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Everything posted by reb78

  1. Or freelander. I wonder if they filled the clutch pack with custard powder like the F1?
  2. They led us on about where it would be built, I suspect the same will be true about the price... I reckon it will end up being priced as a cheap G Wagen...
  3. I know. It was a bit of a tongue in cheek comment. Unless the Ineos suits my needs massively more than something else, I will look around. Personally I was more likely to cut it some slack if it was built in the UK because rightly or wrongly that appeals to me. That's just me... others don't mind and that's their prerogative. I am less much less interested in it now it doesn't tick that box and all the more likely to look at getting an F150 instead... if I am being really honest!
  4. I feel they conned us with all the nostalgic marketing that LR tried... pictures of old series and defenders in the background, talking about the made in Britain history BUT then they took it one step further and said ok, we will make it in Britain. So I thought, hmmm thats interesting, worth following and supporting... first chance though and they were off. Seems very fickle to me. Might as well buy a Toyota or Wrangler...
  5. I really wish they had been strong enough to stick to their initial rumblings to build it in Wales... I was interested until they backed off on that, but it seems it was a tacky initial sales gimmick to drum up interest.
  6. Serious question... can they fall off? Done up nice and tight and the injector clamped in place and as long as they dont leak, they cant com apart can they?
  7. Swivel preloads possibly. Panhard rod bushes maybe.
  8. On the D3 it is so that it can be used as an emergency brake. Someone said once that pulling it on at speed also applies the disc brakes but that sounds a little far fetched perhaps.
  9. Even a manual handbrake would have been a help there. I cannot understand why many manufacturers are moving to electronics on that system. In my D3 there is room for a lever where the pull button is and a cable activated system would be simpler, more reliable and less expensive to manufacture! Its a no brainer! In the video above, you have to wonder if they tried the handbrake.. I am sure it should still act as an emergency brake if other systems fail and unless they have changed something drastic compared to other designs it should activate shoes in the drum formed by the rear disc so shouldn’t have been overheated by excessive use of the TC system?
  10. My 200tdi is pretty happy on the motorway. I do have an overdrive though. The 110 will sit happily at 80 all day long. My mileage is ~25k a year in normal years that is, mostly in 300 mile chunks. I run it on veg oil in the warmer weather to keep costs lower too. Its not the quietest, but I have a nice loud radio and the overdrive helps quieten things(if you don't increase your speed with the extra gearing too much!)
  11. Its hard to know how that gearbox works, but I wonder if he was trying for reverse but by the time he was able to try to get it to engage it was going so fast that it wouldnt? The fact that it was going backwards might also have prevented engaging a forward gear too! God knows why the breaks didnt seem to work at all though!
  12. I thought uBlock was a Linux add in too? I am sure that's what i have on the PC in the workshop that runs Linux Mint
  13. Thats useful to know! Thanks. You can do it by clicking block feature in AdBlockPlus and then highlighting the element on the page.
  14. What a dreadful video! A test drive in slow motion slowed down more! I think I nearly nodded off!
  15. That Space X capsule that went up recently was all touchscreen I think - they are all at it!
  16. Haha. I couldn't help but think of this (you only need the last 15 seconds really!):
  17. The TD6 in the L322 was a BMW engine as well. Reportedly slow and perhaps underpowered in that vehicle but fairly bombproof (it was the gearboxes that let that model down I beleive). Freelander or the L322 engines are 20ish year old designs now though so I imagine the engine in the Ineos will have evolve a lot. Then there is the 2.8 6 cylinder petrol engine that was used in the south african defenders - that was silky smooth in my old 5 series
  18. There will always be critics of them but for the most part, BMW make well engineered and reliable engines. I already have faith that the reliability of this engine will vastly decrease the need for repairs compared to the LR options!
  19. I had this discussion a few years back. I ended up fitting freelander 1 rear seats that i had moved 4inches back by modifying the rear arches slightly to accommodate them and provide ample leg room in the back. They have worked well. Thread here. Photobucket has ruined the build/fit part by messing all of the original pics up but i do have the pictures somewhere if anyone wants to see them. https://forums.lr4x4.com/topic/94449-110-middle-row-seat-options/#comment-819357
  20. It's still got those silly suspension attachments for the lower arms hanging low down. They look a bit naff and ready to get caught on everything. The side they have put the steering wheel doesnt make it look very British either!
  21. Haha. Its a serious concern Mo, especially in the wake of COVID19. As I need to start to travel more but COVID is still around peeing in the back of the 110 and avoiding the dirty services whilst on my long drives will become quite a priority
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