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Help, insurance claim advice.......


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Last night i booked a night off from work as the weather was nice and went to drive stanage edge greenlane.

on the way home we went back via the main road which i think is snake pass. anyway my buddy was up front in a 90, i was behind in my ibex doing 50mph. Then out of nowhere came two head lights from the other side of the road! bang!

The ibex span 150 degree and then rolled backwards into the armco lining the road! eye witnesses/people who had been over taken by the little twazzoc said he was doing well over 80mph so a combined impact speed of 130mph, NICE!

so, im rushed to hospital on a spine board after about 40mins assessing the damage to the motor and going to see the other car etc, adrenalin took over i think as im in a world of pain now!

what should i do as reguards to an insurance claim?

is it common practice that i insist the car be repaired as it wasnt my fault? or can it only be written off and paid out?

The damage that we could see at the scene was, two bent axles, a trashed gearbox (transfer box ripped off), the radius arm mounting pushed through, the front wing/headlight/grill structure bent alot!, bent trailing arm, punctured sump (i killed the engine imedatley).

it would be a major repair and would have to be done at foers or maddisons imo.

how should i go about claiming for the damage?

The other car was very bad, the drivers side was pretty much ripped off, A piller, door, door pillar and rear quarter , rear wheel were totally removed. the driver was alive at the scene but wasnt good the passenger did a runner onto the moors (not a good sign).

Im just glad i was in the ibex, i dont think id have been in a very good shape otherwise, cheers Mr Foers.

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dont sound good with the passenger doing a runner

i would be thinking stolen car (esp being driven like that)

as for if the car is a write off going by the sound of the damage i would guess that it would be classed as beyond economic repair (if it is you can allways buy it back nice and cheap for parts)

if it is that obviously damaged by visual inspection i would expect to see bent/twisted chassis sections and many other little bits and bobs distorted/stress fractured (tearing a t case off is a big impact as is bent axles) so to be honest im not sure i would want it repaired as it may never drive the same again if its only re jigged.

main thing is you still here to tell us about it!!!!!!

also if the car was stolen the owners insurance will still be valid to pay you so SHOULD be ok on that one.

let us know how you get on

and beer helps the aches ;)


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like rob says.. you would be better off getting it back for bits...

and if you got taken away on a spine board it always looks good on the old compo claim!! your pain will be rewarded in the end with a big fat cheque!

my advice would be.. get the ibex back.. break it for bits.. take the money from that + the payout for the car + your compo claim and start shopping for a bowler!!

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i agree with both comets so far.

if thay wright it off and wont let you have it back ask what the max repare cost would have been and try to get that and the car back as some insurance companys dont like paying up and selling it back or will only sell to the brakers

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You may find that the insurance company will not allow you to buy your vehicle back!

I had this problem with my insurance company when I rolled my 90, I had to drop my claim in order to keep it. Sadly if your vehicle has been recovered you may never see it again.


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From the sound of the damage youll not get her back - if its that bad then itll be CAT A or B, so not somthing youll see again. Make sure you push hard for the full value of the vehicle as it was at the time of accident.

Best of luck with it, and i hope you recover fully soon.

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Not your fault = you can stamp your feet and demand a lot more than the usual minimum fob-off had you stacked it into a ditch of your own accord. Assuming the guy had insurance in the first place. As has been said, you have suffered real injury which should lead to decent compensation, plus you should not end up out of pocket / with a lesser vehicle etc. so either full price for a replacement Ibex & any mods or enough to pay to get yours rebuilt by a professional (you don't then have to get them to do it, but for pricing up you want to get quotes from a few 4x4 specialists for re-building the truck).

In some ways it's preferable that he stacked it into your Ibex than wipe out a people carrier with a family in it round the next bend :(

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Last night i booked a night off from work as the weather was nice and went to drive stanage edge greenlane.

on the way home we went back via the main road which i think is snake pass. anyway my buddy was up front in a 90, i was behind in my ibex doing 50mph. Then out of nowhere came two head lights from the other side of the road! bang!

The ibex span 150 degree and then rolled backwards into the armco lining the road! eye witnesses/people who had been over taken by the little twazzoc said he was doing well over 80mph so a combined impact speed of 130mph, NICE!

so, im rushed to hospital on a spine board after about 40mins assessing the damage to the motor and going to see the other car etc, adrenalin took over i think as im in a world of pain now!

what should i do as reguards to an insurance claim?

is it common practice that i insist the car be repaired as it wasnt my fault? or can it only be written off and paid out?

The damage that we could see at the scene was, two bent axles, a trashed gearbox (transfer box ripped off), the radius arm mounting pushed through, the front wing/headlight/grill structure bent alot!, bent trailing arm, punctured sump (i killed the engine imedatley).

it would be a major repair and would have to be done at foers or maddisons imo.

how should i go about claiming for the damage?

