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Wheeler Dealers


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I'm normally a fan of the 'wheeler dealer' program but the recent (or was it another repeat) episode where Mike bought a yellow stage one rag-top made me cringe. First off Ed has the gall to claim that 'it's actually quite a good spray job' when the lads decide that the budget won't run to a re-paint, what a load of b......s it looked nothing more than a 'blow over' job to me. Not only is there overspray everywhere but the cappings have been painted as well & in places ( the fuel cap recess for a start) it looks like the spray guy has only shown the gun to the alloy! Whilst freely admitting to not having any experience of carb V8's, as all four of my RRC's have been EFI, I don't think I would spend a grand on converting a lump with those emission figures to LPG! The stage one, preferably in station wagon form, has always been my favourite series LR but this program left me feeling very underwhelmed.

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Roll bar simply bolted in place too - i never knew stage ones came with chassis roll cage brackets ready fitted!

Not to mention missing out the costing of other parts.

The other day they did a TVR and in the footage it had spanking new vented discs fitted, they were never included in the budget...

Fun program to watch just watch it like scrapheap notsomuchofa challenge and dont take it too seriously.


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or the fuel mike spends driving round to get the cars and parts, or the traders insurance, or the rent and electric, or the cost of the tools, still, no corp tax as they won't make a profit :D

Still one of my favourite programs even if it does have a, how can i put it, staged feel and repeats itself more than an American show. Obviously don't expect the viewers to have any attention span.

Between that or tv to commit suicide to (aka Eastenders which seems to be on about 6 hours a day) I would pick it any day. Have you seen the 90 they did, it was an old hard top converted to a 3.5 on carbs, they stuck windows in, sprayed it, change the cam, changed some of the trim and I thought it looked well. No idea what it was like underneath though. They also did a classic, if i rememebr right an LPG place refused to LPG it due to the state of the engine :unsure:

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it was an old hard top converted to a 3.5 on carbs, they stuck windows in, sprayed it, change the cam, changed some of the trim and I thought it looked well.

My Favourite bit was Ed showing how to mark out the side windows with a small drill hole in each corner to pass the inside marking to the outside. As the window had round corners the holes were not in the scrap metal but were still in the body after the window was fitted! After paint they mysteriously disappeared :blink:

My wife asks why I watch it as I complain about the errors. It's a good show but a bad example of how to fix a motor at times.


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Just rewatched the 944 show.

Mike says he's off to North London to pick it up but goes to my town in Berkshire!

Then he states that as the town streets are too snowy for a test he must get to faster roads but drives around town 4 times instead.


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