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The Hunt for a Waterproof V8

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hahahahahaha well my trucks all green again now thanks!

I tried mine a couple of months ago in the pond at Slab and had water right up over the bonnet without any sign of a misfire. I even managed to stall it in the middle (dont ask) and it re-started instantly in the middle of the lake, first turn of the key.

As to the heater I blame landrover poxy wire colours all matched up, I wired it up and the fan ran. It never crossed my mind it would run backwards.........still we could say alot about a certain person hybrid couldnt we that blew fuses all the time due to the shocking electrics!


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still we could say alot about a certain person hybrid couldnt we that blew fuses all the time due to the shocking electrics!


It always crosses my mind when I see these threads, that you two blokes have each got far more dirt on the other one's cockups than could ever be posted on any forum :D

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It always crosses my mind when I see these threads, that you two blokes have each got far more dirt on the other one's cockups than could ever be posted on any forum :D


I suppose most call it "friendly banter"...........

Nige takes the biscuit though - when he cocks things up he does it in style.........scampi and chips anyone?


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I was also thinking of a cetain "Winch Challenege" on the IOW.

Having reversed and winched up a bank of sand taking far too long.....


I ran out of petrol <cough> having to send Jons Girlfriend shopping with a can :lol:

I am sure this had a a bearing on us coming 2nd :lol:


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Nev - I tried to tell him :rolleyes: mind you, now he has to get more fuel in to keep up with the big sparks I reckon the Lucas is on borrowed time :P

Plus (amazingly) Nige has managed to do something electronic without setting fire to his truck or blowing his engine up - there'll be no stopping him now :ph34r: although let's hope he doesn't take the same approach to soldering as he does to welding :blink:

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I had the pleasure off seeing GeoffB's EDIS installation at the weekend.

Very impressed with the smooth running.

Deffo one for the wish list.

One question though. Nigel - why did you make the toothed wheel from scratch, rather than modding a transit piece like Geoff ?

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A serial port, as in RS-232. You can get USB-to-serial adapters for pennies for laptops without serial ports, but results are varied.

Best bet is a ~£100-250 Panasonic Toughbook off of eBay, luckily my work laptop is a toughbook although I did have to explain to the boss how I got mud on the last one :ph34r:

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One question though. Nigel - why did you make the toothed wheel from scratch, rather than modding a transit piece like Geoff ?

Reason 1

Cos I hadn't seen what Geoff had done mit lump of transit, otherwise I may have gone that route too :(:angry::lol:

Reason 2.

My Trigger wheel is 6mm plate, transit is 1.5mm :P


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A serial port, as in RS-232. You can get USB-to-serial adapters for pennies for laptops without serial ports, but results are varied.

Best bet is a ~£100-250 Panasonic Toughbook off of eBay, luckily my work laptop is a toughbook although I did have to explain to the boss how I got mud on the last one :ph34r:

As far as I know both my desk tops and my laptop have serial ports whether they work I have no idea

So if I took a ecu out it's a simple job of the two being connected with a serial cable. Laptop one end Ecu the other

so what software is required?

I don't have a ecu or the need to do this it just a fact finding session :D

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Reason 1

Cos I hadn't seen what Geoff had done mit lump of transit, otherwise I may have gone that route too :(:angry::lol:

You really should pay more attention Nige :P:D

Reason 2.

My Trigger wheel is 6mm plate, transit is 1.5mm :P

Only 1mm actually - which just happens to sandwich nicely between the harmonic damper and pulley stack :) I take it there wasn't room for more anything more than 6mm? :P

As far as I know both my desk tops and my laptop have serial ports whether they work I have no idea

So if I took a ecu out it's a simple job of the two being connected with a serial cable. Laptop one end Ecu the other

so what software is required?

I don't have a ecu or the need to do this it just a fact finding session :D

Are you certain they have serial ports? Desktops are still quite likely to have them, but they're pretty rare on laptops these days. They look very similar to video ports...

There are two or three different software packages on the Megasquirt site - Megatune (windows only) and Megatunix (runs on pretty much anything) are the main ones, there is also at least a Palm variant. Megatunix is far slicker looking and seems to be more robust, but I find Megatune more useful as you can edit things offline then upload them to the ECU. Megatune does crash sometimes though.

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Reason 1

Cos I hadn't seen what Geoff had done mit lump of transit, otherwise I may have gone that route too :(:angry::lol:

Reason 2.

My Trigger wheel is 6mm plate, transit is 1.5mm :P


So if I was to show you this link you'd really kick yourself ?

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For a V8 (not sure if all pulleys are the same) I FINALLY ended up with 150mm OD 68.and a bit ID, John Ws is a better fit at 155mm, mine is actually a tad undersize, so fitting the VR Sensor was a bit more of a pain as I had to turn up the back bit I was going to bin, and use it as a spacing washer - erm actaully used 2 in the end !

1mm ? even worse :P

MegaJolt - all the software (simple to use) is free and on the site needs Xp and a serial port.

John has an earlier version of the software which apparently is better as its more stable (mine needs closing and opening if you switch engine off etc)

Just awaiting a date for the rolling road, hopefully next week :) see what Mark Adams can do to it :rolleyes:


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So if I took a ecu out it's a simple job of the two being connected with a serial cable. Laptop one end Ecu the other so what software is required?

Yes - Software is free from the MegaSquirt site, serial cables are easily available or easily made, 3-core mains flex will do nicely for the authentic HfH over-engineering feel ;)

MegaTune is the Windows version. MegaTunix, as the name suggests, was written for Unix / Linux and has been compiled for several different applications. I'm trying to persuade my mate to compile a version for the GameBoy Advance as it would rock having one of those as a dashboard :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

To you guys that have made/bought/adapted the trigger wheels -

- how did you index it to the correct position? is there a keyway?

- from the link that Moglite posted, which would you go for? 5.75", 6.5" / solid, slotted?

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Nope. Read the megajolt page and it'll explain how to align it. Basically needs to be so many degrees on from TDC as related to the crankshaft sensor position.

Mines 155mm dia IIRC. As Nige found out none of the bought ones are an ideal fit.

Mines slotted to allow adjustment such that you can get the timing spot on.



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I am afriad I was involved in heavy "3 Bear engineering"


1st :

too big :angry:


centre screwed up :angry::angry:


Just right (well no not 100% but near a ****ing Nuff :lol: ) :(:unsure:

I did 37 teeth, then ground out the 37th, leaves 36 and a space, and it was a !"£$%^&*() pig to do :angry:

Then to the lathe and a centre weas done, all in all a silly amount of hours. :angry::angry:

Now the real Q is could a 3 phase CNC punch be fitted to a SP supply in a 3 bed semi :D cheaply too :(

Ah well there yer go............. :ph34r:

Nige :P

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