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Todays new (to me) Toy

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Collected with help of friends Neil and Grant and a fab Pallet truck.....


Kin Heavy !!!!!!!!!!!!!......Kin Kanckered !!!!!!!!!!!!! Off to Pub tonight.....

The workshop is NOT tidy, making room for it left it in a right old state, is going to take days to sort out everything strewn everywhere, and make shelfs for Convertor and Collets etc etc :D

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Variable Frequency Drive, runs 3 phase from single phase and allows the frequency of the mains to be altered from 0.1hz to 400hz (usually) as well.

If you change the mains frequency supplied to an induction motor you will change the speed it runs at, so it gives you a lot more speed ranges than you have using standard mains frequency. Don't expect a normal induction motor to be happy at 400hz but you will probably get away with running it at between 25hz and 90hz.

Most modern ones will do more than just that though, you'll get DC braking, controlled acelleration/decelleration, fault protection, reverse, jog,current monitoring ..... and quite a few more I can't remember.

Currently there are some cheap chinese ones on ebay for about £70, they seem to work ok .... proper ones are a couple of hundred quid depending on power required.

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As above, not sure on the 400 Hz part - mine go from 0 to 50.

Also offer a lot of protection to the motor as it trips out before frying the motor. Currently run 1 on the lathe and 2 on the mill.


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Well 1st to sort out the workshop :rofl: .........

Then mount the convertor and start it up.....

I also have a box of collety things I have no idea what they are for, so expect pics with a "WTF" shortly !

Love the Collect chuck for the Headstock and the complete rnage of collets, superb.....christ it has some tooling with it !!

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The collets give a much more accurate run out tolerance/repeatablility gripping the workpiece better than even the best 3 jaw chuck , and will hold tight without marking the surface too.

With good tight bed and cross-slide ways internal/external cylindrical grinding (with the appropriate head attachment) can be carried out too

A nice bit of kit Nige , worth the wait



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Love it !

Powered it up and after some "WTFing" sorted out the operations.

Didn't know it had power feeds on both axsis Yummmmmm :D and compared to the Boxford, which has done me well for years, this feels like its hewn from solid steel, beautifull

feel, and feels grunty powerfull as hell, the boxford I guess was a biggesh "Hobby" lathe, where as this is a smallish "Industrial Lathe" and boy there is a world of difference !!

So,.........help ....... I have a box of about 20x of these thingys in various sizes, guessing they are some form of collect, but no holder, can anyone advise what they are / for / holder / will they fit my Lathe !

He is a bit of a squirrel, he had no idea what they were / from / for - but said he just got them with some other stuff !



Glasses are for size guide as its so bad in the workshop all 8 tape measures have vanished ..



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VFD and collets are brilliant.

Can't really tell what collet that is from the photo. As said, they'll hold a part very accurately. I normally use them to hold the first side of a job when I turn them round to do the second end, but also if you're using 'size' bar and you need a hole exactly in the middle or you need to turn a feature on the end exactly true to it. normal 3-jaw chuck jaws rarely run anything like true, unless you have a precision chuck or use soft jaws which you bore every time you use them.

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I have a P&B 'Ultra Precision' chuck. It's very good - however, I enquired about some new hard jaws as the ends of mine are quite worn - and the cost was £1500 just for one set of internal Jaws! I decided I could live with the worn ones!

I really ought to buy a collet chuck instead.


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Good buy!, I have an M300 in the garage which I got on recomedation from a friend slightly bigger than the 250 but doesnt make much difference for most things I do.

I got it wired up with a digital converter from drivesdirect who I found helpful, if not cheap, they can operate variable speed if connected direct to the motor but I bought a larger size (needed for the start up surge) and wired it to the lathes normal power supply so all the lathes normal controls and cut outs still work, I am sure this can and has been achieved by someone with sufficient electrical knowledge running variable speed but not me. The other advantage I can now run converter as a 3phase 415v ring main if I wanted to power different things provided I only run one at a time so can upgrade the mill to a bridgeport later if I want.

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Love it !

Powered it up and after some "WTFing" sorted out the operations.

Didn't know it had power feeds on both axsis Yummmmmm :D and compared to the Boxford, which has done me well for years, this feels like its hewn from solid steel, beautifull

feel, and feels grunty powerfull as hell, the boxford I guess was a biggesh "Hobby" lathe, where as this is a smallish "Industrial Lathe" and boy there is a world of difference !!

So,.........help ....... I have a box of about 20x of these thingys in various sizes, guessing they are some form of collect, but no holder, can anyone advise what they are / for / holder / will they fit my Lathe !

He is a bit of a squirrel, he had no idea what they were / from / for - but said he just got them with some other stuff !



Glasses are for size guide as its so bad in the workshop all 8 tape measures have vanished ..



That collet looks to be a watch makers collet.

5C collets are what you want with the appropriate chuck on its own camlock or its own dedicated set of soft jaws in the 3 jaw.

Not the clearest picture but this is a gearbox layshaft held in a 5C collet chuck: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1289707235185&set=a.1015788867397.3820.1005341141&type=3&theater

You lot seem to underrate the 3 jaw....

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