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I'll chuck my latest fix/get-around into the thread :)

I was doing 3 days a week, but was running out of brain chemicals in the afternoon, so I was on the rev limiter for the last couple of hours. I got enough cognitive together to think I was probably causing harm, so I've changed to 5 mornings.

Although one day on, one day off, reduced the accumulation of stress, it wasn't helping my recovery by constantly maxing out. The 5 mornings mean I get up the same time all week adding consistency to my life, plus I'm not maxing out, and if need be I can sleep in the afternoon. (then maybe do stuff).

It's the same hours, but not the same neurological loads.

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  • 10 months later...

It seems a long time since I have visited this forum let alone posted on it, I came back to a load of PM's about various things including this so thought I owed everyone an update:

Life over the last two years has been what could be described as eventful, with what has at times seemed to be the direction from a soap opera producer however I am glad to say that things seem to be finally over. I am now divorced and the finances are sorted out so I can move forward with my life, this includes getting my 110 from the storage unit it has been living in and starting to enjoy it again.

As far as my mental health goes that has also been two steps forward and one step back, I have spent periods back at work and feeling good and periods where I couldn't leave the house but feel that I am getting there again. I have come to realise that there is no quick fix and have learnt to concentrate on the here and now, although this is not always as easy as it sounds. I attended a really good course at the Oxfordshire Center for Mindfulness, and over the eight weeks picked up some really practical skills that help me day to day.

In the time that I have been ill work has changed a considerable amount especially with the acquisition of C&WW departments closed and merged and the business yet again shifted is goals and focus. At the end of October I returned to work only to be offered (and only if I wanted it) redundancy, as I have worked for the company for 12 years it was an offer that was too good to refuse so I didn't.

I have enjoyed the time off work and although in no rush for employment have been offered a couple of jobs but am taking my time and waiting for the 'right job' to come up. I have a few irons in the fire and have started a company making garden furniture out of old pallets, I don't envisage that I will work for it full time and once it is up and running will hand it over to someone to manage.

Oh and I am getting married in September!!

So in summary, thanks for all the messages of support, I am getting there and the future certainly looks positive, although I have to take everyday as it comes. If I had known two years ago what I was going to go through I don't think I would have believed it anyway, but despite my best efforts I am still very much here and will be dusting off the 110 and getting back into forum life over the coming weeks.

Cheers, Jason.

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Great to here from you Jason and congratulations for the wedding. If you want a convoy of land rovers you know where we are. I have also knocked a few bits together with pallets and have had a lot of requests for more. Would be good to see what you are making. I was thinking about you the other day, having brought a defender i want to find your thread on your 110 for some great idea's. And I'm still loving my LED lights. Chris.

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Jason, metal health is something all should talk about, take it from me you are not alone,take it day by day week by week etc find people you can trust with your inner thoughts and feel comfortable talking to they then can explain what going on inside your head and help you recover, then when you on the mend make yourself of aware of any recurring symptoms that trigger the irrational thoughts.

Then here the kicker, once your 100% better ( which through time you shall be ) talk to others you'd be surprised how many people once they knew I'd been there done that opened up to getting help for themselves.

Men seem to think mental illness is a sign of weakness, wrong,100% wrong doing nothing is the only weakness.

Believe it or not my 1949 series 1 80 inch which I've owned for over 30 years has been my main therapy so when next you feel blue go the green oval badge !!!

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Cheers Guys,

The support is appreciated and as I have come to learn over the past two years I am not the only person in the world who has depression!! Although it sometimes feels like that!!

Chris I will be sure to give you a shout when it comes time to get the old girl back on the road, and as you have only ever been a help and not a distraction or a hinderance then I will ignore your edit.

Now off to plan a summer adventure.


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Great to here from you Jason and congratulations for the wedding. If you want a convoy of land rovers you know where we are. I have also knocked a few bits together with pallets and have had a lot of requests for more. Would be good to see what you are making. I was thinking about you the other day, having brought a defender i want to find your thread on your 110 for some great idea's. And I'm still loving my LED lights. Chris.

Hi Chris,

Well at the risk of becoming one of the new advertising posts that appear to have popped up of late my new company can be found here www.oxfordshirewoodcraft.uk I need to update it as we have made lot's of other things since.

My 110 build thread can be found here: http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=78984&hl=jasong4110


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Good idea for a business! I guess pallets are ideal for outdoor furniture, having been impregnated with stuff to stop them rotting. Apparently that's why you are not technically allowed to burn them!

Also basing a business on employing people with mental health issues.

I had endless problems getting shot of old pallets! Nobody would take non standard size (euro) pallets, I couldn't burn them and couldn't take them to the tip. The only option was to hire a skip and fill it with pallets which seemed a waste on several fronts!

Altogether it ticks several boxes!

If I can think of something to commission - I'll give you a call!


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Hi Jason, saw your other post and was pleased to see you back. Congrats on your engagement and future wedding.

Again if you need assistance PM me.


