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Pulling drunks out of ditches


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Last night at about 11, a neighbour showed up at my door with another guy, asking me if I could pull the other guys car out of the ditch round the corner.

My neighbour had already tried with his Punto and I could smell the clutch from the hallway. The guy seemed a bit Mildly miffed, but my neighbour seemed keen to rescue him, so I followed them down the single track road to a Citroen with its nose in a hedge.

Upon arriving and getting a few strops, it was clear that your guy was far too drunk to drive, slurring his speech and just having driven off a straight road. So I pulled him out and told him he'd be better getting a taxi, and left them. I'm quite sure he didn't get a taxi.

Because it was a neighbour asking on his behalf, I helped them out.

Thinking about it today, I should really have just left him there till the morning.


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Problem is, a$$holes like that normally walk away without a scratch when something happens - and there's usually some poor innocent that got in the way. :angry:

I have no problem in calling the Police in relation to any pillock that wants to get bladdered and thinks they can still drive. I've got kids, and I'd like to see them both grow up.


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Problem is, a$$holes like that normally walk away without a scratch when something happens - and there's usually some poor innocent that got in the way. :angry:

I have no problem in calling the Police in relation to any pillock that wants to get bladdered and thinks they can still drive. I've got kids, and I'd like to see them both grow up.


wot he said.

No excuse for it, I think your mate needs a kick up the ar*e for putting you in that position in the first place.


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gromit, next time get the garda to pull him out the sooner they learn the sooner they stop killing themselves and our families.

Yeah, absolutely. Didn't have my phone with me as I'd just run out of the house. Should have known better really. Well, lesson learned.

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as a police office i take great pleasure in locking up drunk drivers, seeing one of my best friends mown down walking along a footpath 20 tds ahead of me by a driver three times over the limit adds to the pleasure i get from making sure they dont drive for a long time.

I know that some older generation drivers (my father included) grew up when the limit wasnt set, but there is no excuse whatsoever for it.

like everyone else i have no wish to see anyone killed in what is a senseless way which can be prevented.

I agree that your neighbour put you in a difficult situation by asking you to help out Gromit, i would urge anyone in a similar situation to decline and call the police.

i know we are much maligned and berrated but we do try that i can promise you.


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walking home at 4am from an irish bar? :unsure: having an early nite were you? :P :P gromit, next time get the garda to pull him out the sooner they learn the sooner they stop killing themselves and our families.

The garda were pulling cars on Saturday night in Mallow, good on 'em.

An ex tenants sister was dragged for over a mile underneath a car driven by a drunk woman. She had to have several amputations. Nothing will ever compensate the poor girl. The woman probably got a short sentance and a ban....

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personally i don't think the punishments are stiff enough, i don't see why you shouldn't be banned for life if you have been caught before, or have an accident...

Why should having an accident warrant a ban? Whether you have an accident or not is largely fortuitous. Driving whilst drunk should have a 5 year ban minimum for a 1st offence, life for subsequent. If caught whilst driving whilst banned you should be sent to prison for the length of the ban, thus ensuring the ban is enforced. Not stopping for the police should be a life ban.

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Leave them in the ditch

Have once seen a car in the field and wanted to help, but everyone around the car have had more than one too much so we left the where they were. Called a friend of mine who is a policeman, who sadly told me that if the police didn't take them in act, ex. pulling them out of the car they couldn't do anything, as the drunk driver just could claim that they had the beer AFTER the accident................... Sadly but true. So just leave them as they are. They can not do any harm being in the ditch :lol: .

Best regards


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If i have the car then i quite happily sit with soft drinks, like most on here i have kids and want them to grow up, Gromit if i were you i would be having a few choice words with my neighbour followed by never ask me to do that again. Drunk drivers may think it is okay to drive and others may think it is fine to help them out but there is no excuse.

We are all individuals and can decide what is right and wrong, i wonder how many drink drivers will stand up and take responsisbility for their actions

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I have only recovered one ditched vehicle on a notorious country road near to me. There is usually at least one car a week in the ditch - usually backwards.

I drove past and saw one young lad standing by the car. I pulled up further up the road where it was safe to turn around, and called the police, explaining the situation, and saying I was going back to offer assistance, but they should sent someone, as I didn't know if anyone was hurt.

I then went back, and found sure enough there was just the driver, and his Mum's car :D in the ditch. He didn't seem to be smelling of alcohol, but was pretty shaken up.

Another bloke stopped ( sh*gun ) and offered to help recover the car. His first instinct was to take the tiddle out of the young lad for lifting off in the corner! Turns out he was a race diving instructor from Oulton Park :D . Since I do a bit of off road driving instruction, he was getting it from both barrels. How to drive on the road, and then once in the field how to drive round it :lol:

At about this time, Mummy turned up. She was straight in his face to check if he had been drinking. I think she would have ripped his head off if he had swallowed a wine gum! Alcohol ruled out then!

Between us we recovered the car to a lay by, and left them to sort out how to get it home.

The police never did turn up.

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Drinking and driving is intollerable. How are you supposed to use your mobile if you're drinking ;) .

On a serious note there is no reason to do it. I may of had a shandy or two in my youth and driven home. But now I'm older and wiser it's not worth the hassle

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Its not only just someone elses life you may screw up , But its heir familly and freinds , Then there is your life , your licence , livelyhood, family, freinds and then starting over again , not to mention no one will want to insure you .

I too in my youth had a few sherberts and drove home , and livin out in the sticks was no excuse , I was fortunate enough not to have harmed anyone or myself , Had a few mates who lost their licences through DD and It brought it home to me making me realise how this could severly mess up yours and others lifes . So i now live within a radius of about 20 pubs within a mile , The car stays at firmly at home .

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Leave them in the ditch

Have once seen a car in the field and wanted to help, but everyone around the car have had more than one too much so we left the where they were. Called a friend of mine who is a policeman, who sadly told me that if the police didn't take them in act, ex. pulling them out of the car they couldn't do anything, as the drunk driver just could claim that they had the beer AFTER the accident................... Sadly but true. So just leave them as they are. They can not do any harm being in the ditch .

Best regards


that wouldnt happen in uk, there only needs to be a suspicion that you are the driver, have driven or about to drive. and it's "blow into this mouthpiece please"

also its worth noting that being in posession of your keys, near your car whilst drunk can lead to this suspicion.

heres one fool that didnt make it round a bend and ended up upside down in a ditch. The driver unforunately died of dronwing. an autopsy found him to be 4 times the limit.


what a waste of life...

simple answer is dont do it. period


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