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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Can I hijack and ask how you clean them ? Mine is looking a bit green ..
  2. How are these ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/111966102758
  3. I don't have a copy but my MOT guy said it was retrospective
  4. My MOT guy said about 12 months ago that they are supposed to be there if they were fitted - I don't think it's new legislation ?
  5. The cat was fitted on MY02 Td5's onwards - so basically the 10p engines didn't have it, the 15p ones did. I fitted a basic stainless front section that was de-cat and it fit ok - though it's not much use as I can't remember the brand ...... Sorry.
  6. GLASS is definitely the way to go. It will give you access the trail wise that David mentions, plus local area groups so you get the local knowledge too, plus the small membership is helping people who are working to keep the lanes open for us.
  7. You're right - so perhaps not a fair test. I have boosts now - largely because I'm shallow and really like them. If I was competing though, I think my priorities would shift and I'd be going for wolf steelies.
  8. I broke all four of mine - freestyle alloys they were.
  9. The chap I mentioned said the same - which is why he chemical strips it.
  10. Yes - being more specific, I think some GL5 is OK - but all GL4 is ok. I was planning on buying one of the 25l drums from Morris Lubricants. They have free delivery on that volume and it's around £100.
  11. Chemical stripping can work, chap near me drops it in a big vat of nasty stuff.
  12. Given that Mog is slang for a cat - and that's small how about something like 'kitty' ?
  13. Are they having a laugh ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/322071077994
  14. Me too - it's G5 oils that are the problem with yellow metals. Topically it's just being discussed on the series one club forum : http://www.lrsoc.com/forum/index.php?topic=21324
  15. Love to see a build thread for it Hector ?
  16. Or he is perfect social media material ? Facebook and Twitter are the perfect platforms sharing the triumphs and disasters of their daily lives
  17. Thanks Snagger - I better put it back in ! It was redundant as its in a series. Maybe I can replace the top plate with a blank.
  18. I saw this on Glen Coyne's site and wondered what people's thoughts here were? I'd actually blanked mine off - never thinking it fulfilled a stabilising function? Seems an odd thing to for the oil pump to be a slack fit ?
  19. Where the two halves of my R380 meet it weeps a little oil - not so as the level goes down noticeably, but so its wet to touch. I've kind of been treating it like my series - i.e accept it as a Land Rover thing and watch the level. However, if I want to stop it are there any alternatives other than box out and get it rebuilt ?
  20. Thanks everyone - I think I'm going to go for the 3290CX Sealy one. They are on offer and look to be fine for me. Tempted by the low profile one - but I don't really have cars that would warrant it ? The Costco one looks good, but they aren't stocking it at the moment - they have a 2ton aluminium one now.
  21. eBay has this kind of thing : https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/331651030956 https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/141730647631
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