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has anyone seen this over on 'mud-club'????


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When younger i used to have some sympathy for some of the issues Greenpeace were fighting (seal clubbing, whaling, oil spillages...)

But these idiots have really lost their way. they are going to end up being more & more marignal & lose any respect from normal public.


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I found whale fat made my seal clubbing bat too slippy :(

You're not supposed to use it for stirring the rendering pots m8 :hysterical:

Would be excellent to see them hauled up, idiots like that get on their "moral high horse" and just think they are a law unto themselves and can do exactly what they like.

An interesting statistic would be the amount of natural resources that Greenpeace and all the other looney 'mentalists squander in a typical year when they are driving, flying or boating around the world whinging at people, churning out flyers, making stickers etc etc etc.

Anyway it seems to be getting colder here rather than warmer, so clearly not enough is being done in the cause of global warming. I shall be taking the V8 to work every day from now on to try and make sure we have decent weather for Christmas B)

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Those numpties really do take the p*** with those stickers, when I had a little chat with Greenpeace at Glastonbury they couldn't justify or in any way defend that campaign but they're still running it. They couldn't answer what's a bad 4x4 and what's a good 4x4, what they count as a 4x4 (Fiat Panda anyone?) and if they'd taken account for the fact that most LR stuff stays on the road longer than your average eurobox, thus saving all the pollution of making a new car.

Would be nice to see them get their arse kicked but I doubt LR would want to touch them for fear of bad publicity.

Here's greenpeaces really very intelligent stand at Glasto:


They were inviting people to throw balls at JC - obviously this is hard-hitting protest on a higher mental plane than us stoopid eco-terrorists :unsure:

And obviously getting 25 year old Range Rovers off the roads is going to STOP CLIMATE CHANGE NOW. They should team up with George Dubyah and declare war on climate change...

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The Land Rover Climate Criminal stickers have been around for a while. The local lamposts are plastered with them - not surprising as the Greenpeace office is pretty close to home!

Local 4x4s also get regularly ticketed (but for some reason my Defender has so far escaped them - they seem to go for the bling machines!).


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I thought of printing out T-shirts with facts about 4x4 and I think it is a really good idea. Sometimes I find that I cannot respond to crappy accusations because I dont know my facts. (I know !! I should pay more attention :blink: ) , but imagine - the dealerships can give them away with each new purchase too!!! So even the posh ladies in posher 4x4 can tell them to f**k o****** :D

There are others that this would work for :D

something nice and easy (and stylish !!! ) :) would go down well

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Greenpeace is an organization full of contradictions. While ostensibly an environmental organization, it has become a rather large business concern. Thus, while many of the 'eco warriors', in "Operations" who chain themselves to oil rigs see themselves as the 'heart and soul' of the organization, they are in fact a small minority of not only the membership but the hard core cadre of the organization. It has hundreds of Finance staff - accountants, comprollers, treasurers etc; masses of lawyers, advertising and marketing people, and the PR spinners. For them, Greenpeace is a business. Their job is to keep the brand name top of mind and positively viewed (or at least reasonably feared) among both regulators and potential donors.

It's not that Greenpeace doesn't know that the campaign against Land Rover is without scientific justification, it's that they don't care. When you run campaigns for a living, it's not all that important whether what you are campaigning for makes sense. And if anyone there has moral qualms about that, the fact is that the end game (ostensibly) is to mitigate fossil fuel based contributions to climate change, so while Land Rover may not be guilty of the crimes they claim, as long as it promotes awareness, its fine.

This is all by way of explaining that Greenpeace would be overjoyed to be sued by Land Rover and have more than likely established this as a potential pro in their camapign strategy (along with a provision for legal fess and an eventuial settlement). Land Rover suing Greenpeace - even over Intellectual Property violations like illegal use of trademark - translates into substantial free press/PR which in turn equals greater awareness for the cause, or more donations (depending on which end of the business you are on).

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I wonder if they make any bigger stickers, I would put one on my Land Rover! :D

Surely, if people started asking for them, it would take the wind out of their sales (pun intended!). Though thinking about it for a few seconds more, whilst it could become a humourous 'must have' for hardened Land Rover drivers, we are very much in the minority and they are only really interested in the many many more Land Rover drivers who think their car is a Jeep or whatever (you know, the ones that dont wave back on the road :D )

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[backpedal] There was absolutely no scientific evidence to support my straw clutching 'facts' above.

In fact, Parkers show these figures:

Mondeo 2.0i 31-34 MPG dependent on model

Disco 300 Tdi 27 MPG

Disco V8 19 MPG :unsure:

Prius 57 MPG :unsure::unsure: [/backpedal]

Feel better? :)

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