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another theft


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Sad news a friend in the Lincoln area has just told me his week old to him 110 utility has had all it's doors, bonnet and seats stolen the truck was parked up a drive overnight when they struck. Head light out disconnect the horn and away they went so at the very least if you have a puma either move the horn or add a second at least then you'll hear the alarm going. So if you see metallic black doors, bonnet and xs seats for sale in the Lincoln area there probably knicked.


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The police reckon the parts are out of the country quite quickly. The target seams to be newer defenders ie the newer style doors and bonnet. My mate did say if he gets another he'll be parking it with the bonnet in a bush to slow them down if nothing else.


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The police reckon the parts are out of the country quite quickly. The target seams to be newer defenders ie the newer style doors and bonnet. My mate did say if he gets another he'll be parking it with the bonnet in a bush to slow them down if nothing else.


I will keep an eye on the usual net trading sites here, you'd be amazed at how much bonnets, wing and doors go for over here!!!

Not to mention the much desired XS trim seats, they would make a sweet upgrade and be snapped up!!

I saw a post on FB a few days ago where one guy was bleating how "it's only enthusiasts buying vins and logbooks to build hybrids", it really boiled my blood as it's exercisers like him(these exercisers are found globally, not just a UK phenomena) that help fuel these thefts as they see nothing wrong with ringers or cheap "like new" parts of unknown origin, but price is right an all that!!

Mike, was the registration etched onto the glass in the doors do you know? Quite common here still.

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