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It all started cos i waved at a girl who lives at the next farm, so my mrs thought she too would wave at the next defender she saw. I didn't understand the logic here either, must be a woman thing.

The next defender didn't wave back, so she tried again.

Meanwhile, i'm planning on ways of lowering the drivers seat so that i can hide behind the wheel.

Stupid of me really cos that made her do it even more, until weeks later when we realised that people in dark blue land rover defenders don't wave.

Why is that ?

Red defenders like mine, most people wave back.

Green defenders usually do.

Blue defenders never wave.

Sad topic but someone'll think up a laugh that i can tell the missus un pretend that i though of the answer all on my own :lol:

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I'm confused. Are you saying you dont know why she is waving at other defender drivers? Dont you? I always wave at any defender driver (other than ones that are obviously not enthusiasts like farmers, electric board etc..)

I even wave at well preped Discos. Most of them wave back too.. Its like a biker thing. I also used to get it with the MG thing.. When I was an MG driver most MG enthusiasts waved at each other.

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I wave at anything with an Oval Badge.... Unless I can see from a distance they are Ladies, I have found they just look at you funny :blink:

Think the best I had was actually from a Blue 110, the entire vehicle waved like mad and flashed the lights.... so I thought what the hell, and did the same back :D, any onlookers must have thought something was wrong :lol:


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OIIII. I drive a 57 reg Defender, and wave to all Defenders less the commercial ones. When SWMBO drives it she waves at all and sundry as well.

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Guest mortus
......that are obviously not enthusiasts like farmers, electric board etc.........

i take that as a personnel insult!! you should always wave at farmers no matter what there driving (accept ford/Suzuki's/dihatsu's/...etc.etc)


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I wave to all other Defender drivers - i'll wave at Discovery owners too, if they're obviously enthusiasts.

I've had some ignore me, some practically hang out of the window waving back.

I live surrounded by villages, on my way out one night at about 10pm I was driving down the lane only for a RRC to come bouncing down the verge out of the darkness in front of me out of the adjacent fields and woods. Got a good wave and thumbs up from him.


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i take that as a personnel insult!! you should always wave at farmers no matter what there driving (accept ford/Suzuki's/dihatsu's/...etc.etc)


Why? They always scowl and never wave back, grumpy gits :)


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Went one better today and turned around and stopped in the high street door to door to a shiny black 05 hummer today. Wound my window down and rattled on the hummers window.

Realized then with a friendly blond smiling back it me it was a left hooker :huh:

Anyway, suggested she might like to come and get muddy which she seemed to think was such an incredulous idea that it was really just a very humorous joke. :rolleyes:

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I always acknowledge any Landrover driver with a polite flick of the lights and nod or raised hand

but not Chelsea tractors as they just don't get it....... shock horror and disgust all rolled into a typical toff expression as they pass :lol:

I particularly like the way some folk move out of my way when i queue to pay for fuel home after very muddy event :hysterical:

Passing them in doorways is also amusing :rofl: :rofl:

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I have noticed that all the women LR drivers around here will never wave.

There are also very modded, brand new defenders that just look at you gormlessly at traffic lights etc. I honestly think there's a lot of ageism and if you don't "look the sort" people don't wave. Probably assuming anyone under 25 is a boy racer. I have basically given up now, it was fun to begin with but too much snobbery from the type of people who will complain about the increasing lack of waves they get.

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Very interesting Thread.

I recall a discussion about this very subject about 18 months back, en route to the Forest of Dean with a friend alongside me in the little green XD

He said "wow, you sure know enough people.." I asked what he meant by that comment, he replied about how many people with Land Rovers I wave to, and wave back at. I then informed him that "it's a Land Rover thing" He was amazed

I still wave at Defender owners and most do wave back. I tend not to wave at women Defender drivers as they never return the gesture

Series and Defender owners are by far the friendliest and warmest people in the Land Rover fraternity

Discovery classic /Disco 2 drivers tend to reply with a nod of acknowledgement if you make eye contact

Freelander drivers, well they're a bit of a lost generation, they gaze back suspiciously if you wave at them, after all they just bought cars with a little more ground clearance to cover thier poor parking skills, with ample space for the kids and of course, the golf clubs in a colour that will match the wife's outfits.

