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The Grave yard


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Using the same analogy next time you fancy legging it with someone's Landie just ensure you are not wearing a seatbelt and the police won't bother chasing you because if you crash and injure yoursel don't worry because you will be able to sue the cops. :o :o :o :o

Absolutely unbluddybelievable .. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Using the same analogy next time you fancy legging it with someone's Landie just ensure you are not wearing a seatbelt and the police won't bother chasing you because if you crash and injure yoursel don't worry because you will be able to sue the cops. :o :o :o :o

Absolutely unbluddybelievable .. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

If this kind of thing continues, we'll start to see the rise of vigilante groups - god bless america and it's sue culture!!

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Probably all busy sitting in vans nicking motorists for 53 in a 50

Easy policing - honest people don't sue and fight back ?

Hopless, and the police wonder why nobody has much time for them now.

The office I work in was burgled recently, on arrival we could see so nobody touched anything, when we phoned the local police (3 mins walk away) they said they were "Too busy to come" and just gave us a ref number.

"What about finger prints etc ?"

"Didn't you hear me ?" came the reply "we are too busy to come to every break-in"

"Thats great" I said "see you are not to busy to have a camera van on the A31 this morning, 2 Police bikes in the layby and 2 cars with 4 police in as well ?"... "Too busy dealing with real criminals are they ?"

No answer,.....................


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I don't want to get into an arguement with anyone, but I have worked for a couple of Police forces for the last 6 years or so.

I won't comment on any specifics of any particular Force's policy on pursuits, but I am aware that many will not pursue motorcycles/mopeds etc. As far as I am aware, the reasoning behind this is to do with the resolution, or bringing an end to the pursuit. When pursuing a 4 wheeled vehicle, there are various options open to the Police, including stop sticks, spikes and physical containment. These methods are generally considered safe as they are less likely to result in injury to the police, the offender or members of the public. With a 2 wheel vehicle, especially in the hands of someone who does not want to be stopped, they are usually less stable. You cannot use stop sticks or spikes, and physical containment is a no-no, due to the risk of the bike losing control.

Forces will call off pursuits if the nature of the driving of the target vehicle is such that the risk of harm to anyone outweighs the need to stop the vehicle.

You can bet though, that if GMP had chased the bikes and the rider was injured, there would be widespread condemnation of the police for taking the action they did, it would be all over the local news, the police driver would more than likely be automatically suspended and an IPCC investigation would be launched.

These views are my own and are in no way attributed to my employer.

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Guest diesel_jim
I don't want to get into an arguement with anyone, but I have worked for a couple of Police forces for the last 6 years or so.

I won't comment on any specifics of any particular Force's policy on pursuits, but I am aware that many will not pursue motorcycles/mopeds etc. As far as I am aware, the reasoning behind this is to do with the resolution, or bringing an end to the pursuit. When pursuing a 4 wheeled vehicle, there are various options open to the Police, including stop sticks, spikes and physical containment. These methods are generally considered safe as they are less likely to result in injury to the police, the offender or members of the public. With a 2 wheel vehicle, especially in the hands of someone who does not want to be stopped, they are usually less stable. You cannot use stop sticks or spikes, and physical containment is a no-no, due to the risk of the bike losing control.

Forces will call off pursuits if the nature of the driving of the target vehicle is such that the risk of harm to anyone outweighs the need to stop the vehicle.

You can bet though, that if GMP had chased the bikes and the rider was injured, there would be widespread condemnation of the police for taking the action they did, it would be all over the local news, the police driver would more than likely be automatically suspended and an IPCC investigation would be launched.

These views are my own and are in no way attributed to my employer.

Who gives a f*** about the injuries to the thief. the moment they take something that isn't theirs they should automatically have NO rights left to them at all.

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I agree Nige, I've got no time at all for them. I wouldn't p**s on them if they were on fire I'm afraid.

There's a couple of decent ones around here but that's all, most think they're in Lethal Weapon, especially the armed response ones who think it fun to scare the carp out of the youngsters necking on Sizewell car park. They held this boy at gunpoint and asked the girl, i don't know how many times, if she was there of her own accord. Real heroes, and their 4x4 is too big for them too, as they can't seem to get it through gaps that my disco will go through. And don't get me started on the chopper coppers: what are they doing to offset their carbon usage?

