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Win a fantastic forum prize !

Les Henson

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I have to remove the head on a freelander 1.8i petrol tomorrow 'cos the timing belt went twang while the owner was nailing the throttle.

So - the first 5-people that guess which valves (inlet/exhaust), and how many are bent will get a fantastically expensive forum prize.

Competition ends at 5pm tomorrow evening.

Les. :lol:

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The valves that are bent will be the ones which aren't straight. :rolleyes:

The number of them will be whatever the total number of valves is (16) less the straight ones. :rolleyes:

The valves which aren't straight MAY be a mix of inlet and exhaust or MAY be purely inlet or exhaust. :rolleyes:

You've got my address from the recent clutch fork purchase. :P

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Guest diesel_jim
I have to remove the head on a freelander

Les. :lol:

Amything to do with head, and ultimately "hair" on a freelander must mean the perm went wrong?

1.8i petrol tomorrow 'cos the timing belt went twang while the owner was nailing the throttle.

They also broke a nail?

hair & nails all in one freelander? :lol::lol::lol:

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Ok, so here it is, the damage in all it's - erm, glory. All 16 valves in a new and trendy shape. The first time I have ever had 16 valves bend on a K-series engine - it's usually 8 or 10.

The reason the timing belt broke was actually down the the fan belt snapping - it got behind the crank pulley and was then forced into the lower part of the timing case where it presumably jammed the timing belt, or caused it to jump a few teeth. The belt had only done 1200 miles since I replaced it - rather expensive bill in the offing for this poor chap.




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