Disco 3 drivers are mainly uptight businessmen who try to compliment the underperformance of their natural assets' stature in the urinals by buying something big and menacing that will make the country club members look up to them by default

RR and RR classic drivers are also quite warm and friendly as they understand the long term relationships that Land Rover owners are fortunate enough to enjoy

RR Sport drivers either consist of dizzy women who take any form of wave or nod as an insult or overpaid, snobbish executives who are in too much of a hurry to return the gesture.

I think I may hurt some people's feelings here, but as the owner and lover of a real Land Rover, I've had my fair share of encounters of real people in real Landies and the plastic personality brigade clad in air conditioned, leather upholstered oval badged vehicles.

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Very interesting Thread.

I recall a discussion about this very subject about 18 months back, en route to the Forest of Dean with a friend alongside me in the little green XD

He said "wow, you sure know enough people.." I asked what he meant by that comment, he replied about how many people with Land Rovers I wave to, and wave back at. I then informed him that "it's a Land Rover thing" He was amazed

I still wave at Defender owners and most do wave back. I tend not to wave at women Defender drivers as they never return the gesture

Series and Defender owners are by far the friendliest and warmest people in the Land Rover fraternity

Discovery classic /Disco 2 drivers tend to reply with a nod of acknowledgement if you make eye contact

Freelander drivers, well they're a bit of a lost generation, they gaze back suspiciously if you wave at them, after all they just bought cars with a little more ground clearance to cover thier poor parking skills, with ample space for the kids and of course, the golf clubs in a colour that will match the wife's outfits.

Disco 3 drivers are mainly uptight businessmen who try to compliment the underperformance of their natural assets' stature in the urinals by buying something big and menacing that will make the country club members look up to them by default

RR and RR classic drivers are also quite warm and friendly as they understand the long term relationships that Land Rover owners are fortunate enough to enjoy

RR Sport drivers either consist of dizzy women who take any form of wave or nod as an insult or overpaid, snobbish executives who are in too much of a hurry to return the gesture.

I think I may hurt some people's feelings here, but as the owner and lover of a real Land Rover, I've had my fair share of encounters of real people in real Landies and the plastic personality brigade clad in air conditioned, leather upholstered oval badged vehicles.

Here! Here! or is it Hear! Hear! :unsure:


G :D

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I wave at ALL Defenders! Even the utility ones, and they have all waved back!! I once even waved at a police Defender and THEY waved back at me!

I now have the girlfriend waving too. Dont bother with new Range Rovers or Freelanders (not REAL Land Rovers, are they!?)

When I drove to Italy & back via the Alps, EVERY single Land Rover we saw waved at us first, including a Belgian couple in a Freelander. I have noticed that there are a few farmers round here who seem to be miserable gits, and dont bother waving, as dont most women I see.

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I'm confused. Are you saying you dont know why she is waving at other defender drivers? Dont you? I always wave at any defender driver (other than ones that are obviously not enthusiasts like farmers, electric board etc..)

I even wave at well preped Discos. Most of them wave back too.. Its like a biker thing. I also used to get it with the MG thing.. When I was an MG driver most MG enthusiasts waved at each other.

I understand why she wants to wave at other defenders .... Cos she's a loon :lol:

Its the blue defender thing i don't get. Why don't blue defenders wave.

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Continued the research ...

Spent all day oot ... Cattle trailer ont back .. Mrs in front middle, week old baby as front passenger, and both 5 year olds in the back.

All series land rovers waved (saw 3)

Blue defender 1 of 3 waved and he was a local

Red defender 3 of 3 waved one was a local

Green defender 1 of 2 waved

Woman in a series 1 disco .. waved

4 series 2 disco .. 1 waved

2 new disco ... one waved but nearly crashed trying to work out what i was going on aboot.

Only noticed one freelander. I didn't wave as they looked like they were struggling to drive it.

We see loads and loads of defenders cos we live in a farming area. Prob why we never waved at defenders before.

Good fun though in a strange sorta way.

Works with tractors too, although it gotta be said that usually when i wave at tractors they stop to talk aboot the price of pigs un sheep etc

Which reminds me .. Had a Gloucester old spot piglet late last year.. aint got it no more.

AI any good with pigs.. locals say no, but anyone had any good results, if so how ?

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