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AWDC round 8 Slindon

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Fridge and I talked him into doing the special stage which he was the first car to complete the stage and if I'm correct only the three standard class trucks completed it as all the modified class trucks DNF that says something... :ph34r:

Fair play they worked as a team and he is good in the supra powered land cruiser

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Well that was a fun weekend... Glad you all seemed to enjoy it, and it was nice to be home in under an hour for a change. :D

Well done to the Bolts, an outstanding result. And well done to Adrian, who managed a whole day with only minor breakages.. :lol::o

There'll be pictures on the link in my sig within 10 minutes or so.

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1st place overall was the Bolt's in a standard class car :)

2nd place overall was a tie... Chris Ould......Richard Nicolson........Adrian Turner........Sorry Nick/JST better luck next time ;):lol:

3rd Sorry missed that result.

I take it you didn't break the new diffs then Adrian !

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I take it you didn't break the new diffs then Adrian !

That's a big NO :lol: i loved them....4.75's with a 1-4 t/box :D sooooo many option's, 1st gear low for winching :i-m_so_happy: 2-3rd for all the rest B) :P Only thing left to do is fit the 37'' bogger's :)

A top event and a great day, thank's Neil and the team :i-m_so_happy:

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Dave, can you fit ARB lockers to volvo c303 diffs??? thats a serious question :rolleyes:

If that's a serious question, what's wrong with the volvo lockers that come as standard in the volvo diffs? :huh:

A good day, I got a bit of video (mainly the orange Toyota on SS) will pist up when I've worked it out :unsure:

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If that's a serious question, what's wrong with the volvo lockers that come as standard in the volvo diffs? :huh:

A good day, I got a bit of video (mainly the orange Toyota on SS) will pist up when I've worked it out :unsure:

The front locker needs to be a bit more positive, it would not go in at Slindon and I would rather have something that is 100% reliable. I can fix it and make it work but it will need constant adjustment after each event. The axle was bent 2 years ago and although it is now straight, the locker is tempremental.

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Well done to everyone,

Pity Rob was so near yet so far from the overall win, Nice to see Adrian finishing for a change :lol:

Now he's got nothing to fix.......he can get on with my truck :hysterical: , so I can acctually get and use it.....Walker...get training :ph34r:

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The front locker needs to be a bit more positive, it would not go in at Slindon and I would rather have something that is 100% reliable. I can fix it and make it work but it will need constant adjustment after each event. The axle was bent 2 years ago and although it is now straight, the locker is tempremental.

Im sure ive seen on the pirate 4x4 forum something about fitting ARB's intro 303's!

Yesterday i did have quite a few problems with the lockers not disengaging when i wanted them too, i had to get out and push the rod back into the housing.

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had lots of fun, learned alot as well, especialy about winches lol never used them so much in my life! had problems tho, to be expected as the engine only went in 10 minutes before it went on the lorry for the long drive.

thanks to neil and the team for putting on a fun day out, loved it!

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Popped along to see the site and give some support to KCJ in the black Jeep/Mog Hybrid. Was impressed to see it drive this section. I know the Jeep had a few problems but i reckon KCJ had fun :D


It was pretty awesome on that section. Got some pics of it from the other side!

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Hello all,

Well what a day. I am still feeling the burn from doing the winching on the special stage, but it was worth doing all the same. Therefore the question is, has anybody got any pictures of the grey Zuk going around the special stage?

But back to the important stuff, I enjoyed the day, which was made even better by the setting up of the course & the running of the day. So as stated already cheers & big thanks to Neil & crew, but not only for this event, but all through the year. Hopefully I will be in again next year, but is there a championship dinner? if so are there any dates penciled in?


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