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sankey conversion

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We bought a sankey in 2012 to cart gear down to morroch bay for our wedding it was the RAF tool box type (triangular) narrow track and an early one at that. The plan was to sell it afterwards but it became useful then the new wife said how about turning it into a camp kitchen as our family was about to expand again and camping is hard enough with one child.

This is the result of a month and a half of evenings.






We've just come back from a weekend using it and are really happy with the result. Just a few tweeks the battery didn't quite make it so a second will be added (it's charged from the truck aswell), the watertank/pump has an odd taste (both are second hand) so either a cleaning solution or filter and some catches to the slide out parts.


Edited by miketomcat
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Hopefully it won't need any evolution that said I need to make some wheelarches to cover the disco wheel and tyre combo some paint outside and the bits that aren't polywood inside. The oven is a little tatty but it was free, a net on the other side to keep camping gear in when you open the flap oh and a jockey wheel. The wife designed it and to be fair she'll use it more than me I think she's nailed it pretty good first time.


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  • 4 months later...


Just a quick update I had a bit of paint left after doing the ibex so here's a picture of the trailer in primer. The paint job is complete now but I haven't got a photo yet.

Next job for the trailer is a custom tent to fold out from it we have got a scorpion fox tent (army lean to tent for a tank) the plan is to use this as a sleeping compartment under a larger fly sheet.


Edited by miketomcat
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Thank you for the kind words I guess I'm lucky that my wife is A. Understanding B. As bad as I am, we don't have tv so when the girls go to bed she goes to the gym or dog walking I go in the garage with a baby listener. Mind when she does stay in quite often I get can you just make this or that or.....


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