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Everything posted by CwazyWabbit

  1. I think you'd find a lot of people would love a cnc plasma cutter, but I also think a large percentage would also get the hump when they didn't get perfect results on the first ever cut. You'd be doing a heck of a lot of phone support .....
  2. Either http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/metal-film-2w-150-ohm-resistor-d150r or http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/metal-film-2w-330-ohm-resistor-d330r Depending on what value decide on. You will probably find them far cheaper elsewhere although that would mean buying in quantity and paying postage.
  3. Glad you've got your footage back (well at least some of it so far, fingers crossed the rest comes through). I shall remember Disk Drill and add it to the box of tricks for the next data recovery that comes my way.
  4. Is it possible to say what the technicality is? If there is any chance that mentioning it could affect your claim then please don't.
  5. I doubt that would work very well if at all with EP90. That is trying to suck the liquid up by blowing across the top of a tube in the same way as a spray gun.
  6. Bit of ohms law will answer your question Mo 12/300=0.04A so that will give you an extra 40ma of current flow. Or an extra 0.48 Watts How much more were we after? If you wanted an extra watt then something around 150 ohm would be better but make sure of the power rating of the resistor. NB: you may wish to redo the calcs with a different voltage than 12v EDIT: just to say if you already have some 300 ohm half watt resistors kicking around try one in parallel and if you still have a problem chuck another one in parallel as that will give you the equivalent of a single 150 ohm one watt resistor.
  7. There's the 3 answers which are a nice even mix of convenience and price. The cheapest solution is to change the gear, this should get you close but may not be exact. Modifying the eeprom would allow you to get it exact but means you would be without your speedo for a few days. Dave's solution would allow you to get it exact and you don't have to send your speedo away, plus you can fiddle with it if you want in case you got it wrong the first time EDIT: Just to add Daves solution will allow you to compensate for tyre wear to as you can have a fiddle when you notice the reading has changed
  8. Just get a metal cylinder (gas or fire extinguisher) and you can connect compressor to that, fill with oil and take the output pipe from the bottom of the cylinder. When you pressurise the oil will fly out
  9. He probably wants to know something about the non standard 2.8litre diesel that a previous owner fitted, it's MOT is due in a couple of weeks so maybe they need some info to buy parts?
  10. Looks pretty good, will be easier to see when you show it some primer
  11. I'd let PhotoRec finish and then seeing as you are looking for video footage I'm assuming the files you want will be of a reasonable size, so you could search for files over a certain size and hopefully they'll appear in the search. They may have totally meaningless names and possibly as they are video the file extension may be a different video file extension than the one you are expecting. They should still play regardless of the extension as your player/editor should recognise the codec they were produced with.
  12. That would seem sensible but I think as PhotoRec works with corrupted filesystems as well that it scans for file signatures. I could of course be wrong, I mainly use it on disk images of corrupted dying hard drives and it regularly recovers lots of deleted files as well as the undeleted ones. That said it's often possible to fix the corruption of the filesystem on a dying hard drive so you don't lose any data at all.
  13. Most tools that will scan all the free space for files will take a good while to complete on a large disk, also the file recovery rate will vary depending on whether the free space they are scanning has some files/lots of files/no files present. Another thing that may make recovery slower is the fact it's an external disk, that said PhotoRec will usually come up with the goods.
  14. Although the TD5 panel is fitted as standard to a 300 tdi ROW vehicle
  15. The drives on OSX are given names like /dev/disk0 or /dev/rdisk0 I'd start with the highest numbered one if it's an external drive as it's most likely that one, it also shows the capacity of the drive on that same screen so that also helps work out which it is. There is a tutorial on using photorec on the site you downloaded it from and all though the examples are from a windows machine the process is very similar on a mac. Let us know how you get on.
  16. I agree Phil, diagnosis type stuff is definitely tech archive.
  17. Everyone makes mistakes, I managed to accidentally overwrite all the partition tables on a harddrive with 14 partitions as well as quite a few other bits of important data all because it was late and I typed sda instead of sdb as part of a command line. Quite a sinking feeling when you realise what you have done and that the machine is never going to boot up again without a lot of work It's all a learning experience
  18. I normally use this http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec as one of my tools and notice it is available on the mac to. It's not a pretty gui thing but is pretty effective, just make sure you don't write recovered files back to the disk you are recovering from! Failing that you could always post me the disk and I'll give it a whirl, I've found most of the paid recovery software to be no better than the free stuff but they just add bells whistles and pretty pictures.
  19. What format is the external drive? Have you written anything to the drive since the 'mishap'?
  20. Find a smaller pulley for the alternator? Sounds like perhaps it is a 'design feature' of the 200 tdi setup. On the 300 TDI's land rover changed the size of the pulley on the alternator to help with idle charging, that's why there are two different sizes of belt available for the 300. The fact they had to fix it part way through the 300's would make me believe it was probably wrong/marginal on the 200's as well.
  21. I'm dead impressed with that, it's pretty obvious how much of a time saving it must be.
  22. That's quite a cool use for the swear filter
  23. Lol Anderzander wins You best bag up the bits for Mr Postman to take to him as his 'prize'
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