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HOFS T-shirtS 2008.


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How about something like:


on the front.

And john's colour flying spanner logo on the back - along with "Crew", sponsors details etc.

I vote for Fridge to do the graphics - as he has a knack for producing stuff with good comic value.

The above image is only very low resolution - from images on the forum - so obviously needs to be completely re-worked.


P.S. I vote for a plain black tee shirt. I like rugby shirts - but Tee's are much better value and more practical for the muddy kind of stuff we do.

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you just register your credit/debit card details with them, and then when you pay somebody it automatically charges them to your creditcard, so you dont as such put money on your paypal...

The rugby shirts idea is awesome, seems as i play a lot of rugby, and i like rugby shirts :D

dont have a credit card :(...can i do it like transfering money to annother bank account?

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Im stunned and just a lot humbled by the reaction :huh:

erm........ Ive got to raise a note of caution

this year is by far the most insanse build time and spec we've tried, its hanging on a thread and totally reliant any one of a series of 5 or 6 things coming to fruition in order to pull it off, if the parts for the gearbox dont turn up... we're stuffed, if we run out of metal..... we're stuffed, if work sack me (distinct possibility after last year) we're stuffed (but at least I'd have some free time :) ), if we cant cope with another 6 weeks of 3-4 hours a night kip.... we're stuffed, if we dont get visas in time... you guessed it..stuffed, then theres hydraulics, oils, paints, finding a home for a bull mastiff for 3 weeks, bla bla bla, not to mention actually getting the fab work done in time.

We are pulling ridiculous hours (from Friday morning to Monday morning there was a total of about 6 or 8 hours when someone wasnt in the lab doing something), we wont go down without a serious fight but (and its a big but) the whole project is a house of cards. Although every year we play the odds and try to compress time we could well come unstuck, I dont want people disappointed so please bear it in mind. Im far from pessimistic - just trying to be up front.

as usual.......... if its possible we will find a way ;)

on designs and stuff - the spanners "mon" logo (for crew shirts at least) is a must, it works in any language and helps us with cyrilic reading border guards identify we're one big blob and what we do (less hassles then), black works for us- it only attracts moose flies and after a couple of days you just give up worrying about them...... unless they lay eggs under your skin.. :ph34r:

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So, I guess your must be quite sttuufffedd then. would that be horse hair, cotton wool, hot air or floor sweepings?

Here was me thinking that you were just eating to much!

Don't be such a damn pest-a-mist, it will all work out well in the end - it always does!

You might be just a spec of dust in the universe, but there is loads of other dust particles willing you to suck seeds!



Im stunned and just a lot humbled by the reaction :huh:

erm........ Ive got to raise a note of caution

this year is by far the most insanse build time and spec we've tried, its hanging on a thread and totally reliant any one of a series of 5 or 6 things coming to fruition in order to pull it off, if the parts for the gearbox dont turn up... we're stuffed, if we run out of metal..... we're stuffed, if work sack me (distinct possibility after last year) we're stuffed (but at least I'd have some free time :) ), if we cant cope with another 6 weeks of 3-4 hours a night kip.... we're stuffed, if we dont get visas in time... you guessed it..stuffed, then theres hydraulics, oils, paints, finding a home for a bull mastiff for 3 weeks, bla bla bla, not to mention actually getting the fab work done in time.

We are pulling ridiculous hours (from Friday morning to Monday morning there was a total of about 6 or 8 hours when someone wasnt in the lab doing something), we wont go down without a serious fight but (and its a big but) the whole project is a house of cards. Although every year we play the odds and try to compress time we could well come unstuck, I dont want people disappointed so please bear it in mind. Im far from pessimistic - just trying to be up front.

as usual.......... if its possible we will find a way ;)

on designs and stuff - the spanners "mon" logo (for crew shirts at least) is a must, it works in any language and helps us with cyrilic reading border guards identify we're one big blob and what we do (less hassles then), black works for us- it only attracts moose flies and after a couple of days you just give up worrying about them...... unless they lay eggs under your skin.. :ph34r:

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But you'll be doing oher races if you don't make Ladoga?

I still want one, I know you'll be crawling out the lab before you 'give up' :)

Don't forget that 'I need' thread last year got an excellent reaction - if you end up missing anything anyone might have contacts for... I can do driving for picking up etc. to allow optimum lab time B)

finding a home for a bull mastiff for 3 weeks

If he's not likley to eat the cat we'll have him, 'fraid Dan won't let me get rid of the cat :(;):lol:

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But you'll be doing oher races if you don't make Ladoga?

I still want one, I know you'll be crawling out the lab before you 'give up' :)

Don't forget that 'I need' thread last year got an excellent reaction - if you end up missing anything anyone might have contacts for... I can do driving for picking up etc. to allow optimum lab time B)

If he's not likley to eat the cat we'll have him, 'fraid Dan won't let me get rid of the cat :(;):lol:

I must agree ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I still wont one

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Im stunned and just a lot humbled by the reaction :huh:

erm........ Ive got to raise a note of caution

this year is by far the most insanse build time and spec we've tried, its hanging on a thread and totally reliant any one of a series of 5 or 6 things coming to fruition in order to pull it off, if the parts for the gearbox dont turn up... we're stuffed, if we run out of metal..... we're stuffed, if work sack me (distinct possibility after last year) we're stuffed (but at least I'd have some free time :) ), if we cant cope with another 6 weeks of 3-4 hours a night kip.... we're stuffed, if we dont get visas in time... you guessed it..stuffed, then theres hydraulics, oils, paints, finding a home for a bull mastiff for 3 weeks, bla bla bla, not to mention actually getting the fab work done in time.

