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How to stop my 90 being nicked.

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I have nearly finished by 90 project, 300TDI CWS rebuild from the ground, with Galv chassie, galv bulkhead and galv every other bit on a landy that rots! Any how it looks brilliant and i am very happy with it but i cant help worrying that somebody else migh like it as well. What have other people done to stop the landys getting nikced? Thanks Jim.

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I have nearly finished by 90 project, 300TDI CWS rebuild from the ground, with Galv chassie, galv bulkhead and galv every other bit on a landy that rots! Any how it looks brilliant and i am very happy with it but i cant help worrying that somebody else migh like it as well. What have other people done to stop the landys getting nikced? Thanks Jim.

It won't stop it being nicked but window etching is just another PITA for whoever considers yours over the next one. I used a tiny Dremel stone wheel to do all the glass in my 110

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:( If they want it they will take it I live with that constant worry, so much so i thinkin of selling it and gettin an old series 11 sorry cant help but what i said is true

Agreed (apart from the getting rid bit!) if they're really determined they'll get it, BUT....

i used to work with young offenders, mainly twockers so i did (surprisingly) learn a lot from them!

i'd recommend doing as much as possible, basically anything that is a convenience for you, is a convenience for a theif, so use something as a mechanical immobiliser like Meck-lock, as well as something highly visible like a crooklock, -you can also play about with things like hidden fuel/battery cut off switches.

what you want to do is try and make it so it's more trouble than it's worth. look at your own situation -where it's parked, where it gets left etc and decide what fits your requirements best, eg; if you fit an alarm, will anyone hear it? and more importantly, will anyone care? if thats the case then go for more immobilisation stuff, so that even if they get in they can't move it anywhere.

i spent over £600.00 putting several different security devices on mine. defenders are so easy to nick with the standard OE stuff. Also don't forget some kind of security bolts for external nickable items like winches/winch bumpers.

HTH :)

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I have nearly finished by 90 project, 300TDI CWS rebuild from the ground, with Galv chassie, galv bulkhead and galv every other bit on a landy that rots! Any how it looks brilliant and i am very happy with it but i cant help worrying that somebody else migh like it as well. What have other people done to stop the landys getting nikced? Thanks Jim.

I think not posting too much about my own security measures on an open forum is a good first step!

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hidden switch for your starter motor solenoid exciter wire that goes to the ignition is always a good one.

They can pull the ignition barrel out and do their thing with the wires - but if that switch aint flicked, starter will not turn!

Where you put that switch is up to you. Some hide them, some re-use an existing switch etc.

Battery cut off switch is also worth having if you dont mind losing your radio settings every time.

But as others have said - its all about deterent. If it looks like it'll take 30 minutes to pinch, and one down the road will only take 10 - then yours will be safe(er).

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I do get frustrated with these posts. You want to give advice, but first post and asking for security advice. Its probably all innocent, but sometimes you wonder (no offence to the original poster). But there is no location above or any introduction on the forum with some pics of his beloved and the re-build all of which we would be interested in - those would at least let us know that the OP has a landy.

Best thing would be if a few local forum members discussed these security measures with him in person with their landies sat in front of them!

On landrovernet recently, a new poster asked how to hotwire a landrover. Again, first post, no introduction, no location, no pics of their landy....initially no replies until some clever soul (ex member here i beleive) said 'its unwise to discuss this openly on the forum. PM sent.....'!!

Jim - i'm not suggesting you want advice on how to steal a landy (it sounds like you do have a beloved landy, but re-assure us a little before asking for advice and maybe meet up with some local forum members to discuss...)

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Battery cut off switch is also worth having if you dont mind losing your radio settings every time

you used to be able to get a disconnect switch with a separate fused wire to supply clocks etc.....think it was called dis-car-nect or something similar.

best bet for battery knock out is a standard type isolator switch with removable key, or even a proper key switch. just run a small 5 amp fused supply to keep clock and radio settings.

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As has been suggested a variety of measures is a good idea.

