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FAO Mr Warne, and KG Watchers

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Dear Mr Warne,

We write to you to inform you that your SHD Kitty Gripper (special awkward piggin' model) is now ready for collection, from our premises


This special one off ....."I dun't want to break it Nige wif me new super carlos fandago motored winch"

.....has been loving built to agreed OTT specifications, by your humble servant ...me..

....and the cost / hours taken it is 'servant 'methinks :lol:

This is :

5mm Heavy Plate spade, ....complete with larger than stad mounts,

machined right through the spade ....and welded on the 4 seams, .....mounts are 6mm and have far longer contact area on the spade


Top Spine, ah yes, ......not your flimsy 2.5mm wall for Mr W this yerknow, - oh no 4mm spine,

with doube loops at the end out of 14mm rod, bent whilst really pi&&ed off and welded with a longer contact area than normal, and plusged at the end to 4mm plate


Main spline, no, not 80x30mm 2.5mm wall, but 2x 40x40 3.5mm wall welded togther, and plated each end in 4mm plate, all holes are drilled and then also tubed with thick wall tube.


So Mr Warne :


Now, get your cheque book out and get you A^se down here to collect it pronto :)

Yours sincerely


KittyGrip Productions :lol:

Oh.....and No ...

I am not building any more, these last few 'specials' are all spoken for, ....

....only did this one for Will W cos I could take any more of the pleading whining begging noises coming down me phone from him :lol:

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You should put up some shelving then there might be less clutter about the place. Paint the brickwork white or a trendy sunshine yellow, it'll add light and a sense of calmness and serenity to the workplace. You might consider hanging your jackets properly too, they look like a bit overdue for a wash as well.

KG Watchers

What makes you think people want to watch Kevin Girling, you a bit wierd Nige?

Les. :P

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You rotten lot :lol:

Does this mean I have to weigh it ? :huh:

Wot I can say is its nowhere near as heavy as my spare tyre !...had to remove everything to clean out the remains of Slindon WCE, and shoved the spare back in today, Jeez a simex 34 is heavy !...then I shoved another of the SHD KG :) in the back to deliver to a mate and its a fraction of the weight !....so ner to you all !

Mr Warne wanted something that would not self destruct (are you listening here Mr L BogBuster ? :lol: ) so I upped all the bits Steve Managed to bend - er thats about every part !

When you go from a 3.2mm spafe to a 5mm spade etc the weight increase is not a lot, but the strength is !

Of all the ones I originally built, all the ones sold to people with anything elctric have been fine, and all those sold to PTO driven or Hydraulic powers ones have twisted and bent.

A mate who bought one has a PTO driven MM (guess who fitted that in :( ) and bent the spade in a frightening way, although in his words "he was being a bit silly - 2 snatch blocs, and extension bottom line pull and not quite square on" saw the spade mounts undo the bend in the V an popped it forward of the outer bends, impressive wish I had taken a pic !.....his comment was when extracted quite a few commented on the welds being 100% complete !

Another I sols to a H14W ownwer saw a huge twist in the main spine, but again he owned up to a snatch block and 45 degree pull :o up a hill . he basically found the LR slid off centre as he was winching up, so he just carried on !.....

I decided that the one I made with my "thang" would prob bend, so I promised that to a forum member ONLY when I had made myself a new HD one, Mr W then jumped up and down excitredly sayingh "me to me to", and then a few others also decided they wanted some, I had just enough steel to do most of them the HD ones (3x) are made from stuff I had to buy in and also had to change the specs to accomadate the wider spine.

And then there Mr BB 'destructor of KGs'.....he still be a ruff a%se and bend these HD ones, maybe I'll knock up one out of solid, Nah, he'd still bugger it up :lol:


And yes, I am a really messy worker.

I have 7 tape measures :P , when I can't find ANY of them it signals a time for a tidy up, .....and this normally takes at least a day, I have be known to use a shovel to "scoop" up spanners and tools from the floor and then "place" on the bench, ....then work meself through the bench stuff .......and keep going until the metal base is found.......hopeless but I'll never change...

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And then there Mr BB 'destructor of KGs'.....he still be a ruff a%se and bend these HD ones, maybe I'll knock up one out of solid, Nah, he'd still bugger it up

So that was a "No" to the loan request then ...? :P:D

Actually I haven't damaged my KG for ages, not since I "modified" the spade with a standard welded down the spine.

come to think of it I haven't been stuck since before Christmas which could also explain that :D

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Thank you VERY much Mr Barker :D:D:D As always, a superbly built bit of kit. My bi*ch has been warned it would be a little on the heavy side but he's assured me he doesn't mind (he may not look it but he's unbeliveably strong). I just need to think about what colour I'm going to paint it now ;)

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