Must go now, have to rebracket the hyd tankk so winches are working again, was hoping to go to Slab for scorpian challenge AWDC event, but this is taking far longer than I 1st thought, ..............I NEVER learn how long fabrication takes :angry::):(:blink::D


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but they are IMHO a nicer unit, and so well made that franklly I bought them as I couldn't see the point of me making them, .......they are not exactly expensive ...........and it saved me a days work - praise indeed from me that is !!

[innocent]Are you saying they're over-engineered, Nige?[/innocent] :P

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