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The Grave yard


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  • 4 weeks later...

Went for a drive today, and now I seem to be in trouble. George and I went out to do a couple of nice easy lanes, then on to a country pub for Sunday lunch. I went outside ahead of her to check the oils and levels so she wouldn't get her hair frizzy in the rain, although I was a little greasy by the time she joined me. We headed out to the Fosse Way, which I thought might be a bit 'interesting' after the rain we've had.

There were several decent puddles although the first ford we found wasn't more than 3" deep. The second looked a little more interesting, and the bonnet dipped under as we crossed. As the Tupperware and assorted detritus from the passenger footwell floated past her, George seemed a little agitated at my choice of route to the pub. Of course since I'd found a good ford I had to have a couple more attempts (to the glee of the watching local kids), although she didn't seem to want to join me.

"Excellent", I said. "You can take the video."

"Hmm", she said.

I made a couple more crossings (that water's cold, and it was up as high as the seats), watching the rear tub and cubby box take on and let out water. After a couple of runs I'd got George's feet wet (hear her scream at the end of the vid :)) and she wanted to get warm again. I was shivering and both seats were wet through, so I decided it was best to go straight home, rather than try to find a pub that would take us and serve food. I was worried about the headlights on the way back too, and one has subsequently stopped working on dip beam - ho hum. We got back before dark though. It seems the CD changer didn't like my rapid-clean technique and has thrown it's toys out of the pram too, but at least I know there's less road salt in the rear cross member now.

The biggest problem seems to be George. After promising a day out in the car with food, and then not delivering every item on the list, she's in a strop. She wants to 'wash her hair' (again - she only did it this morning :huh: ) but she can't, because the shower's full of everything that was in the cubby box.

"Fine" she said. "I'll do the washing up."

"No, the CD changer's in bits in the sink, and the headlights are going in next."

"Right. I'm going to bed."

Now I think I'm in trouble, but I'm going to London in the morning (if it starts and my seat's dry) so I only need to survive the evening. Any thoughts?

Oh, PS - here's the video! [3.6MB]

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What is the problem with women, it's a drop of water FFSake !!!!!!!!!!

Mine saw her posterior regions too today. I'd cleaned a few parts of the 200Tdi

engine in the dishwasher, SWMBO came home early and spotted them. Jeez

did she throw her toys outta the pram !!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Guess I'll never understand them...............

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i don't really see a problem. Had the same with my misses. Took her to bricklyn farm second weekend i meet her. Forgot she was in the passenger seat when the red mist came down in a deap mud hole and i was trying to climb up a bank. Scared the carp out of her :rolleyes:

Now she does not want to come off roading with me. ;)

Result. go out with the boys now for off roading weekend trips. While she stays at home or get Desmond round :)

This meathod works well on other things like washing up and cooking. Do it carp so they don't like it and they never let you do it again :D

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Seems to me that she's made the effort to become involved with something you're passionate about, so you've now got to do the same thing with her.

Maybe become a part-time member of the flower arranging club, go with her to the beauty spa for a leg wax, go watch a soppy film together, take her for a weekend away somewhere romantic.

'Course, she should be grateful. You're doing something that doesn't involve other women; keeps you at home when you're working on the LR and doesn't involve dressing in shorts with other men, getting dirty and then having a communal bath together.

You put up with the hair washing, feline bursts of hormone-induced rage every month, total lack of logic, endless soap operas and admitting you're wrong every so often, even when you're right.

That makes your one 'fault' pale into insignificance.

YOU should be getting the choccies, my boy!

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Nice to see someone with worse door seals than me! :)


Nah - he hasn't had door seals since about 1990.

John - one little tip from somebody who knows....

Interflora administered twice weekly - once NOW to say sorry, then again on Thursday to arrive on Friday, to ensure that you don't have to spend the weekend on my sofa.

about £40 per dose should see you right. Go on, it isn't as if you're paying rent. :ph34r:

Edited to say:

Have just watched the video - Excellent, but knowing your girlfriend, you are in SO much plop. chocs, weekend at a health spa, flowers, appology cards. You might just get forgiven...

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Yeah, like the waders comment :)

I was going to say: Gaiters, Warm socks and seat covers = problem sorted :D

Either that or get her her own Landy... it's all we really want :ph34r:

On a 'serious' note, you promised her a meal out so do it, but as a suprise tonight (or cook for her?). That'd be lovey... oh well, back to reality! ;):lol:

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Sounds like you need to find a local pub with a ford next to it!!

She can be busy eating, drinking and watching out of the window (or beer garden in the summer) and you can amuse the local kids to your hearts content!!

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