Si, some years ago as a hippy biker myself and friends were camping at an event, my mate being a piromaniac in the making had started dragging a brand new pallet back to the tent when we were stopped by a guard. When asked what we wanted the pallet for I told him it was to sit on. The gaurd refused us access, my mate told him he wanted to burn it the gaurd replied Oh thats OK then carry on!!

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Cheers Si,

I have not found difficulty in sourcing pallets thus far, Non standard pallets can often yield more useable wood than a Europallet. Our favorite ones are the ones they use for plasterboard, as they are longer so you can make more/longer things with them. We now have four plasters/builders locally who will call up when they have some so we don't even have to go hunting for them.

The new business is not really about making money, but giving something back. A social enterprise if you like although I have yet to decide if to register as one as there's a lot of red tape involved!! Although clearly we need to pay the bills so profit is a consideration as it needs to pay for itself.

There are two people work for the business now, both I have met during my own journey over the past two years and have been struggling to find work for years now. They were stuck in a loop where they had big gaps in their employment history and people just didn't want to take the risk of employing a Psychopath. Because everyone with mental health issues is one missed medication from a psychopathic rampage!

Success is a difficult thing to measure, but if you saw the work ethic of two people who the workplace had written off, the fact that I have to make sure they take their lunch break and go home at the end of the day. They have never been late despite their own issues and are a pleasure to employ. I am currently helping one of them to write his CV, as my aim is to act as a bridge rather than long term employment and he is chomping at the bit to move on after 10 years of not working.

Commissions always considered, a lot of our work is bespoke especially size wise where people need 'something' to fit 'somewhere' we have spent the winter making woodstores mainly but with spring approaching are turning our attention to planters now the only catch is storage, so trying to find an empty barn for extra storage.

I am just finalising plans for a modular planter system that will mean we can maximize product choices whilst minimising stock.

Cheers, Jason.

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Looks good Chris, my only tip would be to bang some wood stain on it. I will protect the cut ends as they can rot quickly and also pull the whole thing together.


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  • 1 month later...

I posted this on Facebook on Tuesday and it seemed to help some people so I thought that I would also share it here.

This time two years ago I was approaching what would be fair to say was the lowest point in my life. Events were unfolding that would see me hospitalised and finally getting the help that I needed to turn my life around.

However as I sit here this morning, I find I have a renewed vigor for life. I am getting married to the most wonderful woman I could have ever hoped to meet, yet alone who would fall in love with me. I have made a lot of positive changes in my life, and I now understand what it is to truly live and not just exist. I have made new friends and appreciate the others that have been with me along this journey.

So two years on life is very good, I took redundancy in November which after 12 years service was an offer too good to refuse. This has allowed me time to think about the future without any worry about financial pressures a break that has been most welcome and refreshing.
I have also been looking for work and have so far turned down three jobs as they were not quite where I wanted to go/continue in life, a privileged position to be in and not one that is lost on me.

Whilst I continue to look for the 'right job' I have been able to keep myself busy with projects, including the recycling of pallets and construction of many items using the skills I have acquired during the years, and been able to pass some of this onto Jacob.
In short I have been able to have fun, both with life and with Kathryn, travel and enjoy this time before we get married.

Life has not all been a bed of roses and my personal battle with depression is ongoing, being able to sleep for more than 2-3 hours a night would also be nice. But as I sit here and look back life is certainly a lot better than this time two years ago.For this I would like to thank all of my friends and family who have helped me along my journey and continue to support me today, I couldn't have done it without you.

Secondly for anyone who is reading this and is also suffering from depression or anxiety, things can and do get better, sometimes it just takes time. But whatever you do don't keep it to yourself, that will only end in a bad way, get help, there is plenty out there despite what the news says. Admitting you need help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength, a sign that you are prepared to put in the hard work to improve your life.


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Hi Jason,

Your openess and willingness to share your "journey" has been outstanding and is an emotional one even as a spectator!

It brought tears to read about your support of your coworkers and to know that you are not just recovering but are soaring on a new life adventure!

I too was lucky to be able to use voluntary redundancy, for me it was to get out of a job where my immediate managers thougth they had the right to "play" with thier staff's lives deciding who to lie to next! I was very lucky to beable to spend the time working on my neglected projects as I had spent three years grafting late hours only to find out that my work ethic was a one way street with my bosses.

It is supprising how life changing events do just that in ways that are unexpected! I survived a life threatening ilness which resulted in marrying my nurse and now having three children!


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Hi Jason,

It is nice to read that you are winning the fight! You should also be thanked for reaching out to others who are struggling, and you give good advice there.

Sometimes we all should try to step off the roller coaster that is life for a moment to stop and think what we actually doing. Unfortunately quite often it takes a major event to make us do this.

Best wishes for your wedding.


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Cheers guys, the way I see it is that if I had faced my problems earlier, I may not have tried to take my own life and cause the people who love me so much worry and pain.

So if my journey can help others I can at least start to pay back some of the support that I have received.


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