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Everything posted by Peaklander

  1. Ok for the Eberspächers that's clarified things thanks. Hydronic - that’s a water circuit and a stand-alone system too or is it in the engine water circuit?
  2. Apologies Ian for a slight detour but through this thread I'm getting conflicting messages about the Eberspächer heaters. Here they are being spoken of as noisy but in the other recent thread (referenced below) I don't think this was referred to. What is the general consensus about using them in a 110, engine off, for overnight warmth? Are they noisy or is it something to do with type of use or maybe even the way they are installed?
  3. Well I couldn't wish for more detail. Thanks very much guys (and everyone else in the thread), that's given me a lot more confidence.
  4. Would it be breaking any rules if you were to post or message a couple of pics of just that article? It's just like borrowing the mag to read it isn't it?
  5. I can't quite see how you are aligning it for the pic but the foot should push and slide up into the pillar shouldn't it?
  6. My view. It’s minus 5 and the snow has blown around a lot. We have been in prime position to receive streamers from the east. Almost continuous snow this morning but now it’s turned scenic.
  7. Looking again at the first video I think it demonstrates that it's supposed to be something like "look right, look left, look right again and if all's clear, proceed". Every day I approach a junction and turn left into the slightly more minor road. It's amazing how few coming off that road look to their left first and start to pull out before then looking to the right and seeing me.
  8. Conversely I find that (when they see me) oncoming drivers are very quick to stop and let me through narrower spots. Its not as if a Defender is wider than most cars but it seems bigger. Maybe that's why they stop. It's quite a nice experience really. As far as general driving standards my biggest hate is the car behind being too close to my bumper. I recently drove in deepish snow, in the dark, across from the Winnats Pass to Sparrowpit and the car behind was so close to me that I got out at Sparrowpit and walked behind and told him. To be fair he was very apologetic and seemed to understand what a muppet he was. Hopefully it was helpful in the longer term.
  9. Ah, someone with knowledge and not far away too. A perfect combination! (scribbles note to self)
  10. Mrs Peaklander's Golf has developed a crack that is going to require a replacement. So I'm soon going to be visited by a local installer who can hopefully give me some advice and maybe even come back and do the job on the important vehicle. Great stuff - thanks
  11. Ok thank you. I'll have to check what mine is - steel or plastic. I have a "blue" unit from Machine Mart.
  12. Sorry, dumb question - what / where is the liner please?
  13. Rather unusually i have a LROI mag on the kitchen table but it's the Feb one!
  14. Please post your swap details on here - it will be very useful. Also, who is the other supplier near Leeds? That's not far from me.
  15. No I’ve not done it yet as I decided to wait until the chassis swap. I hope to start that by end of March.
  16. The ones of which you speak are also a bit difficult to fill. It’s hard to get the opening under a tap due to the angle and if you try to support with your leg they flop about!
  17. I tried those sticks and had reasonable success on a vertical panel. The trouble wasn’t getting a good pool of molten metal or adding the stick to it, it was coping with gravity pulling the liquid downhill and away from the repair point. I think a YouTube video demonstrates repair on a drinks can but it’s horizontal.
  18. The one I use like that describe did state in the instructions that you can’t draw off the 2.1A and 1A simultaneously. I’ve used it for either iPad or iPhones without issue and I don’t know the maker but it was ~£12 IIRC so on the cheap side I’d say.
  19. The book is a great read but it sounds as though he had a very hard time in the early days there. I'm sure you ride a rollercoaster too farming there and that's without transfer box problems on your Land Rover. Very glad to hear that it's almost ready to run again.
  20. Ha! At least you've all nicely reversed up to the campsite pitch markers
  21. I can recommend the range of boxes from "Really Useful Boxes". They are available in many sizes and from several places. Why are they good? Well first they are fully sealed which helps a lot in dusty conditions. Secondly the lids clamp down hard onto the base; very secure. Third they stack (if you choice the correct footprints). Lastly the lid still fits with the box full to the brim. This doesn't happen with a lot of other boxes and it's so annoying to fill it and then not be able to secure the lid!
  22. Last year we added a solar panel and mounted it for the Summer only on two of the roof bars you see. The box was also added to carry the chairs, table and wet weather gear and that makes stopping and sleeping in the vehicle a much easier job. We used the advice from @FridgeFreezer and opted for a Waeco compressor fridge to reduce the load on the electrics. The panel is 100W and is fed into our two batteries through a Ctek D250S which handles the panel and the two batteries. That setup is great. We ditched the 240VAC hookups and now go anywhere. We relied solely on the panel for several days at a time in Ireland where the weather was decidedly inclement.
  23. We spent years camping out of the back of an estate car. By that I mean with a tent but all the stuff in boxes to make things simpler. We have done the same out of rental cars abroad by taking a minimum of stuff on a plane such as a small Khyam "umbrella" tent and stove and then buying a few essentials. I bought a 110 CSW so that we could explore without getting stuck or damaging the cars. We found ourselves turning off the tarmac and wandering on loose surfaces which isn't always a good idea especially in a rental car. Our set up is that we camp on the ground or we sleep in the vehicle. We have thought long and hard about roof tents and seen many many people with them, especially in Australia. For us they are not what we want as we usually pitch for at least two nights and often up to a week and driving away leaving a tent on the ground works for us. We also like to sit in the tent, especially if it's raining, although our trip to Ireland last year wasn't as warm or dry as in other climes! This is Greece: Anyway, we have the CSW and remove the seats for the trip or sometimes don't refit after. We made a sleeping platform that doesn't need any fixing to the vehicle and is fitted in about five minutes. We sleep on the platform with self inflating mattresses and the fridge and food / clothes boxes are all under the platform. We also throw in two proper chairs and a table which sit on the platform when we are travelling.
  24. I had a beard in my twenties and honestly I would never make it through a security check with it nowadays. Looking back all those years I have no idea why I though I looked good with it.
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