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Things I learned this week


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Well the Disco is almost re-assembled, my right hand is almost disassembled! Ifound out that if one goes base over apex in the wet oily morass that is the garden, when you shove your hand into the spinning alternator, the cooling fan will very effectively dislocate every joint on you index finger, however , if like me, you are very lucky:

1. The lacerations will not need sutures (Swarfega is NOT a good antibacterial according to the A&E Dr)

2. The resulting high speed rotational injury (I thought that was a pretty cool description) which would normally break bones and/or cause traumatic amputation will Not break bones or amputate said digits.

3. The 1 1/2 inch blood blister over you 2nd index finger joint is very good for sympathy at first, but when the blood leaks out (too many lacerations to be water tight) onto the new bedspread overnight, ones wife ceases to be sympathetic.

4. Typing is just fckin difficult with fingers strapped together

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Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Mind you, "falling with hand into rotating alternator" sounds like the sort of event you're very lucky to come out of with any fingers at all :blink: hope you have a speedy recovery, maybe take up a safer hobby like BASE jumping or lion taming :ph34r:

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How do you keep managing?


At this bloody moment in time, I'm not! The nice guy in A&E (he's restoring a Series 1) reckons it's time I found someone to give me a hand doing the bigger jobs..... he is correct in that assertion, however, my main character flaw is a flat refusal to accept defeat, I work on the principle that , yes, a job should be done by two people, but with a little ingenuity....

Then I end up in A&E.....

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....The nice guy in A&E (he's restoring a Series 1) reckons it's time I found someone to give me a hand doing the bigger jobs.....

Why did I read this to the tune of that old yellow pages advert where they bought the decrepit old gardener a ride on mower whilst all the time he thought he was for the scrap heap? ;)

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