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Les Henson

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Well I think I broke my nose today. :(

I was tightening the rear shock bolt on a Transit pick up - 17mm spanner and a 17mm 1/2" drive socket on a ratchet. Just doing the final grunt to make sure it's tight and the ratchet slips and I belt myself on the bridge of the nose with the ratchet. Not having done this before - it hurts like hell and my eyes are streaming tears. My m8 Roy was wetting himslef laughing as well, the B*******.

So if you break your nose does it go out of line or something? I mean, can you see that it's busted?

It's going a funny colour, and looks a bit swollen, but otherwise looks like a normal nose.

I have a modelling career to think of, and I don't want my stunning good looks ruined.

(mind you, there's still the porn stuff :P )

Sympathetic posts only please. It's wise to rememeber I'm a moderator of this forum :angry:

Les. :)

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Well I think I broke my nose today. :(

I was tightening the rear shock bolt on a Transit pick up - 17mm spanner and a 17mm 1/2" drive socket on a ratchet. Just doing the final grunt to make sure it's tight and the ratchet slips and I belt myself on the bridge of the nose with the ratchet. Not having done this before - it hurts like hell and my eyes are streaming tears. My m8 Roy was wetting himslef laughing as well, the B*******.

So if you break your nose does it go out of line or something? I mean, can you see that it's busted?

It's going a funny colour, and looks a bit swollen, but otherwise looks like a normal nose.

I have a modelling career to think of, and I don't want my stunning good looks ruined.

(mind you, there's still the porn stuff :P )

Sympathetic posts only please. It's wise to rememeber I'm a moderator of this forum :angry:

Les. :)

Broken nose usually means at least some blood and a very much changed appearance. you can also feel that the cartilidge and bone is not where it should be- which is why you have to straighten them up as soon as you can. If the nose feels fine (ie it just feels swollen then don't worry)

if you can feel things moving from side to side then you need to reset the nose ASAP- after your body has begun to set it hurts a **** of alot more.

it is one of the most painful places to hurt- it's also a "spot" to attack in self defense because of how painful it is!

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Well I've punched myself in the face tightening stuff a good half a dozen times, but you've done it good an' proper! unfortunately aint managed to break it so interested where the fine line between smarting and broken is myself :)

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Hi Les

I know how that feels, especially when your outside and cold, it can really hurt :o

my only saving grace being that when ever I've had the mis-fortune of self inflicted blows...........

nobody has been around to actually see the laughable incidents............

although people have seen the resulting nose bleeds immediately afterwards and promptly fell about laughing..................my sister for one. She is a cow for laughing at others in pain. Not because she's sadistic, it's more nerves than anything else. Still, it's not a lot of consolation when your standing there dripping from the boogle ;)

Bloody cable ties have been the worse offenders, snapping just when you give it that last little tug to close it right up, nice and tight............ Booofff !

And, I once gave myself a nose bleed from a new and sticky security device, a removable steering wheel boss...... It was a right bugger to release because the pull out release clips where not worn in. I was trying to pull the release clips out and pull the wheel off square. I was getting myself in a right state, pulling with all my might, when suddenly the whole wheel released at a fast rate of notts towards my face.........abrubtly stopped by my nose................

My sister nearly fell on the floor with laughter when I eventually walked into the lounge holding my new detachable steering wheel, blood drippin and my eyes streaming......I was not amused :angry:

So, I sort of know where your coming from although I don't think I've actually broken my nose.

Hope you feel better soon mate and my little anecdote made you smile

you have my sympathy :)

Kindest Regards, gary :D

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Les trip to A&E please

Swelling is a sure sign of bodily fluid loss i.e. from where it should be to under the skin wear it shouldn't be, the discolouration is also a sign of loss of bodily fluids (blood etc)

Bodily fluid loss can lead to shock and shock to DEATH.............

Also If the outer part of your nose is swelling the inner part must be to and you could have difficulty breathing through your nose

It probably isn't as bad as I'm making out but still get yourself checked over M8


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Must admit I cracked mine something special when the spanner slipped on a steering stop adjuster. Pain to make your eyes water and blood in copious quanities. As ever freezing at the time too which seems to highten the experience.

Can't recall any swelling though and managed to finish the job though it left a lot of blood on te floor. A&E or not? Its the safe call I guess but if its broken they can't do much (put a plaster across it) and surely not many die of a blow to the nose.

Edited to add: ringing NHS direct is a good call if you're in any doubt.

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OK I'll compromise. Les go down to your local Rugby club and have a drink! You'll have plenty of local experts on broken noses on hand to give you an opinion. Also you'll probably have a couple of doctors too and you can see them quicker than you would in A&E.

If it had knocked you unconcious I might not be so blase but worse case you just have a broken nose!! :P


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I didn't laugh (honest!) :lol::lol:

How about the pub next door to the hospital?

