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Everything posted by oddballrovers

  1. Hi Reggie I have used a bathroom scale and did as below, acctually the workshop now posseses one cooking scale, one bathroom scale and a postal scale for the nitty-gritty bits, as we are car weight watchers not body weight watchers Placed the one end off the chassis on axlestands as close to the end as possible and the other end did rest on a thick playwood piese then I read the scale noted it, did the same in the other end added the two figures and then you have an approx weight close enough for my purpose and I guess also for yours. regards Ole
  2. Hi Steve Thanks a lot, shoud have gone to the Show then. Kind regards Ole
  3. He Folks A friend off mine has tried ( without succes) to get in touch with Tomcat since before X-mas, do anybody know what is going on?? Kind regards Ole
  4. Hi Folks Seasonal greetings to all 4x4 nutters, from the west coast off Denmark. Here we have snow, not deep, but enough to stirr the traffic and the kids to play in. Kind regards Ole
  5. Even old leafers do fly From last years Bajasaxonia High resolution (5mb) is available if it is to be used. Kind regards Ole
  6. Hi Cat I have contacted him several times and also bought stuff from him, nice guy, knows his stuff, good service and support. Regards Ole
  7. A yearly gathering would be fun, would go a long way to participate Kind regards Ole
  8. And TeriAnn is a member here to as far as I know. Ole
  9. Hi Folks What about the content in the Darwin award tread I can only read it bit be bit orherwise my stomach start to hurt from all the laughing That would reallly be nice as smal Xmas presnt for the boys around. Kind regards Ole
  10. Hi I say TIC and I have done it before; TIC it is there is no substitute for that quality and service have had several sets on different cars, they do not sag, they do as a para spring are suppese to do and they last for ever... The ones we have on The Kitten has taken a lot off abbuse and are still fine. Thats my words Kind regards Ole.
  11. Hi Dirty Thats no prob and there is even room for stuff from the Mall..... When I have had them in the back off SWB being 88" or 90" I have used a 3/4" plywood pice to sit them on and the tie them to each corner in the tub, it is not nice having 200kg + tumbling around in the back. Regards Ole.
  12. Hi Steve I think there is two aspect when talking about springs, flex and comfy, me experiences is that you can get both with both types, BUT and it is a big one I do not know of any one that today makes OE or eq to that springs in the same quality as the old OE springs from LR. But if you can get OE 7 leaf LWT front springs and refurb with grease and so and a set of OE 109 STW rears and then fit HD 88" dampers you have from OE std parts a good compromise, but do not buy any of the carp that is being made today, thats my experience. Para wise, I do run TIC's ( 2 lef front and 3 rear) on The Kitten with some extra long shocks and we have same flex as a 2" lifted 90" but it is a little stiffer than the above setup ( the kitten weighs 1550kg ready to run less the two monkeys ), we have a anti wrap bar on the front and are going to have one at the rear in the future also, but the the Kitten is solely used for competition. Thats my adwise based on 30 years with series vehicles. Regards Ole
  13. Hi Thats no good idea, it is best to have the filter protected from water spray that might hit it at lets say 50Mph. So under the bonnet and in a closure to keep the heat from out off the intake system. Regards Ole. Ps actually not filter is /as far as I know) ment to be fitted at the top/end of a snorkel.
  14. Hi I've just been texting Mr Greenstream and he says def its a Thor engine. Kind regards ole.
  15. Hi Brian If I understand your correct then you are asking if the speed of the props to the diff's,and IE a prop driven from a PTO fitted to the back off the gearbox are the same in lowgear? The speed is not the same there will allways be the difference that the transferbox makes, wether in low or high range, the PTO however follows the main gearbox IE in 4 gear the speed is the same as the engine. Regards Ole.
  16. Hi That is they way to do it, we have done so in almost 20 years now with great succes, so go a head. Regards Ole
  17. Hi A little more info, I have done the porting and manifold matching on a 2,25 diesel way back 20 years ago fuel up by 15% freeflow exhaust 2,5" and an very unrestricted airfilter with cold air feed, I had for the size off engine, load off pulling power, could not prowoke black smoke at all it gave, when I cruised at 50Mph, more than 10% better milage, but it would almost outrun it self in the higher rev range so one had to be carefull. Re the cam on the 2,5 na diesel and petrol the cam is the same, to me it says a lot about how de-tuned the petrol engine is. I have heard of people using the ACR cam in 200Tdi's but I have never heard off how the result is. I have my self drawn all the pre 300tdi 4 cyl landrover cam profils on paper also the ACR performance one, it has not much more lift and not a lot more duration but it has faster "raise" times on the lobes, wich is possible because thes engines have "roller" cam followers as far as I know. In other words the area under profile is larger without having a lot more lift and duration, tha tis also why ACR cams are made from blanks and not just regrinds. And Aragon you are right re cost and result, but he aksed us not to laugh so we wont because some us has been there just because it was possible not everything in life has to be rational So go for it Regards Ole
  18. And as others have mentioned it is not at all cost vise a good idea, but for the expeience it is very good and fun and good to learn from Regards Ole
  19. Hi Soren On my first attempts I did not use anything but a bolt with a very very little radius at the end and it also work and you where not in doubt that it worked one could hear it but as others have mentioned it is so short time it touches so no prob. Regards Ole
  20. What vehicle are we on about I have doen it many times on a Series so in that case I can expalain it... Regards Ole.
  21. Hi From my experience, brake/clutch fluid is also good to have, and if you have them repairmanual and spareparts cat. But apart from that I think your list is complete off course topped up with the various things also suggested by other members Have a nice trip.. Ole
  22. Hi Just a question out off couriosity, is mainly front or rear you break?? or just both off them. Ole
  23. Hi Folks Just heard about his today, whats this about........ http://www.euro-offroad-challenge.com/ Regards Ole.
  24. Hi Folks We did it last year at the annual national LR meeting, it was one off the tasks at our "trophy", the teams had to weld to 5x50mm plates togther,they where supplied with two rods a set off jumper cables a plier to hold the rod and finally a pices off normal window glass and a candel!! Now it is the last two bits that are interesting, you simply use the candel to "blacken" the glas until enough to use as eye protection, I know it does not protect the face and also the eyes not perfect but we are talking field repair under certain circumstances. All the teams did the task and about 80 people total now know whyy to carry welding rods and jumper cables traveling and competing in the outback. Just my words. Regards Ole. Ps they also had a normal welding helmet as this was not a "live" situation.
  25. Yes as far as I do understand the physichs it can strength the front leg much. Kind regards Ole
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