We are pulling ridiculous hours (from Friday morning to Monday morning there was a total of about 6 or 8 hours when someone wasnt in the lab doing something), we wont go down without a serious fight but (and its a big but) the whole project is a house of cards. Although every year we play the odds and try to compress time we could well come unstuck, I dont want people disappointed so please bear it in mind. Im far from pessimistic - just trying to be up front.

as usual.......... if its possible we will find a way ;)

on designs and stuff - the spanners "mon" logo (for crew shirts at least) is a must, it works in any language and helps us with cyrilic reading border guards identify we're one big blob and what we do (less hassles then), black works for us- it only attracts moose flies and after a couple of days you just give up worrying about them...... unless they lay eggs under your skin.. :ph34r:

Why would that be of a concern to any of us then Jez? It's not like we have anything better to do than try and give a little bit of help to a bunch of amatuer lash up artists

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I bought a couple of the shirts to support Jez and Co, the design of it is secondary in my opinion. Any sponsers on it is fine with me, and whatever else is on it. Different shirts, etc will make it too complicated in my opinion. Rugby shirts, T-shirt, etc - I'll still buy a couple of them.

Perhaps you should have added 'Sensible replies only please' in the title of this thread Al. Considering the seriousness of Jez and Co securing funding for Ladoga 2008, some of the replies in this thread are ridicilous.

I have 2 x Large of whatever design/type of clothing there is available please.


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Guest mortus
dont have a credit card :(...can i do it like transfering money to annother bank account?

Actually ive had a look at my account, and i believe you can transfer money, sign up for an account here > Paypal

and have a look yourself.

if you dont have it linked to a card i believe the maximum you can spend via paypal is only 100 as it uses your bank account to validate your account.

mine is fully validated and i can spend a stupid amount of money that i dont necessarily need to even have :|

hope this helps


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my point of view (for what it's worth) is no word of caution needed whether it ends up being another 'gentle stroll round a russian pond' or off to some other completely barking sunday ramble round another random piece of European scenery matters not one iota I'll buy another couple of shirts whatever the design/colour is.

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I would just like to add my voice to the support you are receiving.

Although the competition scene is not really my cup of tea, I have been reading your threads with interest. Your vehicle design is truly a work of art. You make the welding & manufacture look simply stunning.

Although I doubt very much I can be off any help to the Team, please know that you have my support & best wishes. I really hope everything comes together for you, and wish you nothing but the best of luck.


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Jez, I know that you and your team are putting life & soul in to completing this in time. If you don't make it - it's not for want of trying.

If the Tee shirts can assist at all - then I for one want one.

Success or failure - I'll wear it with pride!


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Yes, apologies for the general lack of explanation in this thread. Its all a bit half baked until we get the ball rolling. My fault.

I should have explained that the actual POINT of all of this is to support the House Of Flying Spanners crew on their annual trip to offroad events - this has chiefly been Lagoda in Russia in the past, but I understand that if the car isn't ready in time this year, it will simply visit other equally challenging events later in the year.

The modus operandi is that we all buy a t-shirt (at bulk buy prices) and a portion of our t-shirt money goes to helping the team limp along (used generally for transit costs, ferries and such, I believe, but that is entirely their choice of course).

In light of this, it is generally accepted that the t-shirt is a bonus rather than the main point, therefore moaning about the colour of the thread holding the cleaning instruction label in is just not cricket. No one design will please everyone, so its better that we try to get a 'generally accepted' design and then people who want to support the guys can do so. Of course its interesting to hear people's preferences at the beginning to get some ideas. The actual design is immaterial AS LONG AS WE HAVE THE DESIGN I WANT!!!!! :P

Hope that helps clear up my waffling and clarify the point of it all.



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I personally dont give a toss what the shirt looks like/what its made from/what it costs/what colout it is etc, etc.

If buying a shirt will help these guys out a little, then I think we should all be doing our bit......

.......If you want to start selling shirts to help me pay for my London to Cape Town charity trip......then just go right ahead!!!! :P:rolleyes:


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Black is pretty good at hiding stuff IMHO, besides if you dont like it, a few boil washes and hey presto light grey! :lol:

Some sort of rugby/polo shirt type thing would be cool, means i can wear it down the pub then :)

I think a few people have some designing to do.


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I echo many of the sentiments above, the main aim of the T-shirts is to raise cash for the HOFS Team.

Surely a key point is that the finance is kind of needed now/ASAP and loads of time debating about designs / suppliers will just prolong the time until the final cheque is in the post to the team.

Last years fit the bill for Jez. If another colour is available for supporters then that might be easy to offer as an option and not hold up the process to much.

Pugwash did an excellent job last year - Those are the best T-shirts I've ever had and one year on, despite very regular use in all sorts of conditions, mine are still almost as good as new so I'd like some spares. :)

Put me down for 5 of whatever please, XXL. (Don't explore the "latex pink crop-top" option though :banned: )

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