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Land Rover camarederie


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When I had a RRC I got loads of people waving - far fewer with the Discovery I have now. Round where I work in Warwickshire it's crawling with Land Rovers - mostly shiny one's who don't wave back, so I've stopped bothering to wave to anything that isn't obviously used off tarmac.

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I find quite a lot of drivers of all sorts of vehicles flash their lights at me, usually when I'm overtaking. Sometimes they give a special little wave, cautiously - just two fingers, or a circle of indexfinger to thumb, flexing the wrist... :rolleyes:

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I find quite a lot of drivers of all sorts of vehicles flash their lights at me, usually when I'm overtaking. Sometimes they give a special little wave, cautiously - just two fingers, or a circle of indexfinger to thumb, flexing the wrist... :rolleyes:

In which case you probably need to learn to drive, before you do this :rolleyes:

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I wave and get waves when I'm in the Defender, less so when I'm in my P38 RR.

I always forgive Series drivers who don't wave back, I always found I needed to keep both hands firmly on the wheel when driving my Series III at anything over about 20MPH :)

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I miss this. I have been financially forced to ditch my Disco in favour of a very boring Volvo.

It occurred to me on Friday as I was overtaking two tricked up Defenders on the 303 (one called Tango? Anyone on here?) - I'd normally beep and wave. If I had tried that in the Volvo, I would have just been greeted with blank looks.

So, I would like to propose some sort of method of allowing drivers of 'normal' cars to wave at Landys, on the grounds that you want one/have one in bits in the shed/used to have one, but had to get rid...

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Lo and behold after all my bitching I was flashed by a P38 yesterday :lol:

The first LR recognition I've had in 6 months.

James you could stick your hand out the window doing the 'Loser' L with thumb and index finger, err I mean the 'LR' L :P

Don't knock the Volvo, mum just got one with the D5 engine. I wonder about it as a conversion lump. I mean it's five pot and depending on the state of tune as standard it produces between 160 and 200 bhp and up to 300lb ft torque. Nice

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  • 3 weeks later...
I barely wave at RR and the newer types.
I agree - in Munster, Ireland the new RR drivers sneer at an RRC going past.
Freelander owners I barely notice
- True. Too many soccer moms
Pot-bellied grey-haired guys in RR are the worse..
- I'm pot bellied (and proud of it - in Ireland we're known as Fir Bolgs (Stomach men) :)

Around us, anyone in an old Landie will wave at each other. If you drive past an un-recognised RRC, there's a good chance they'll actually stop and talk to you - it's a slower way of life in the Irish countryside - in the city's they'd drive over you.

There's been a few times, when stopped at the side of the road, taking photos, i've actually had other Landy drivers pull in to see if I needed assistance!

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When I had a 'proper' job - I used to pass an Electricity Board 110 Cherry Picker every day on my way to work. Every day I waved at him and every day - he ignored me!

Then, one day, after 5 years - he waved back - and carried on until I jacked in the job in favour of X-Eng!

I now wave at even the grumpiest farmers, Disco & RR owners - and slowly they are coming round.

I've even had a Freelander wave back!

It seems a shame not to include ALL Land Rover Owners in this!


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Where I live in France I'm within 20 minutes of the Swiss border and 30 mins of the German border, In France all Defender drivers wave, the same in Germany but in Switzerland - nothing. Its my mission in life now to get a swiss defender driver to wave at me!

Very enthusiastic following of Land Rovers here, club nearby http://landlorraineclub.free.fr/Le_club.htm

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I'm a relatively new Landy owner .. 10 months with a 110 Defender .. already got several waves, index-finger waves and nods .. and I live in the outskirts of Dublin!! All from Defender owners .. and one Discovery driver (but he's a mate so doesn't really count)! .. Freelander and new Range Rover drivers wouldn't give ya the steam of their pi*s!!

Can't imagine there's many other types of vehicle drivers that would be as friendly .. maybe VW Beetle drivers?!


Mark :D

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Good day all!!

New member, greetings from South Africa, hope you are all well.

Tried my hand in this site's search engine, found nothing. I do apologise if this is a repeat of a previous thread.

Here in South Africa, we do have a very strong sense of brother/sisterhood between the Landy ownders and drivers. Almost without exception on classic models and Defenders we wave/flash lights/hoot at each other. Lesser extent the Disco and newer RR

On one of the local forums, we wondered if there are other places in the world where you do this too?



In Kenya we do this all the time! I have a Rangie 2 door classic and my fiance was tickled at my behaviour the other night. I spotted a green 2 door like mine. we waved at each other, raced down the road together for a while and honked when we finally had to part! and the other driver was more excited than i was lol. And whenever I'm parked somewhere and I spot a "cousin" i insist on going over to say hi. It's always a nice bloke/girl on the other end. Go Rangie!

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Up here in Scotland its normaly defenders/series that wave and flash and that. :)

But when I snapped my front prop some random guy went past in a defender and stopped and offered his assiastance :) which I thought was quite nice of him he even offered to give me one of his wheels and a prop shaft and I didnt even know him lol.

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I wave at anything Defender/Series and anything that's not standard. When I'm driving the freebie nobody waves at me, when I'm driving the 109 they take photos :lol:

Also, as a rule if I see anything with a green oval broken down I will stop and help if I can.

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slight tangent-i pulled over to help a bloke once who had a toyota hit his band new 110-bent the back steps. i offered assistance and he wasnt interested till i said i had one at which point i became his best friend!

i see loads on the a3 at weekends-its like a convoy at times and everyone waves

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I bought my Defender in january 2007 and took it on holiday towing my caravan to Somerset and then back through Wales. We were away for a fortnight. I couldn't believe the amount of other defender drivers that acknowledged us in some way. By the end of the holiday even the wife was waving and the kids thought it was great.

I'd previously owned a disco 3 until a motorbiker came round a bend too quick and hit us so hard it bent the chassis kinking the roof. No one ever waved when i was driving it.

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