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Wiltshire TRO Proposal


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Consultation on proposed Prohibition of Driving, Various Byways, Ludgershall and Chute


Comments are invited from interested parties on the proposal for a Prohibition of Driving, Various Byways, Ludgershall and Chute, details of which are set out in the documents attached to this page.


Email your INDIVIDUAL objections to alison.stewart@wiltshire.gov.uk

We need as many single objections as possible - this is a very emotive proposal - lots of discussion on the Trailbike mag forum here http://www.trailbikemag.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15306 and was also subject to Charlie Thorns column in the November issue of Land Rover Monthly.

In effect it appears that the landownder has been promised the lane will be closed for him to enjoy it without being disturbed by legitimate users!

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What has everyone writen then im assuming you have to give reasons for your objection?


I put something like.... I agree with byways being closed with a TRO for repairs etc but permanant vehicular bans are not agreeable as byways should be open to all users to enjoy the unique English countryside together and non-vehicular use will change the character of these ancient roads for ever. Many byways are now very overgrown because vehicle access has been stopped and they have become nothing more than footpaths used by occasional walkers.

Was something like that anyway, bloody council didnt return my e-mail for some reason but counted my objection none the less.

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Objected, my main upset was all the reasons were totally generic - things such as 'vechicular use detracts from the charcter of the area' and 'vehicle use causes wear to the right of way' could be applied to every single lane, road, motorway etc in the UK. I can understand reasons such as the lane becomes water logged in winter, or fly tipping has been a problem, but the reasons for this one just seem like ' lets make some stuff up and get another lane closed'.

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