The other car was very bad, the drivers side was pretty much ripped off, A piller, door, door pillar and rear quarter , rear wheel were totally removed. the driver was alive at the scene but wasnt good the passenger did a runner onto the moors (not a good sign).

Im just glad i was in the ibex, i dont think id have been in a very good shape otherwise, cheers Mr Foers.

If at all possible get it away from your insurance company and any garages they are in league with and don't part with any documents relating to the car. We lost a car that way, it went to a garage to be 'assessed' and before we knew it it had been shipped of to a scrapyard because it was 'beyond repair' in their eyes. We then had to argue as to it's value. Somewhere in their small print it said that once the vehicle was in their possession or one of their agents (one of their recommended garages) then it was entirely up to them what happened to it subject to an independent valuation (or words to that effect).

Assuming you have or can find somewhere to keep it, hang on to it (saying you want to buy it back subject to valuation, even if you don't want to). You then have something to bargain with and should get the maximum value for it and pay the minimum for what is left of the wreckage, they can't have it both ways.

The final icing on the cake, was when (a few years later) we received a Speeding Ticket for the vehicle that had been supposedly written off. The wonderful Insurance Company didn't inform DVLA about the write off and it looks like the breakers yard re-built it. It was a good job we kept all the relevant paperwork to copy to the Police (who were very interested in what had happened).

Best of Luck (I fear you will need it dealing with insurance companies),


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cheers for the advice, ive rung the yard where it is and said do not let it be removed without asking me first. and he said no problem, im hoping he will be true to his word and keep it there.

anyway lets brighten the thread up with graphic pictures......






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the passenger legged it, the driver had bones popping out of his arm, foamy blood out of his mouth, loads of cuts to the head and really weird eyes that moved independantly!

ive found out he was insured!

and Mr foers is looking at it to rebuild it.


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My Spin on this (and I am not known for my overly PC ness :) )

1 - Congratulate yourself on driving what you were and that you are alive, however much the IBEX meant to you (and it will be a lot) it

has not only done its job but may have saved your life, it is however fond of it you are only really metal, metal things

CAN be replaced, you and your assocaited daggly and movey about bits can't so that a big plus and something to rememebr 1st off

2- He is insured, and even if not if you have comp you can claim, argue like hell, and remember FSA regulates insurers, they are scared ****less

of them, so if you feel your being shafted just mention you may complain to the FSA about them, you'll hear the squeal in the background,

don't get shafted .....go as high up in the firm as you can to get what you think is fair, ....just don't try going futher than what is fair


Oh, and 3 - the non PC Bit :lol:

At least matey driving like a **** has seriously hurt himself, and badly by the sounds of it, so a - thats good and b - he might just learn and c- F Good :lol:


Reminds me of a few years ago when a pratt caused me to nearly come off my thunderace and my mate to crash his fireblade, idiot driver who had been on his mobile came rushing over and asked mate if ok, mate says "yes I think so - how about you ?" idiot said "I am fine thanks"

a kick in the **** later and a superb left hook followed by a great upper cut saw matey unconcious on the ground, with the classic "And how about now ?" asked of him.

Police sniggered when they found out, ....no witnesses seemed to want to recall what happened :lol:

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The one downside of the idiot driving the other car being so mashed up is we have to pay for his repairs in hospital and its surgeons like my opther half who will have spent half the night putting said nobber back together and looking after him because its their job, usually at expense of other patients and also their families (I've lost count of the times she is late back cos of emergencies).

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Well put SMO.

Taxpayers will be funding his recuperation :angry:

I sincerely hope that the police were in attendance as it does sound like a driving offence has been commited by the other driver, not just a case of accidents happen but an accident caused in this instance

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what should i do as reguards to an insurance claim?

is it common practice that i insist the car be repaired as it wasnt my fault? or can it only be written off and paid out?

Here's my 2p, I've been in insurance since 1989 and now I am an IFA with contacts in GI and motor claims.

Who is your motor policy with? Most these days sell legal cover with their policies, so dig it out and see if they will pay for a solicitors for you. If you don't have legal expenses cover, go and visit one of the "Where there's blame, there's a claim" solicitors - I can dig out lists of them if you need one.

You are entitled to compensation to return the vehicle to its pre-accident condition or a true substitute. You are entitled to be compensated for your pain and injuries and for any long term effects. You will probably feel much worse in a week as the bruising starts to come out. Keep a record of all of your injuries, who treated you and when. Keep a record of all your damaged gear and claim for that too. The NHS will bill you for the initial treatment, pass the bill to your/the other party's insurers.

Talk to your broker/insurer and ask them to get permission for your vehicle to be repaired and ask them to arrange for a substitute vehicle - this should place some pressure on the other party's insurers to get on with it. (Don't be greedy with the substitute vehicle, what you NEED and no more). Ideally, recover the Ibex to a place you control, as mentioned by others.

Your solicitor should help you pursue the claim to it's conclusion - ultimately sue the scrote; as he's apparently insured, he should press his insurers to settle. If he dies, sue his estate - if he was insured, the insurers have to step in.