Some other ideas:

If the vehicle has an electric fuel pump, install a hidden cutoff switch for that.

You could also use a fuel solenoid valve to cut off the fuel supply on TDI vehicles that have a mechanical pump.

Visible items are also good, ie a disklok on the wheel.

On the "we're giving theifs a helping hand" point, i disagree. Even if a thief came on here and read up about fuel solenoids and how to bypass starter cutouts etc, a) he doesnt know what you've done to your particular vehicle, and b) he doesnt know where the respective devices are hidden.

If a thief is intent enough on your vehicle, they wont mess around on a forum trying to snoop out what you've done, they'll turn up with a HIAB, lift it and drive off, and if they cant get at it on your drive, they'll follow you to work and lift it there.

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The Mechlock is very good but not cheap.

A hidden switch to the fuel cut off will also work well, if any one trys to hot wire it, it will appear to be a very bad starter.

None of this will stop some one just towing it off but as other's have said all you really need to do is make it so difficult its not worth the effort and they move on to something else. Multiple systems some obvious some hidden works well.

One thing that was suggested a while ago was instead of a siren (or as well as) a smoke bomb works well, no one notices a car alarm but a car with smoke billowing out will attract attention just make sure you done get any false alarms!. You can get smoke bombs from building merchants which produce non toxic smoke for testing chimneys etc.

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PLEASE don't anyone post a list of what security their vehicle has

The post was asking what others have done, and i guess asking whats recommended.

At the end of the day it's down to the individual to decide how valuable their baby is, and how much time and money they think its worth. personally i don't think spending a few hundred pounds on security, on a vehicle thats worth several thousand pounds is money wasted.

though i did recently hear someone say; "disclocks? i couldn't be ar**ed with putting one of those on" thats the very attitude that leads to an empty parking space and a very bad feeling of regret.

It's funny, people seem more than happy to spend hundreds on winches, big tyres and armour, but are seemingly skint when it comes to security! :rolleyes:

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You need to consider the items carefully though, as even with all the kit and the best intentions in the world, if its mega hassle fitting it all, then you wont bother half the time. And its that one occasion where you leave them off when it will vanish.

A disklok is up there on the hassle list, however its a VERY good deterrent, as they're quite time consuming to get off, and very visible, so might make them not bother at all

The Mechlock on the other hand is discreet, they'll never notice its there until AFTER they've broken in, smashed the ignition to pieces, started it and tried to drive off. So it might make the difference between losing it or not, but its not acted as a deterrent in the first place.

Everyones solutions will differ as everyone has different levels of patience. Just look at the whole picture:

You want something(s) to deter them in the first place (ie disklok, stickers, flashing lights),

something to draw attention if they DO break in (an alarm, doesnt have to be some £300 cobra doodah, a cheapo alarm with a pair of mahoosive sirens tacked on will both attract attention and give them a good blast in the ear hole, or even simpler, on a mates car i wired a spare foglamp switch to the car horn, turn the switch on when you get out, and if the ignition comes on with the switch still "on" the horn starts blasting.),

and some immobilization devices to stop them taking it should they ignore the first two and try to start it/drive off.

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Hi everyone just thought id post a comment.

like it is said if they want it they will have it, when i had my defender i was told by some friend that they eared some local chavs talking about my defender saying they were going to take it, so i started to park it behind my girlfrieds car to as you say make it harder for them then i bit the bullet and paid for a tracker to be fitted which in the unfortunate event it did end up being stolen then i would have a good chance in retrieving it.

what the weak point mainly is the locks as they are very inadequate so i diconected mine in the end and left it on the central locking.