Oh I know, nicking generally good drivers for a mile over the limit to get them off the road. They were flying around for almost an hour yesterday, Oh how I wish I had a spare stinger missile!

On the subject of the scum taking the bikes, it's about time the law was changed to ban them from claiming compensation while taking part in criminal activities. Then you could just run them down, saving court and holiday home prison costs.

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Who gives a f*** about the injuries to the thief. the moment they take something that isn't theirs they should automatically have NO rights left to them at all.

Sorry to say that's exactly how I feel - the litte ****'s who take the bike fall off cave their neanderthal excuse for a skull in and die so what!!!!

Any responses condoning the police (lack of) reponse are to a degree exactly in tune with my original post. The liberal do gooders have taken over this country which is why the police can't do their job (or at least use it as a reason not to) and why I read in the Mail today about a teacher who after 16 years blemish free service has been reprimanded for taking a school trip onto a beach. This was a deviation from the original outing itinerary and hadn't been 'risk assesed'. She now has a mark on her record held by her professional body for two years.

Sorry but it is all utter b, sorry I can't say it without getting a rollicking from a mod. I just know it makes my blood boil......

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Who gives a f*** about the injuries to the thief. the moment they take something that isn't theirs they should automatically have NO rights left to them at all.

spot on.. criminals should not be allowed compensation in any form - it is the victims who should be compensated..

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You can bet though, that if GMP had chased the bikes and the rider was injured, there would be widespread condemnation of the police for taking the action they did, it would be all over the local news, the police driver would more than likely be automatically suspended and an IPCC investigation would be launched.

Of course there would because we live in liberal Bonky Blair's Britain but I bet you there would be a hell of a lot of people who would have said 'tough luck matey you deserve what you get and backed the copper to the hilt.

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Personally I think they should of chased them, however what they say is not without grounds, last year or year before :blink: my ex brother-in-law was cycling home from work, Ford's foundry in Leamington spa to Warwick, he was hit from behind by a motorcyclist being chased by the police, Phil had to have his leg amputated and has no use of his left arm now, the Police wanted to stop the motorcyclist because of his Tax I think, motorcyclist died at the scene, all a bit unneccesary. :(

To me all this Bulls*@%t is part of the Health and safety carp that has taken over this country, but adds adds nothing to its financial welfare its just a financial sponge. 'B-liar's Britain' is living in fear of being sued, I cant believe the changes that have happened in industry in the last 10 years, crazy.

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Thieving b%*&^^%s should have no rights as soon as they take someone else's rights (in this case the right to own something without it being stolen). Bring them down by whatever means and tough luck if it involves some pain. Every theiving little git will read this news story and know that they can 'legally steal' a motorcyle and get away with it just by not wearing a crash helmet. At the end of the news item it says:-

anyone who has seen them are asked to contact police.

And what would be the point in that? They would only have to drive off again.

I can understand people that take the law into their own hands - sometimes there is no other way.


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Who gives a f*** about the injuries to the thief. the moment they take something that isn't theirs they should automatically have NO rights left to them at all.

Got to agree big time, in the last twenty or so years I have had so much stuff nicked my insurers declined to renew.

I collect crime ref no's for fun and can blag for hours about the mishaps of the police.

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i agree with all the above :D

commit any crime & you loose ALL rights in my eyes. police should be able to do anything reasonable to stop them. so cant shoot them to stop the bike but chase the buggers till they ride into a tree is fine with me.

its the ejjjit judges who let these morons claim who need locking up in my eyes. its a travisty of justice.

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This is getting slightly off the original post but interesting report in todays Mail on Saturday. Poor bloke caught-up in the London bomb blasts in July (2004?) had his lower left leg amputated and has received about £100K compensation. Quite right to compensate him.

Until that is 2 girls were gang raped back in (1984?) and this geezer has done time for being part of the gang that ruined the lives of 2 innocent 16 year old girls who were raped 20 odd times and were sure that they would not survive. Seeing his face in the paper has brought back all those memories

The 2 girls got £7K each compensation............................

