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Garage security


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For up and over doors

any suggestions?

seen the Garage "defender" aptly named

but at £80ish a bit steep

80ish steep?

It's all relative to what you have in the garage. If it's odds and sods then yes but if your tools are in there then no. Your choice

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Tony :P:P .

Again after a small think about it you have to look at the security triad. Threat/ability/countermeasures.

In laymans terms are you sure you need extra security and what you have in place is insufficient. Also take into account the amount of through traffic you get past your property and if they can see the contents when the door is open. Also if they did try to break in would they be visible from your house or that of a neighbour. I know it's a bit soon to be part of neighbour hood watch but I'm sure I've seen signs up around where you are. As for threat are you guarding against the oppotunist burglar or a determined 1.

A few thoughts to get you going. If you require any more info feel free to shout

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For up and over doors

any suggestions?

seen the Garage "defender" aptly named

but at £80ish a bit steep

Tony, a good quality Ingersol padlock will set you back £60, I would suggest a Bulldog post(s) set in concrete outside of the garage door so that the door will not open


or one of these


or save your pennies for this


Saunderson are a very reputable family business and I have bought security bits from without hassle

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No need to SHOUT :blink::rolleyes:

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Thanks some stuff to look at there

Mark a thief would at least help clear some of the mess at the moment I can just look in there from outside and see things I:

can't reach



am desperate for

choose from the list :)

I get it now. Offer all this stuff for sale so when they turn up to collect it's convieniently at the back " and would you mind helping to move a few boxes" is what they get. That way you get your garage tieded up for free or a cup of tea and a hobnob.

You're cleverer than you look Mr C :P:P:P

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I would argue that external security devices prove there's something worth nicking.

All my garage security measures are on the inside of the door, and i'm not posting about them on a public forum.

They're the same as mine - a pile of junk against the door :lol:

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I use ( amongst other things) a hasp and staple inside the garage, as mine is built in to the house.

Perhaps a locking bolt into the side frame if you have to have the security outside?

All depends on the amount of security you feel you need against the perceived threat as said above.

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I'm with luke on this one... A garage defender is the best advert you can get for telling theives it will be worth their while breaking in, the best thing to do is fix nice big bolts on each side of the door that will take a padlock and put them on the inside, make sure you paint the bolt head/nut on the outside so its not obvious, and get a cheap battery alarm and put it somewhere its a bu@@er to get to!


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i used to go for the small lock and not make out you have anything in there and they cleared the lot out!!

for an up and over door if you have access from another door i would just use two std bolts (below) one in each top corner or do a bar as Jase suggests. or you can go for the outside option of bolting the bottom of the door to the ground.

or just chain everything inside together so its too big/difficult to move.

it depends on what force you want to stop them getting in! if they are determined they will get in and nick Walfy generator what ever.


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i used to go for the small lock and not make out you have anything in there and they cleared the lot out!!

for an up and over door if you have access from another door i would just use two std bolts (below) one in each top corner or do a bar as Jase suggests. or you can go for the outside option of bolting the bottom of the door to the ground.

or just chain everything inside together so its too big/difficult to move.

it depends on what force you want to stop them getting in! if they are determined they will get in and nick Walfy generator what ever.


You have a PM.


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I've seen the Defender types defeated - if the dor is dented (by a nudge from a car in the case I saw) they bend and can be pulled open from the outside.

As others have said, don't have anything on display outside demonstrating there might be something inside. If they want to get in, they will - some of our persistant agricultual equipment thieves (I'm sure you know the type ;) ) will cut through solid steel doors with petrol disc cutters to get stuff out.

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An example I've seen recently is a business where the main door looks flimsy as anything - you could open it with a good push. On one side of the enterance are a pair of really heavy steel doors made from 1" plate with RSJ welded frame and hinge pins as thick as your arm. It's covered in BIG locks, bolts etc and looks as if it's protecting something really really expensive!

In fact, the doors are just a welded together 'sculpture' welded to the back end of an empty shipping container. The owners have had people spend whole nights trying to get in with petrol grinders etc - and failing. They could just walk to the other end of the container and see it's empty - but that doesn't seem to be the mindset. The company concerns sells copper cable - so an instant target!

OK, you probably don't have room for a shipping container - however - you could persuade your neighbour that he lives in a 'garage crime' hot spot and offer to help him turn his door into a HMP standard fortress. I suspect that our mobile friends will then figure that his garage must be filled with desirable caravan parts - and have a go at his instead of yours! Fit yours with hidden internal locks and the 'mobile' will be none the wiser!


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One thing to consider is now strong the rest of the garage is, not a lot of point in having a solid door it the garage is so thin they can just kick a hole through the side or pull and old wooden window out.

Saw a boat a few years ago which had had the outboard stolen off of it, the owner had bolted it on then welder the bolts in place, locked the boat to the trailer and fitted locked brackets in place of wheels on the trailer (saves the tyres as well).

How had they got round that lot? :unsure:

They used a chainsaw and cut the entire back end of the boat off!. :o

Not much you can do if they are prepared to go that far!.

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