(if anyone thinks that i am posting what ive got done to mine i have no longer got it so it would not be any use to anyone knowing what i had done to mine)

the disklock is a good deterant but you can get them off with ease i wont put how but i tried it on mine and it came off within minutes and also didt damage anything, the best device is a removal steering wheel so you can take it with you.

sorry for going on but the police are a joke and there is no deterrent at all, at one point all young lads were driving around in defenders an im not kinding some were definate ringers i saw one which looked like a xs 90 on a tax exempt plate!!! an the kid driving it was no older then 17. the police to be fair did clamp down on them and there were lots confiscated and taken away on flatbeds,(results at last) but no with in weeks they had them back, i had to ask one kid about one he had and he said they took it and said it had stolen parts on it but because the car the parts came from had been paid out by the insurance he could buy it back for £500 and also the best bit the have given him a age related plate!!! what a joke so the police are now basically saying steal a landrover ring it up and then buy it back from us for pitance and we will make it legal for your. it makes you sick

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i leave my 200 tdi 90 open all the time because i dont see the point in locking it . plus it would take 2mins for a pro theif to nick it they are preety standard in their theft devices . mind i live in a low crime area . But she is my pride and joy and would be gutted if it got knicked .

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Reb78 said

"I do get frustrated with these posts. You want to give advice, but first post and asking for security advice. Its probably all innocent, but sometimes you wonder (no offence to the original poster). But there is no location above or any introduction on the forum with some pics of his beloved and the re-build all of which we would be interested in - those would at least let us know that the OP has a landy. "

No offence taken, however with this being an open forum and my first time on one, i was a little worried about posting my location with pictures of my new build 90 while letting every body know that i need to beef up its security!

I am very proud f my new 90 and once i have worked out how, i would love to share my build with you, what i have done and show you some pictures. Thanks for the advice Jim.

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Wire a fuse in parallel with the cut off.

That way, the car remains "live" even with the switch off, but the moment anything with a large current draw kicks in, it blows the fuse.

On the one hand, it'd be a pain because I bet you'd forget the switch was off sometimes, but it would also provide "evidence" of having been tampered if you came back and found the fuse blown. I guess you could use a circuit breaker instead of a fuse also - save having to carry a million spare fuses!

Battery cut off switch is also worth having if you dont mind losing your radio settings every time.

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I appreciate the sense in not putting personal details of your own vehicle up on a public forum but it would also be good if definite waste of time measures were highlighted i.e. XYZ brand chocolate security chains or T*sco value car alarm. Could save a load of time/money/effort

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Can i just say mechlock isnt a deterant if it only locks off the clutch,

i have driven trucks with crash boxes and many a landy without a clutch just put her in gear first then turn the key or hotwire it and as long as the revolutions in the box of the next gear your trying to select match the engine then hey presto she just clicks in ... my favourite was to have a quick release steering wheel ... oh and i speak from experience when i say if it wont start and clutch wont go in then a towing straight bar, a mate and two flurescent jackets make you look like recovery especially when its parked up on edge of town while you go shopping , or a car transporter trailer and a winch works wonders even if you get caught "oh sorry mate i must have the wrong reg" works a treat.

oh i also found this very effective a two tone air horn off an old ambulance wired to a secret switch and to your door pin switches scares the life out of them and instead of the neighbours or passers by thinking its just another alarm they actually come look...how many curtains twitch when the rozzers turn up!

As you can tell many moons ago i knew some not so nice charicters but as the grandad used to say "keep your friends close but your enemies closer"

sorry if i have offended anyone just trying to help in spotting the little rotters and what they really dont like.

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Meck lock locks the clutch in neutral, so you have to realise it is there before dipping the clutch the first time in order to know not to use the clutch. Theory i suppose is that they spend a while trying to start the vehicle, get it going, try to drive it and jam it in neutral and go nowhere. It all adds to the time on the drive they spend risking getting discovered - esp if they decide to continue to figure out why it wont go.

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The Mech lock works very well I used to work for a recovery firm that is in London all the time and all their trucks were fitted with the mech lock and we were told to turn the key and remove it when we were working as our trucks needed the engine running in neutral with the pto in to work the hydraulics and we could be 40 feet away winching a car on.... the device stopped some scrote jumping in the cab and driving off with £60 grands worth of recovery truck + the car your were recovering......very worth the money

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