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Everything posted by discojmz

  1. i'll do my best to dig it out but you might have to bear with me. i wont be able to find it til next time im home from uni. something about any product not being able to be delivered over 15miles from base, and a limit on working distances applicable to agricultural and forestry practices (but i think that may have been with regards the fitment or not of digital tachometers and/or licencing) of course the next thing will be we wont be able to stockpile our scrap, just like we already arent supposed to have a pile of rubble in the yard. anyway, thats getting more and more off topic
  2. there is indeed a maximum mileage for red diesel which also applies to livestock and all cropped produce plus, carting scrap is as far as im aware, NOT an agreed agricultural practice. it comes under waste management and disposal. just like a farmer requires a special dispensation from the EA for burning ANY waste, organic or otherwise, which still does not cover for everything we once burnt. We also have our scrap 'collected' when it amounts sufficiently (in old 500gal tanks with the top cut off) there are very fine yet ever more defined lines to what is and what is not an accepted agricultural practice, contractors have it even worse, but farmers still struggle to keep right side of the fence on logistical issues but back on topic, this doesnt bode well for me when i need some steel to bend up a new HD rear bumper
  3. i put a set of deflex ones on the 90 and they self-destructed before i had chance to drive the thing! now have a set of britpart ones on the discovery, and they are fantastic. I cant praise them highly enough, and the trailing arm bushes are bevelled and corrugated to allow them to flex more easily. the deflex were split type bushes, the britpart ones are single piece polyurethane with removable metal sleeve
  4. Tim, yes mate i can fully appreciate what you're saying there about the TUV etc not making a product 'better' necessarily, but im taking my stance from the point of view of joe public. I know myself when I see something TUV approved beit suspension components, wheels, spacers etc, it looks a whole lot more attractive to me than without, if only because we live in a day and age where we pay through the nose for insurance, and then should the worst happen, the insurance do their damnedest to wriggle out of a payout and land us in the proverbial thus further agreeing with your second comment re: why leave yourself open Smo, well put mate! Jim
  5. that's as maybe... but i would ask, if a wheel is SEEMINGLY not strong and well made enough to warrant 'E' or TUV for road use, then how can it be trusted to be put through the abuse of off road use. at no point am i saying that it isnt strong, that it isnt suitable, but i AM saying that BJP etc are filling the gap that Mach 5s need not have left themselves. I find it puzzling, that's all.
  6. oil starvation? oil pump had it? i assume you're not getting any such warning lights up on the dash?
  7. also seems the footage where he went to see the original 100inch military defenders/series 3s?? was edited out of the dvd. I thoroughly enjoyed the series on TV but was disappointed that this was omitted from the DVD as it put the whole build in context
  8. manual box runs ATF (type G i think, could be wrong) thought the axles and transfer box were listed as 80/90. they are in my manual anyway
  9. personally i like the name i reckon people are taking it and themselves far too seriously. its a fun name that more than anything, sets it apart from the crowd, a sea of (to most) inexplicable number and letter combinations. makes for a conversation starter, and love it or hate it, i bet you wont forget it.
  10. nice long breaker against the chassis and use the starter motor, isnt scary, works every time. as far as im concerned, no other practical method
  11. check out jimmyneutron's topic in members vehicles. 'building a family friendly 90' or similar
  12. i dont really think that's fair comment as such. yes the other companies can make the improvements, but why cant Matt Lee make the same improvements to his own product? If it cracks, someone makes a stronger version, why isnt he also making a stronger version?? No excuse as far as I see it other than keeping margins as low as possible and people putting stock in a brand name. I also think there is no excuse for the Mach 5s to have not been made well enough to pass E marking or TUV accreditation when all the others seemingly do. I would call it shooting oneself in the foot personally At least the consumer is no longer losing out on a good product, even if it comes by another name.
  13. if that's as far through the dvd youve got... you're in for some more shocks mate! how about... 'all the wiring is on multiplugs, everything fits colour to colour and nothing fits the wrong way round' err... yeah that's right and tbh he does mention cutting the back down for a better departure angle im pretty sure anyway. Its a good fun DVD but when i used that and the haynes book of lies to inform my 90 rebuild, im sure it made it harder because i expected everything to be easier than it was.
  14. essentially you lose (roughly) 10inches off the front of it for the wheelbase, and whatever you want off the back for whatever overhang you require
  15. but the Mach 5s arent E marked anyway are they? so you cant use them on the road... whereas these are pending TUV approval which would mean you can... therefore regardless of copy or not, they would be the 'better' product
  16. if the weld is good, it should be NOT be a weak point, it should be as strong if not stronger than the metal it is joining, as if it were a seamless piece
  17. if you only have the one airbag (drivers side) i would simply remove the steering wheel and refit a non-airbag wheel. problem solved (would be in the UK anyway. i know loads of people who have done this) as with your airbag being now 10 years old (unless proof of it being changed in the past) it is no longer a reliable safety measure anyway.
  18. one of the massey mechanics in the factory had his finger end cleaved clean off by the high pressure injection system on the new tier 3 engines when i need a pipe doing i tend to take it to peacock and binningtons and avail myself of their crimper. its like a bottle jack with 6 pieces of metal that close onto the collar of whatever fitting is going onto it. tbh weve a good relationship with spaldings, we buy a lot from them, and have helped them out with some of their own product development. not seen that crimper before, but when we're talking pipes to tip up a 14tonne trailer or more importantly the brake pipe for said trailer, i wouldnt even entertain using it. (trailer brake hoses get broken when pillocks like me forget to uncouple the locking connection on the back of the tractor before driving off) ive managed not to for about 5 years now... that's jinxed it!
  19. to be honest, when ive done them in the past, ive never needed to 'lock' the pulley at all. the tension applied by the belt has always been sufficient. put a (22 i think) mm spanner behind the fan blades and onto the hexagonal 'nut' which forms part of the viscous coupling casting, and give it a good solid whack with the heel of your hand. pulling progressively has never done it yet, but that method has equally never failed. once you crack it, it just comes off by hand hope that is of some help
  20. 'One of the main reasons why Land Rover is still able to build the Defender in this day and age is that it’s classified by the European Union and FIA as a light commercial vehicle rather than a passenger car. Because of this, Land Rover is able to bypass the NCAP passenger and pedestrian safety tests' so in short, it hasnt been tested. but then they cant say the airbag is rubbish or the crumple zones arent any good... because it has neither
  21. i hope im wrong mate, but yeah i hear you on the MOT thing. mine didnt cost so much money as time, but that aside, a grown-up will be along to agree/disagree soon enough im sure. of course the usualy check all your earth straps, +ve lead etc all apply
  22. do you have to trailer a vehicle to SVA then or is it like a failed MOT vehicle, you can get away with driving it to and from the test station?
  23. few times round the block and dont run anyone over was it?
  24. halfords do fuel hose by the metre off the roll. QH and/or goodyear i believe. gives you an extended opening hours option
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