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OT - My appologies to BT


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Yesterday about 10:05 my ADSL went down, been working perfectly for months. Never mind, something to sort when I get home. Well after several hours on the phone to the BT support desk (in India which really doesn't help) I'm told the line is ok and it must be my equipment. This after those questions like what OS are you runng which really pee's me off cos with wired and wireless in the house I've got multiple flavors of windows, linux and now Mac OSX and even Windows Mobile 2005 piggy backed off the broad band. Anyway we went through the ritual of turning 'the computer' off and on again, unpluggin ghe wires and putting them back, and one support member did to their credit help me confirm all the settings in my Conexant router (which they won't support) so I'm finaly eft being told to call my modem provider. Argh..

So dig out the old BT supplied alcatel unit (they supplied it they should suport it), load the s/w plug in the usb and let window do its thing with drivers. Big mistake, this causes XP to blue screen. Hmm, lets try it on the laptop. Install software, plug in usb modem, let windows do its thing,..... blue screen.

Well not to be beaten I call BT again and tell them my line is still down and I can't get the BT supplied modem (supplied in 2001 I should add) to work. Well that wasted a few more hours proving only that I could reliably blue screen any XP box I wished to and I'm now told that modem must be dud too, they won't support my Conexant and I should ring an 0800 number to order a new one they will support. By now its nearing 11:00 today, 25 hours of downtime!!!

So off to work, get in the office only to find the Uni with some several thousand users is suffering a network outage. My day is not going well.

Gets to lunchtime, normal service has been restored and I call the 0800 number, speak to several BT staff tell them the storey and how I must buy another modem but they can expect me to be calling them back shortly after delivery because India say the new modem is duff too. Of course this tends to make them want to pass the buck but eventually it stops and I get to order a BT approved modem, supported by India and to some releif it is only £25. Downside is it might be here for Friday so that's at least four days of downtime (not that I'm an intenet addict or somesuch :ph34r:

Arrive home tonight, late as usual, to be told the phone is now down as well. No internet, no phone, this isn't real.

But Chris knows why (and of course on checking its the same reason the adsl is down). And the reason is?

Well I'm almost too embarressed to tell you ....

So changing the subject, what's been happening on the forum :D

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Your rabbit has eaten the telephone wires???

Thats what happened last time mine escaped and the broadband wouldnt work!!!


You've got it Jon :D

I'm begining to think the rabbit is really something very dangerous just disguised in a cute fluffy body to confuse me.

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You've got it Jon :D

I'm begining to think the rabbit is really something very dangerous just disguised in a cute fluffy body to confuse me.


Dont know what it is about bunnies but mine have always had a fetish for telephone wires more than any other type!!!

Split conduit is wonderful stuff and now protects all the wires in my house! Hasnt stopped the little sod eating the carpet though!!!


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You've got it Jon :D

I'm begining to think the rabbit is really something very dangerous just disguised in a cute fluffy body to confuse me.

You could always get your own back. Rabbit casserole is delicious :D

I believe there was a recipe on the old forum which could probably be adapted? :lol:

is it white with big sharp pointy teeth?

What, behind the rabbit?

Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!

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Rabbits & wires, you haven't seen the latest Wallace & Gromit film then? looks like Trev has a case of the 'Curse of the wire [sp?] rabbit'

Oh very good!!!! :-)

Now I'll just hop off!


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