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It shouldn't BE this difficult


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Greetings all........ my head's about to explode, so I thought I'd ask advice from 'the community'.......

I'm buying a front bumper from UncleBill in Portsmouth, and I need to get it couriered up to me in Peterborough. Most of the couriers I've contacted won't handle anything over 1.5m long (the bumber's about 1.8m) - those that WILL handle it want to charge me between £200 and £400!!! :blink:

Anybody got any suggestions (other than go and fetch it)??


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try pallet line. used them to move 4 tyre/wheels, and you don't need an account with them nor your own pallet - should you want a pallet, then I have one. Cost depends on distance but you would be looking at £ 50.

Maybe you could haggle with them since yours is light and narrowl but tall?

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Diagonal in a box 1.5m x 1m?


someone is thinking outside the box :rolleyes:

With parcelforce, the dimensions given is the maximum girth or something like that so a wide/narrow box won't work since even if the above was 1 mm thick, they would still add 1.5 + 1 m for the other girth.

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These are reponses I've saved from previous queries, possibly from other forums than this. Pick and Choose.


"I'm trying to get a package, well two parcels, 30kgs each, from a Belfast address to Bournemouth.

Other than www.senditquick.com are there any other couriers that anyone > can recommend".


" If this was me I'd be looking at Parcel Force. If you don't mind it taking a bit longer then look into a pallet shifting company like Pallet Line."

"Pallet line will collect and deliver anything on a pallet. No weight limit that you are likely to reach and up to something like 2 meters tall.

If the seats could be packed on a pallet by the seller they will collect and deliver reliably. You can talk to them about collection and delivery times. I have used them several times and so far they have done the job

faultlessly. Not cheap but reliable.

(I have also used parcel2go but wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy! Absolutely hopeless, pathetic communications arrogant as hell and completely careless of my property.)"


"a compressor weighing 85Kg and measuring about 1200x795x615mm from Dorset to Yorkshire"


"We shipped a 200 tdi on a pallett with securicor omega and that only cost about 60 quid!

That was using the phone number from the www.parcels2go.co.uk website.

The website won't quote for it because it's to heavy but they will if you phone them. "

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions - don't think I'm any closer, though :(

senditquick and parcel force have a 1.5m limit and securicor omega's website doesn't seem to exist anymore (have they been renamed or bought by someone else?).

So far palletline are my only hope, but how do you pack a bumper on a pallet????? it'll overhang by miles.

It's so frsutrating that I've got just the deal I was looking for, but it might all fall flat because I can't get the thing transported :angry:


These are reponses I've saved from previous queries, possibly from other forums than this. Pick and Choose.
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It's not THAT far to drive - could you not just pop down one weekend morning? You could be home by lunchtime?

I know it's not what you're after exactly, but it doesn't sound THAT bad?

Maybe you can get it sort of taken part way by someone you know nearer to Portsmouth? How about a chain of LR4x4 members?!

Al. :)

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Al...... I'm considering it, however, it'll still cost me more than I'm paying for the bumper in fuel, and sod's law says the Disco probably won't make it there and back without breaking down ;)

Maybe I can persuade SWMBO that we need to go down to the coast for a dirty weekend, then she can pay half the fuel bill (won't hold my breath) :lol:


It's not THAT far to drive - could you not just pop down one weekend morning? You could be home by lunchtime?

I know it's not what you're after exactly, but it doesn't sound THAT bad?

Maybe you can get it sort of taken part way by someone you know nearer to Portsmouth? How about a chain of LR4x4 members?!

Al. :)

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Hmmmm Parcel2go specify a 25kg weight limit and a 4 cubic feet size limit........ not sure on either front.

I'm guess-timating the weight of the bumper at around 20-30kg (though thats based on memory from the last time I took it off about 12 months ago!). How the hell do I work out the volume of a complete Disco front bumber (inc end-caps and valance????????)

They don't make it easy do they?



£27 for a pair of sidesteps 1.7m long from Weston to Glasgow.

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Just rang them and described the dimensions (approx 170cm x 60cm x 50cm) and they said it was too big :unsure:

Starting to feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall

Phone Devon 4x4, First Four Off-road etc that sell and therefore ship a lot of bumpers over 1.5m and that are heavy ;)

They should have a good suggestion and rough idea of price :)


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I have used www.postvan.com several times. I have moved a full disco roofrack, various winch bumpers gear boxes and all sorts with them. You do need to phone them though for a 'Special Quote'. Typically £30-50 for that sort of thing.

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Hmmmm Parcel2go specify a 25kg weight limit and a 4 cubic feet size limit........ not sure on either front.

I'm guess-timating the weight of the bumper at around 20-30kg (though thats based on memory from the last time I took it off about 12 months ago!). How the hell do I work out the volume of a complete Disco front bumber (inc end-caps and valance????????)

They don't make it easy do they?


Hallo mate, right just weighed it, mickey mouse bathroom scales, 13 kilo, say 15 max, if I strip it 1.7mx.3mx.4m and i get up to Salisbury plain, say Swindon fairly regularly, how far off is Sodbury, right thats my input, sorry that I cant do more.

Cheers Bill

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If Bill runs it up to Salisbury Plain and leaves it at Chateau Watts in Trowbridge, I can swing by on my way to London at the beginning of September and leave it with a forumeer there?

Right so it starts, no probs with Trowbridge, I also get up to Kingston upon Thames on a regular basis if it helps, any takers


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