You have to try pretty hard to break your nose. Someone else tried pretty hard to break mine once - went to hospital and the ENT chap - pretty much told me not to waste his time! It was quite sore.

Try moving the end around a bit & see if you can feel the jaggy ends of the bone graunching on one another. If you can - it's probably broken. If not, move it around some more until it does ;) .

Even if it is broken, there's not much they can do, other than straighten it a bit. If you thought it was sore before........

Might be worth sticking some ice (frozen peas?) on it to see if it helps take the swelling down. Might be worth getting your mate to stay with you for a while just in case.

Not helping much am I?


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Ok, I'll step in in my professional capacity:

Ice the area as described by Simon. (current evidence no longer that 8 minutes at a time)

Take Ibruprofen to reduce the inflammation.

If your nose is displaced (as described before) then get it seen to and maybe relocated. (Maybe!)

You may want to take some decongestants to help you breath tonight!

I always find a pint helps too!!!! (NB: NSAID's (Ibruprofen) and Alcohol are not meant to be mixed. - Make you a bit drowsier.)

Got to be worth a few days off work though!

(NHS direct won't really be much help, you've already had the best advice from members on this forum)

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Ditto all the above except for the drinking bit.

Although they may not be able to do anything for the nose it is important to get it x rayed incase of damage to cheek bones and eye sockets.

If it bleeds DO NOT tip your head backwards! pinch (yes i know it hurts) at the bridge of the nose and keep your head down.

Dont blow your nose to get rid of any muck and get some aintibiotics incase of infection.

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Well I think I broke my nose today. :(

I was tightening the rear shock bolt on a Transit pick up - 17mm spanner and a 17mm 1/2" drive socket on a ratchet. Just doing the final grunt to make sure it's tight and the ratchet slips and I belt myself on the bridge of the nose with the ratchet. Not having done this before - it hurts like hell and my eyes are streaming tears. My m8 Roy was wetting himslef laughing as well, the B*******.

So if you break your nose does it go out of line or something? I mean, can you see that it's busted?

It's going a funny colour, and looks a bit swollen, but otherwise looks like a normal nose.

I have a modelling career to think of, and I don't want my stunning good looks ruined.

(mind you, there's still the porn stuff :P )

Sympathetic posts only please. It's wise to rememeber I'm a moderator of this forum :angry:

Les. :)

Should have been useing a "proper ratchet". For this very reason you won't find anything but mac and snapon in my ratchet drawer.

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So certain makes of ratchet are guaranteed to slip are they? Nothing to do with the socket slipping off by pure accident on a corroded nut that's a bit smaller because of said corrosion. I'll go and buy snap-on and that way I'll never hurt myself ever again.

You have a strange logic there.


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Les, that'll teach you to go looking for sympathy from this lot, b4 you know it you're consigned to the scrap bin :D . I suspect if you can come inside & share your misfortunes with us it not life threatening, I'd have that pint & get it checked out Monday if you still think you need to. Theres some good advice but if you try to follow all of it you probably go into a coma ;);)

ATB, Steve.

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No there aren't any pictures Mr Cordell! :angry:

There's no way I would put pictures of it on here anyway. It feels a lot better this morning, so maybe I got off lightly. No blood and no black eyes (yet).

Les. :)

You could be lucky Les,

Ive broken my nose twice and you would never know, chiseled good looks still here!

(although it clicks loudly if I wiggle it - nose that is)

I know some one who broke theirs and its a total deformity now!

I dont hang around with nutters, just 20 odd years of judo has taken its toll now and again.

I was once in a comp and in the first round a dirty fighter (read 24 stone nail chewing russian) elbowed me in the nose, one lost fight, plenty of paramedic attendance, lots of blood and swelling I carried on to the next fight. I was so nervous of getting hit in the nose again (as it was hurting like hell) that I was only fighting at 60% so when this powerhouse of a man went for a full on attack, I turned to my side, gave a feable attempt of a counter attack, he picked me up, threw me on my side, for a "BIG" throw, then just for show, landed on top of me, during all of this, my belt had slipped around, so I landed on my ribs on my belt knot with him landing on top, so had me of 20 stone + 18 stone of the other fighter all against my ribs.

In two (so called controlled fights) I had a broken nose and 4 broken ribs - that was a painful day :(

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Oh Les, how terrible :ph34r:

Sorry :) but as I read it I was wondering if we were, in some small way related :lol:

mi7.gif , no, I musn't ....no really this is serious ..............and you shouldn't laugh..... really you shouldn't

Go on, sing us

"Sing a song of sixpence ...." :D

Seriously Les, get it checked out, if you haven't already, you nose it makes sense ....

oh ........and is the socket ok ?

Nice knowing you all, shame about my (up and coming) painfull death mi7.gif

Nige :lol:

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