Do you have a reliable value for your Ibex? pre and post accident? Ask Mr Foers for one, this will be the basis for the property claim. As most insurance assessors will never have met an Ibex, get them to consult with Mr Foers BEFORE they write their reports. Most won't have the first clue about non-standard vehicles, so don't let them describe it as a LR90.

Good luck, remember right is on your side but it can be a proper pain to get it exercised on your behalf. Owning a Ibex appears to have done you a favour, I cannot see a Clio, Bravo or Corsa surviving that too well.

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When you ask for substitute vehicle , insist that it is similar eg LR90 , discovery , etc as they will likely try and give you a 5 seat saloon eg corsa etc . This will further concentrate their minds on a speedy settlement , as their is a big difference in hire costs . Make sure nothing is missed if you are going to go repair route , which will require , by look of your vehicle will only be possible if you end with settlement that allows you retain wreck and carrying out repairs with your settlement money and it will have total loss classification on its reg details for rest of its life . I dont see ins co repairing that.

You will be better off pushing for best possible settlement amount , and going out and finding a replacement vehicle .

It is very common to find many minor (and not so minor) damaged components after the assesment , and during repair

when dealing with an impact of that magnitude , eg chipped gears in diffs, bearings , hairline fractures in castings causing leaks , thats one of the reasons insurance companies err very much on the cautious side when looking at repairing authorisations . make sure you have removed any personal items of kit , asap pref before assessment . This doesnt include anything that is part of insured value of vehicle , esp if you have fully disclosed as you should have to your ins co , eg winch , stereo system etc .

(Was involved in recovery/ repair for many years) HTSH

p,s, good advice re solicitor by prev post .

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Thanks for all the advice.

so far Mr foers had recieved alot of pictures, hes assesing the damage and then making a decision, is she repairabale? if she is in his opinion hes going to glossop to view the viehicle in the flesh and then write a valuation for the vehicle befor the accident, ill ask him for a quote for a new built 240 and an estimate as to howmuch it will cost for the repairs.

The police rang me last night. the investigator said the scarlet was most certainly on the wrong side of the road, eye witnesses say he was previously overtaking people like an arse. so all in all its his fault and his insurance. Luckily hes alive now, and talking, so he will be chaged with dangerous driving and bye bye to his licence and seeing as hes a ukscarletowners member im guessing hes lost his pride and joy motor. ive even found a picture of him on the website ......

The police assesor will be visiting the garage next week to look at both vehicles and see if they were road worthy befor the accident. ive told the garage and now the police that the ibex isnt to be moved and both have said thats ok and it shall not go anywhere. as soon as the police say the vehicle released im going to have it delived to the yard where itll be locked up. anyone from the insurance will have to ask to do anything with it.

Im going to see the doctors in the morning as im getting more and more sore as time goes on. so its best to go see them and get checked out and have the complaints on record. i can understand a stiff neck and back but not the dizzy spells im getting, i dont think i was unconcious during any part of the crash and i cant see what ive hit my head on going forwards.

so now i guess its just put the case forward, argue the toss, and hope to get get paid out fairly.

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When you ask for substitute vehicle , insist that it is similar eg LR90 , discovery , etc as they will likely try and give you a 5 seat saloon eg corsa etc . This will further concentrate their minds on a speedy settlement , as their is a big difference in hire costs . Make sure nothing is missed if you are going to go repair route , which will require , by look of your vehicle will only be possible if you end with settlement that allows you retain wreck and carrying out repairs with your settlement money and it will have total loss classification on its reg details for rest of its life . I dont see ins co repairing that.

You will be better off pushing for best possible settlement amount , and going out and finding a replacement vehicle .

It is very common to find many minor (and not so minor) damaged components after the assesment , and during repair

when dealing with an impact of that magnitude , eg chipped gears in diffs, bearings , hairline fractures in castings causing leaks , thats one of the reasons insurance companies err very much on the cautious side when looking at repairing authorisations . make sure you have removed any personal items of kit , asap pref before assessment . This doesnt include anything that is part of insured value of vehicle , esp if you have fully disclosed as you should have to your ins co , eg winch , stereo system etc .

(Was involved in recovery/ repair for many years) HTSH

p,s, good advice re solicitor by prev post .

i was told by my insurance after explaining the vehicle use that, the only thing my policy would not insure is any winching equipment, the only 'modification' made to the vehicle is the snokel as ive luckily not had time to start building my vehicle properly yet, so ive been lucky my salisbury axles were'nt on it, nor was my gwyn lewis kit or my 8274!

i understand what your saying about finding damage after the crash, neither of the axle are salvageable, the gear box is gone and the sump was punctured. untill we rip it in bits we wont know what the true damage is, but like most enthusiasts we get attached to out vehicles, the really special thing about this ibex is its the second one ever built so its essentially a prototype and its covered the most miles out of all of them soo im told. To me personally its a very special vehicle and currently a blank canvas.

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