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I agree Nige, I've got no time at all for them. I wouldn't p**s on them if they were on fire I'm afraid.

There's a couple of decent ones around here but that's all, most think they're in Lethal Weapon, especially the armed response ones who think it fun to scare the carp out of the youngsters necking on Sizewell car park. They held this boy at gunpoint and asked the girl, i don't know how many times, if she was there of her own accord. Real heroes, and their 4x4 is too big for them too, as they can't seem to get it through gaps that my disco will go through. And don't get me started on the chopper coppers: what are they doing to offset their carbon usage?

Oh I know, nicking generally good drivers for a mile over the limit to get them off the road. They were flying around for almost an hour yesterday, Oh how I wish I had a spare stinger missile!

Deano - sorry old chap, but I think your reply to this thread is absolutely out of order and you've shown yourself to be a bit of an *comment removed*.

Almost without exception, every frontline Officer I've met in four years in the Job has been very hardworking, enhusiastic, dedicated - and horrendously bogged down by targets and red tape demanded by the Home Office.

All forces have different targets they've got to achieve. Most Response Officers (like me) are judged by the number of arrests and detections (crimes for which the offender gets charged / cautioned etc). As far as the senior management of the force is concerned, that is all that matters. Regardless of that fact that circumstance may dictate that you spend all your time one week stopping drink drivers (for which you DON'T get detections) or searching for a vulnerable missing person, if you don't get your detections target you're not performing, and your career suffers.

Roads Policing Officers will frequently have a quota of driving offences to deal with as well - if they don't issue enough tickets they're not performing, and thier career suffers.

Your example is, I'm afraid, nonsense. The Police use of Firearms has to be authorised by a fairly senior Officer and they don't get pointed at people unless there is a real need to. Just imagine if that girl had been getting raped? What would the Daily Mail have made of Police Officers passing by without making sure that the female was not there under duress? The Officers were doing thier job - ensuring public safety. How would you have felt if YOUR daughter had been raped, and the Officers hadn't done anything to make sure she was consenting?

Your comment about the Helicopter is a bit daft as well. If your house was burgled and your Landie was stolen, and the offenders weren't caught as there was no Helicopter support, how would you feel? Then tell me how you would feel if the Police told you there was no Helicopter because they were trying to cut carbon emissions? Not too happy? Thought so.....

There is real and genuine concern at Constable level about how the Nation's Policing is being run by Bliar and the Home Office. We're trying to work our nuts off and are constrained by targets, figures, political correctness, Health and Safety, under funding, under staffing and poor equipment. If you don't believe me, have a look at Coppersblog

And if you were on fire, would I tiddle on you? Yes, absolutely, if it helped save you. Still think you're a bit of an *comment removed* :angry:

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Lets face it, in Bliar's Britain the scumbags have more legal rights then the ordinary mainly law abiding citizen.

If some scumbag gets hurt whilst they are knowingly committing a criminal offence and refuse to obey a police officers legal order to stop then TOUGH LUCK. Their rights to sue the police (as long as police are acting legally) and/or claim compensation goes right out f the window when they knowingly commit a criminal offence.

It is barking mad that a builder/houseowner can secure their property and a scumbag breaks in an falls down a staircase that has been removed/floorboards that have been lifted etc. The property owner has not exercised due care to the scumbag. To add insult to injury it is the tax payer who picks up the tab for sumbags legal representation

Lets protect the normal citizen and NOT the scumbags in society.



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Who gives a f*** about the injuries to the thief. the moment they take something that isn't theirs they should automatically have NO rights left to them at all.

There is, of course, a catch with this - innocent until proven guilty. Sure, there are strong grounds for suspicion of guilt, but the police aren't the court. You could say that if convicted of the crime then they aren't entitled to compensation, but the police have still got to presume innocence until that point.

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, but I have worked for a couple of Police forces for the last 6 years or so.

Please tell me you are not one of those "Police support Officers" and that you have a proper job with your employers. Like a front desk civvy job or a job in IT, or someone who answers 999 calls.

You would never admit to being one of those t*ts in a dayglo stab proof vest and a peaked cap with no actual powers, would you??????

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