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State of Engine

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Just curious to see what was inside before any work is done or a decision is made on what needs to be done to the 3.5 efi lump in my Def. :huh:


What do you guys think of these photos.? Hope you can see ok

I've got less treacle in my intercooler pipes on the Disco (still not done :P ) than I have under here!

It's bitty as well as sticky which is a bit worrying....

Is it just a high mileage, running hot or lack of maintenance? do you think?

The previous keeper said the engine was refurbished 5000 miles ago :(

Er Hmmm!

What's the best action? Engine out strip and clean adding in some spicy bits at that time of start looking for a bigger lump?m

Ran lumpy as hell on cold start up but really sweet when warm but gutless if I recall.

Compression test I suppose would be a start to decide whether it's worth working with.....

What do you reckon?




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There's no way that engine was refurbished 5000 miles ago. That build-up is over years of poor service. There's no way you could safely use the likes of engine flush to clean it up - lumps will block the oil pump pick up and wreck the engine. The only way to clean it is to strip the entire engine and clean the parts individually. I would walk away if I was you, unless he's giving it away :)

Lack of maintenance, 100%


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Thanks for the feedback. Bit of a bummer to find that sort of thing hidden away. :angry:

Not easy to ask to take a rocker cover off when your trying and buying!

Still that's history and need to move on. If you guys all think that it has to be a rebuild or another unit - is this 3.5 worth the effort and cost to bring it back?

...as say compared to a Bigger lump then. :huh:

Anyone recommend a good reliable source of larger RV8's ?

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When looking next time I guess you *could* depending on how good your sense of smell is, just take off the oil filler cap and have a sniff. The last rover that i saw like that smelt pretty minging too- whiffed heavily of burnt oil.

I'd agree with what has been said- take it out, clean it up (fairy power spray and a hose- just dont leave it on there too long) and see whats what.

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One of my customers had a Ford Orion engine that was like that. He put an additive in the oil to clean it and drove off. A couple of miles later the engine siezed. I took the sump off and the oil strainer was almost completeley blocked with black tarry substance. There's nothing you can do to an engine in that consdition except leave it alone, completeley strip it down, or replace it.


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Ooooh, can we play trumps?


This 3.9 a lot of problems beyond the obvious but I did get it running again. Not really worth the trouble though. I'd go find another one in better health next time.

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What would you average V8 look like under the rockers? Mine's a 175,000 miler and I am thinking that it won't be in much better state, would like to keep the engine as it's a factory fit engine.

It would totally depend on the maintenance it's had. The pic I posted about was from a 175k miler. That said, when I bought my V8 Ninety @40k, its original 3.5 didn't look far different inside.

V8s really do need their oil changes regularly. I think the book says every 6k miles, but I've always changed between 3-4k.

A well looked after engine should look pretty clean aluminium colour inside, but real world ones in fair shape will have a browny/gold tint to the innards. When it starts to get dark brown/black and goopy it's a sure sign that major things need attention.

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Ooooh, can we play trumps?


This 3.9 a lot of problems beyond the obvious but I did get it running again. Not really worth the trouble though. I'd go find another one in better health next time.

Ok Ok you win - but mine's still in the truck!! :D

Most covers that I've lifted if it's been black its been shiny oil black not the gritty, tarry sludge that this is. A flush out and you're back to metal but as Les says no chance here unless it's taken completely apart.

I'd go find another one in better health next time.

If you can't confirm its history, until lifting a cover, how would you know? :blink:

Aragorn: If the oils been changed regularly, it should be fine, they only get like that thru neglect!

I am in total agreement!

I am inclined also to assume that the rest of the unit is likely to be unworthy of restoration due to that previous owners fibs and that neglect.

It was our intention, on the basis that it was recently reconditioned!!, to use this (modest) engine and to complete our truck with a blower and charge cool.

Now we have found the state of this unit is not immediately worthy, and I think that the vibes are to not throw good earnings after bad, that we need to find a good, more torqy unit and then work up from there.

So where do you start looking for a 'known' say, 3.9 or 4.2 that might come with some guarantee?

I have been lucky enough to have a chat with another knowledgeable member about the obvious other option (if we have to get another unit anyway) to follow the LS1 route. Negates the requirement for any forced induction but then with all the ramifications of getting one of those into the 90 and mating it up may out way the rv8 options.

That's why I wanted to ask if this 3.5 looks 'us' to you guys and not worthy of working with and / or if I did use this one would it be any good in the end any case - being an old 3.5! :unsure:

Long winded I know but you get the gist. ;)

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This is pretty much why i decided against a rover powerplant for my rebuild.

The engine design is old, and they just dont last. As you've realised, spending money rebuilding a 3.5 is pointless, your better off starting with a larger engine. Problem is most 3.9's you're going to find are going to be in need of TLC. The later serpentine engines fair a little better due to the newer oil pump, but then your into the 4.0 and 4.6 units which are basically ticking timebombs, if the block hasnt cracked yet, it will, and you'll be out a grand or two fitting a set of top hat liners.

The only way your guaranteeing yourself a good engine, is to build a late spec motor up in a top hat linered block, and if you do that, your dropping many thousands into it.

So yes, the LS1 might seem expensive, but unlike the rover, its actually a good engine.

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