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Ribbed Roof

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they give the roof it's structural strength/rigidity & prevent it from drumming, IIRC they are spot welded in place, a lot of work to remove & the rigidity would have to be restoed on the inside, might be quicker to replace with a later smooth roof from another 110.

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The 07 110 SWs at work have ribbed roofs, so they must have brought them back in for the Pumas?

I'd prefer to have the ribs. Careless people walking on the roofrack has left my 1997 one a distorted shape that becomes a swimming pool in the rain. I'm thinking of going in late one night and swapping the roof off the work Defender for mine. :ph34r:

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Thanks for the replys, I do like the ribs myself but they get in the way when I try putting the 110 in my garage, it will go in but I have to flatten the rear tyres to do it.

If anyone would like to swap a smooth roof for a ribbed one I'm happy to do so.

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When I had a ribbed (roof) I had a lucky escape at the tip/dump etc. The clearance was 2.0 metres my land with ribs was 2.025 metres. the ribs save a more expensive paint job as I only had to repaint 3-4cm on each rib at the top of the angledy bit :)

Can't you just fit minilite 13" wheels and tyres it'll look wel sic man... :P and it'll go in your garage

P.S have you tried opening the doors yet in the garage :o


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The 07 110 SWs at work have ribbed roofs, so they must have brought them back in for the Pumas?

I'd prefer to have the ribs. Careless people walking on the roofrack has left my 1997 one a distorted shape that becomes a swimming pool in the rain. I'm thinking of going in late one night and swapping the roof off the work Defender for mine. :ph34r:

not quite the same, the puma ribbed roof is just pressed to give the panel rigidity, they are not 3 tall ribs like the older vehicles.

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The ribs are items of god given beauty, if you remove them all the kittens in the world will die.



its random comments like that that make coming on forums incredably entertaining!


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The 07 110 SWs at work have ribbed roofs, so they must have brought them back in for the Pumas?

I'd prefer to have the ribs. Careless people walking on the roofrack has left my 1997 one a distorted shape that becomes a swimming pool in the rain. I'm thinking of going in late one night and swapping the roof off the work Defender for mine. :ph34r:

No separate external ribs on either my previous or current Puma's, just shallow pressings. No ribs = easier to keep clean = less cats paw-prints :D

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I know this sounds silly and I don't know what your garage and drive are like but would it be easier to lower the floor level an inch or two?

Not really something I can do and would cost too much to get done. I may look at changing the door maybe

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