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bobbing a 110


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Just talking to a friend about his 110 since he is considering keeping it and we started BSing about bobtailing it. However with a bit of crappy photo manipulation I did this.


thing is I really like that. Anyone already done one of these?

OK HT quickly added and also original for size comparision



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HBRO sticker Mike.

I'm trying to think what work would be involved. A new fuel tank and filler location (series high postiion looks good on the photo), probably a custom tank, he thought an under seat 90 tank would be good, but I pointed out that it's tiny (like 40L or something to judge from mine) and since it would be a good tour car a bigger tank would be wanted.

A custom exhaust of some sort, probably not to diffiuclt.

A new rear X member, wonder if a std one would do.

Cutting of the tub, cutting of the roof panel, I think a solid side one would be easier than a windowed one as shown, then do as Nige has and just put a simple pane in.

Roof would need cutting.

Doesn't sound the worst job in the world.

But what would the insurance and DVLA think.... there's the problem...

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Kind of looks long though, I like the short look of the max chop.

I was wondering if it would be legal to put a filler sticking out on the rear body, that way you could use either side of a petrol pump.

I think the std 90 overhang looks good on the blue truck, the window makes it look weird in that last image.

So this mod would improve departure angle, but would it make any real difference to the 110 off road, the main problem seemed to be ramp over which I guess could be improved with a bit of lifting, the truck is reasonably std in the photo's, i.e. 7.50 tyres and HD springs so going for a 2" lift, putting some simex on would probably help the ramp over a lot. Plus at the end of the day, proper 4 door car with 4/5/6/8 seats and a 'boot' area.

Better than my truck cab with 2 seats, or a 90 hard top with 2+ benches

Mike - No idea, I am down saaarf, near Fareham, so I only go to the Hoggs lodge in Waterlooville, there was another pub mentioned on the calendar pages, however that's not there at the mo, so I can't remember.

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How about this? More to my taste. :)


More helpfully, I did see a "bobtailed" 130 crew cab once. It looked the muts, especially with a big lift and 36" Muds. It had been done with the rear tub and rear chassis from a 90. 110s and 130s have the same rear chassis IIRC.


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If you want better off road ability than a 110 but more room than a 90, simple answer, defender 100"

best of both worlds :D:D


Chopping the rear body i quite easy, i took 10" off the rear of my 110 body (to make the same rear overhang as a 90) Tub, roof and side pannels (no windows) done over two days.

Prehaps Fruity can tell us how you shortened the rear of the 110 chassis ?

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you can't say we'd wreck it *until* you've seen our other work. Once you have then you can say we'd wreck it.

The thing is he will only sell the 110 for the right price, so otherwise I think he'd prefer do something like this. bobing rangies is done to death, effective, but not particulary unique.

Bobing the 110 would make an interesting vehicle IMHO, practical vehicle with potential for good off road capabilities.

RR 4 door would be the next choice, but the 'boot' area wouldn't be as good I think?

Again, 90 just doesn't come with a real 4 seat option.

To be honest, it's probably just a pipe dream, the sensible thing to do would be get a dog 110 and try it on that, then do a decent vehicle like this if it worked.

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It's funny, one of my friends (Simon C) and I were talking about doing this to his 110 last week!

We wondered about improving the breakover angle by taking a scallop out of the middle of the chassis and restoring it's rigidity using a cage (possibly a silly idea).

Alternatively, fit portals.

If you are going to do it however, it might be better to go the whole hog and cut off the overhang just behind the spring mounts and turn it in to a crew cab with just enough room in the rear tub for a spare wheel and your sandwiches. Shorten the front end a bit while you are about it so that the four wheels form the four corners of the vehicle.


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  • 10 months later...

Resurrecting an old topic I know but did anyone ever take this any further ................. cos funnily enough I've recently been playing with photoshop with the thought at the back of my mind of something along these lines on my 110 DoubleCab.

I like the seating arrangement of the DoubleCab and a 90 just 'aint big enough ................. but the thought of reducing the rear overhang certainly appeals. As has been said the fuel tank would probably be the most difficult issue, any thoughts gang ............ it's a TD5




(Sorry about the crappy photoshopping ........... I'm more at home with a pencil and a piece of paper <_< )

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The thread was started a while back but I've only just found it, yes I'm seriously considering it if I can work around the problems that might come up, being a pick up back the bodywork should be fairly straightforward, welding the chassis is something I haven't done since my SIII days, but I have a couple of willing (and talented) helpers for that bit ........... there's a couple of other bits that will need sorting as it now has a full length external cage and rear winch, again not insurmountable problems ........ but they all add up I 'spose.

As for storage I'm wanting to put a full length rack on the cage so what I loose in the "boot" ......... can go on top.

Already had quite a few useful tips from the difflock crew and as far as I can see the fuel tank is the most awkward issue, so any thoughts on that welcome ......... as on the rest of the idea.

Thanks folks :D

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Under seat tank sprang to mind, but (from above), they are only about 40 litres ............... that gives a range of about 200 miles (without offroading), it's not ridiculously low but a bit bigger would be useful, the Td5 90 tank is certainly worth considering as well.

So ....... one option would be a 90 that had been pranged at the front and scavenge the rear chassis and tank ............ not something you come across every day though :unsure:

1) I'd wondered if there was anything that would fit in the pick up bed?

2) I've also seen fabricated aluminium tanks on a couple of vehicles but so far I haven't turned up any info on those.

Thanks for the input ............ it's helping to get my brain warmed up :rolleyes:


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If you are thinking of fitting a tank in the back then get something made to fit and make the best use of what little space you will have left. Try Alisport.

Why 90 rear chassis? Just get a tank from one and fab some mounts to fit it to your shortened 110 chassis. If it'll fit into teh space it can't be that hard compared to the rest of the work.

How about TD5 90 rear tank (dunno how big) and a pre-TD5 90 under seat tank (45 litres).

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