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O.T. ? One way traffic.


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At Peterborough show I was talking to a member of this forum. We were on about some of the things I'd done to my Defender, the battery box for one.

I'd said that if he didn't make it to see me that he could see the pictures on www.890a. ??

"Ah yes Mike" he said, "I'll have to put my mods hat on, lets for the sake of it call him MOD1. "It's been suggested that you are spamming/ promoting www. 786.?? with links"

I said that I'd only linked a forum to where I had some of my posts that were easily found and that it would be for information only.

Yes he replied" MOD 2 isn't happy"

So that would be MOD 3 I replied.

"No MOD3 is happy and he took your side, I've not noticed you do it so it can't be that much"

Seemingly this had been discussed in the moderators board so you should all be aware of it. Or did those three moderators just discuss it between themselves ?

Well I've been a member since December 2005 and have 1,500 posts, so are three posts giving a link spamming/ promoting a forum ?

The posts concerned were first put up on www.231.?? in I would think 2003. They were then moved to www. 345.?? and when that forum started to go apex over base moved to www.890a.??

I have refrained from any links to another forum since then. I've always understood that linking to another forum for the good of the Land Rover community was accepted. Apparently not so on here.

As for spamming/ promoting...Two moderators on here, www.lr4x4.com, on a regular basis. more than once a week, put links to www.lr4x4.com on www.890a.?? - www.231.?? and another forum.

SO ?? Why is it that the two moderators can do this and I am taken to task over it.

Should I now go onto those forums and point out that moderators from this forum can link to this forum but me as a normal user of this has this practice frowned on.


Certainly not calling the coffee pot grimy 4r5e

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Links to other websites are fine - it happens quite often on here. I do it on almost a daily basis on other websites to link to tech threads on here. I honestly don't know what you are referring to Mike, other than your recent post that you say had links removed.


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I am refering to me putting TWO links up to a post of mine from another forum onto lr4x4..

Seemingly it wasn't the done thing in a moderatos view as I was spamming/ promoting that forum.

As you say you do it daily to other forumsd but I'm not to do what you do on this forum.

Until the moderator concerned tells me I can link I will not link.

As I said this/ me could have been discussed on the moderators board.


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As an impartial Mod (I don't think we know each other ???) all I can say and add is

that I for one (and I guess others too) would never consider you as a "Spammer"

(er..thats not a challenge by the way :lol:) ...and seems to me rather

sad that as a long term LR4x4 member you have worried about this for too long.

Your contributions are valued here, 'hindsights' a wonderfull thing, but

seems that somewhere some wires got well and truly crossed :(

I also have just "Edited" this post ....

to say that I can't even rememeber this coming up in the past at all the

Mods forum, (and its not me age before any of you lot start) - it was mentioned yesterday

and most seem to be going Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :huh:


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I'm not a moderator but I have met you and you're a reasonable and sensible chap. It sounds to me like one of the mods has referred to a question which has been asked in the moderators forum where someone says "I don't recognise this chap, is he spamming?" and another mod has replied "No, don't be stupid, he's just posting useful links" - and then you've received the wrong end of this stick entirely via another mod's interpretation.

Keep the shiny side up :)


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I am refering to me putting TWO links up to a post of mine from another forum onto lr4x4..

Seemingly it wasn't the done thing in a moderatos view as I was spamming/ promoting that forum.

As you say you do it daily to other forumsd but I'm not to do what you do on this forum.

Until the moderator concerned tells me I can link I will not link.

As I said this/ me could have been discussed on the moderators board.



If you would like to PM me details of the mod/s concerned then we might have a better understanding of the specifics. We can't ask anyone to tell or ask you anything until we know who you are talking about (by PM please).



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spam, is an often over used term and can be confusing.

Just to clarify, this is what a link to spam looks like... SPAM

Given this clarification Mike, I think it's clear you were not linking to spam, or 'spamming' as it's often known.


btw I read it in the newspaper that 'dogging' is not linking to sites with dogs - just to clear that one up too.

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There are many 4 x 4 and Land Rover forums in existence. Now some sites have more expertise in certain areas then other sites. For instance I recently advised someone to go onto an Australian site www.aulro.com as I felt he would get much more advice/help there then on most UK sites. I do not personally think there is anything wrong in saying that you may well find your answer on this thread on another forum.

Saves a whole lot of typing or copying and pasting.

In fact I think it was Steve M.O.G. who I thanked on another site for providing a link back to here in answer o a query. That in my mind is good forum users cooperation.

Why reinvent the wheel?

Since (as far as I am aware) you are not getting any monetary advantage from the thread/links to the other site Mike, I would say post the links.

Forum users who have commercial interests in the 4 x 4 market have a much more difficult path to follow. Yes they can be a positive benefit to a site with their expertise, but they must be careful that they answer technical queries without being seen to be trawling for business. Some commercial users seem to tread this line well, others less so.

So post up your links Mike!



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I've had a PM chat with Mike and hopefully it's all been cleared up now. In the main linking to your posts on other forums is not a problem unless you have to be registered on the other forum in order to be able to view. If that is the case then it's probably better if you copy and paste your material over here.

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I've had a PM chat with Mike and hopefully it's all been cleared up now. In the main linking to your posts on other forums is not a problem unless you have to be registered on the other forum in order to be able to view. If that is the case then it's probably better if you copy and paste your material over here.

so if there is a lengthy item, with pictures etc that's on another forum, that's of use here are you saying that all of the content should be copied and pasted to here ?

or is this a less than subtle way of wanting to stop people from signing up to other forums ?

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It is exactly like MOG said. If you have to register on another forum then it may be better to cut and paste the info. I do not want to have to register for every forum just to read one article/post. Not sure why you think it's trying to stop you registering for another forum. That's not the way I read it at all.


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It is exactly like MOG said. If you have to register on another forum then it may be better to cut and paste the info. I do not want to have to register for every forum just to read one article/post. Not sure why you think it's trying to stop you registering for another forum. That's not the way I read it at all.


as i said, how about lengthy and complex articles ? - shirly it's going to be quicker to sign up than to copy/paste/format from somewhere else

what about copyright issues regarding pasting content from other sites ?

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If you copied an entire thread from one website to another it would be wise to get the 'owner' of the thread's permission before you do it. Links are fine because you have to visit the relevant site to view it, where it would most likely be on public display anyway.


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Slightly obtuse response Sean.....

What I believe is being suggested is that some members have previously complained that they can't view a thread linked into LR4X4 without registering on the linked site. Some people just don't want to do that.

In those "few" cases, it is simpler to copy the data rather than expect someone to register on another site that they may not wish to do.

Not everyone wants an account on a lot of boards or photo sites etc.

(I've assumed the person making the post is the originator of the linked thread as well.)

All that is being asked is that common sense is applied and that users aren't inconvenienced just because they have interest in a topic.


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so copyright issues arent a problem in those "few" cases ?

What copyright issues?

Surely, when you write something available for public viewing, there is a lack of any intellectual copyright holding over that material. The fact that certain websites need you to register an account with them before viewing/contributing material, does in no way create a copright holding to that website, it is merely to reduce spamming or bots entering the site & cluttering the place with waffle.

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