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Fastest Winch With Freespool ?


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Our centre winch is a bit slow and i can't activate freespool from within the cab... So tempted in changing it.

Which brings me to two questions :

Which winch is relatively fast and has an in cab (preferably air) freespool option - it has to be able to spool off freely, due to going through the centre hawse and then 90 degrees off to the winch man.

It can't be an 8274 as i only have a mount point for the normal style.

What are the goodwinch tds's like ? How freely do the drums rotate in freespool ? And how fast are they winching in with / without load ?

I run a 5.5 yellow top 12v with 100A alt and don't wish to upgrade the electrics any more as my front n rear winches are hydraulic.

We currently have a britpart 9500 in their, and as much as this may come as a surprise it is damn reliable and always worked - just a little slow !



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can't speak from actually use but a friend of mine has the goldfinch TDs with air spool and he also has the 24 volt conversion box David offers and that is superb.

when he has the 24v conversion box in it is quicker than my standard 8274 which has a Bow 1 on it. His free spool is air operated and seems to be ok but never bitched for him so can't talk from experience. I know I would happily put it in as my middle. Wether you need the 24v box on it is optional as in 12V it seems to work just as well and if he is ever doing any heavy pulls he leaves it in 12V.

I am sure someone shall be along shortly though with some actual experience.


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The TDS is a good winch - We ran one with the air freespool on the rear of our truck for quite some time.

The freespool disengages the drive from the gearbox, so the drag is still fairly significant - it is nothing like as free as the drum based freespools available for the 8274. This is nothing to do with the air freespool, just the design of the winch - the addition of air just actuates the standard freespool lever.

We run an ep9 in the centre and have no issues with it - this is basically the same winch as the tds. Freespool will be going on it at some point (same unit as the tds one) but it's not that high on our list of priorities.



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Freespool on the TDS can be.... very free, or not very free in my experience.

When I first installed it, it was hardly worth using freespool as it was not the one fingered job that David likes to demonstrate it is, it was a full on pull with one arm. After a few uses and removal and refits it was a lot lot better.

Then.... I was trying a bit too hard to get up a mud bank, which the winch bumper was smacking into a bit, the next time I went to use the winch I fell over it was so free... not sure what I did but it seems the mount is very important to these winches.

I have since serviced the winch and replaced the rather sticky grease with a much lighter one, with PTFE in it to help the freespool further, haven't tried it yet, but seems to move OK by hand :)

As for speed, it's about the fastest lowline around IIRC, especially if kitted with a Bowmotor 1/2.

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Cheers for the replies.

I do have a superwinch X9 with bow 1 that needs an overhaul, but not sure how fast this is ?

Zim, whats to stop you putting in a milemarker Type R or similar for the centre winch?

i've fallen over a few times recently :lol: so it's used for getting me back on my wheels !


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Just a thought

I have T'd in the ARB lines on both my front and rear hydro winches with a Air ram,

some tubing and a couple of soleniods and switches I have remote (ie in cab) enage / disenage freespools on both

and they iz loverley, mine were bodged up out of bits here and there so cheap made from carefully

selected and crafted sh1te given begged borrowed removed from skip aquired parts, so isn't expensive, use the same ram for both and just

carry 1 spare if needed ?


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Freespool on the TDS can be.... very free, or not very free in my experience.

When I first installed it, it was hardly worth using freespool as it was not the one fingered job that David likes to demonstrate it is, it was a full on pull with one arm. After a few uses and removal and refits it was a lot lot better.

Then.... I was trying a bit too hard to get up a mud bank, which the winch bumper was smacking into a bit, the next time I went to use the winch I fell over it was so free... not sure what I did but it seems the mount is very important to these winches.

I have since serviced the winch and replaced the rather sticky grease with a much lighter one, with PTFE in it to help the freespool further, haven't tried it yet, but seems to move OK by hand :)

As for speed, it's about the fastest lowline around IIRC, especially if kitted with a Bowmotor 1/2.

Im glad someone else finds the same thing with their TDS mine is exactly the same! I was starting to think there was something wrong with mine, I have even taken it apart and all looks fine :blink::)


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Can't really say that for sure, only giving my impressions of it, though it does seem to be pretty sensitive to how it is mounted/straightness of the mount.

Having stripped mine recently I can confirm the gearbox seals work very well -the bowmotor was another story though!

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Tds gets my vote. If you take it apart and wash out all the grease from the gearbox - it increases the speed by about 50% and makes the freespool worth having. Replace the grease with the one-shot swivel grease which is a lot thinner and works much better.

I think the grease used is designed to be thick in hot countries. Since the UK is rarely a hot country - all it does is sap power!

First Four are soon going to have a freespool / Hi / low kit for Milemarkers operated by a single switch. How do I know this? ;)


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Tds gets my vote. If you take it apart and wash out all the grease from the gearbox - it increases the speed by about 50% and makes the freespool worth having. Replace the grease with the one-shot swivel grease which is a lot thinner and works much better.

I think the grease used is designed to be thick in hot countries. Since the UK is rarely a hot country - all it does is sap power!

First Four are soon going to have a freespool / Hi / low kit for Milemarkers operated by a single switch. How do I know this? ;)


Si - from a couple years ago ;) Just a couple pneumatic valves :)

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Si - from a couple years ago ;) Just a couple pneumatic valves :)

My solution (even if I say so myself) is quite elegant using single acting custom made rams (much like the Tds Freespool sold by Goodwinch) except, on the Milemarker, one of them uses a strong spring to make one plunger default to the out position. This means that in the absence of air / failure, it will default to low range. One valve / piston gives high range and the other freespool. This keeps the cost down compared to using off the shelf rams and two 5 port valves.

It's not new or even that remarkable - just low cost enough to be commercial.


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Does the TDS with a big drum have the same mounting footprint ? or is it a wider winch ?



p.s. Britpart solenoids don't work underwater....doh !

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Anchor winch ? Our anchor winches at work are tiny compared to that LOL.... our draw works on the other hand is good for a couple million pounds and it's quick !

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Anchor winch ? Our anchor winches at work are tiny compared to that LOL.... our draw works on the other hand is good for a couple million pounds and it's quick !

hehehe, 1200t deep sea lowering system (storage) winch for a 5000t offshore crane. 109mm steel wire rope. na for the faint hearted.

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