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Fancy a virgin site?

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That's got your attention!

Probably caused the mod’s a bit of a sweat a well!

I need to get everyone to read and then respond ASAP.

Today (28th) I have been to a new site near to Horsham to meet with the lease holders and discuss their plans regarding 4x4 use and the best way to operate the site.

First the site. Imagine 50 acres of woodland without a single rut (except for the ones we made today) but good avenues through the trees for access, the woods is not too dense to deny free travel over the whole area. Plenty of ‘drive round’ for those who want a stress free day, then there is one gulley which starts off as slight dip in the ground and gradually turns into a 20 ft deep ravine, another gully which becomes the bog from hell, another which is undrivable (unless you are really really good or totally mad!) and another……………….

Next is the use of this site. The guys want to open it for a play-day’s as they have a desire to make money, not unreasonable but the site will be ruined in no time. I have suggested they use it for winch challenges, advanced driver training and club/invitation driving days.

After a little arm twisting I have persuaded them to let me organize the first driving day!

So the chance of a lifetime to drive a site which WILL be used for a national winch challenge in the near future for the first time is initially being offered to you lot!!!!!!!!!

I propose a one day meeting on a Sunday during mid to late January, short notice but we have to get in fast, costing in the region of £27 per vehicle to run from 9.30 am till dark (about 4 pm). Camping is a no no for this meeting but may be possible in the future. Entry is limited to 30 vehicles and payment must be in advance, a bit harsh but I only want serious applications and no “me wiper blade fell off so I can’t make it” two days before!

Initially I am only looking for an indication of numbers interested so will give it a couple of days to judge response.

Anybody interested?

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I can do 29th or 15th (let me know how / who to send the money to) . Should be able to rally at least 3 others too from Kent if you still got the room. But really need a definite date - ski trips, Wales weekend and all that.

Cheers Peter.

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Paul, that's an intriguing enough post to force me to register on this forum!!

I work for ATL in Guildford and will try to bring a Pinz along if given enough warning/the site weight limit will allow, otherwise a D90. Any weekend in Jan is fine by me.


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For all those who have wondered - I do have my own voice!!

We'll be up for it!! Just need the dates to be able to get a pass out!! It'll be the first 'event' with the new springs and tyres on so should be a lot better than before!!

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Confirmed today….. Sunday 15 January.

10am till 3.30pm.

£27.00 cash on the gate. (please do not arrive before 9.45am as gates will be locked)

Entry only if you are on the list, email me with name and vehicle registration. email...paul@blackpig.org

A disclaimer will require a signature.

Location MAP

Dial Post Farm TQ 19868 36671

There will be some areas taped off, please stay well clear of them to ensure future use of the site.

There will not be any toilets so come prepared!

There is a possibility of a barbie, I will confirm later.

I plan to either set up a section or put out a few punches for those who need a purpose to the day.

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