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Everything posted by zim

  1. Surely if it was suction from the top, in the event of your water level being a little low your pump wouldn't get suction ?
  2. Cheers. I'll get some 1 x M10 x 55 and 2 x M10 x 45 for each side. 12.9 capheads this time. Then to rebuild 2 x buckled internal beadlocked wheels .... argh ! G
  3. Evening, I was wondering if someone could tell me the length of the 3 bolts that hold on the brackets that go on the chassis cross-member where the A frame bolts into. I'm 99% sure they're a 10mm. Snapped all of mine on one bracket today in a roll. So need to get some before i get down to the shop tomorrow. G
  4. Sam, if you need a scope i have a hand held one you could borrow. I'll be around tomorrow (by the airport) & trialing near congleton on Sunday. Gordon
  5. When i put this post up years ago it was my RR P38, so what's that about a 110 ? I still prefer towing my tri axle now with the truck. This has a 156" wheelbase i think. G
  6. This was before i started challenging. A quiet greenlaning day out. Coming down a hill, front wheel got channelled into a rut and pulled me off to the side...The she fell over. There were full bodied landrovers with us this day. The terrain hardly looks dangerous if you ask me. Had i had the full roof on with someone in the back - then what ? G (It was the last time i didn't secure the spare wheel down !)
  7. Hang on, let me get this right. You're into offroading where's there a chance that you could roll, slide, flip etc.....and you're complaining that you need to wear a seatbelt ? A small bump to the head could possibly easily result in death. G
  8. Fair enough. For comparison here is mine fitted to a 4.2 non serp. Slightly older than yours. I have a seperate 4.6 engine that i just used a normal chain on but new cam from v8tuner. G
  9. That looks like an awesome trip Hope zimbabwe treated you well G
  10. Is the bottome gear all the way home ? You need to slide them on at the same time. On another note - you have a 4.6 p38 engine don't you ? Have you (well actually you probably haven't yet as it's not fitted)..... I'll rephrase, once you've got this new timing chain on, check to see if it doesn't touch the timing cover. Mine did. Gordon
  11. Afternoon, Bit of a long chance really. I've got a unimog axle that needs bringing back from Holland to the UK. It will require space on a trailer as these things are not small. The item will be in Uden which is sort of central Holland. I can be anywhere in the UK. For me to go across would probably cost about £350 i think in my little diesel. *So yes, i'm being a cheapskate* Cheers Gordon
  12. This is my reverse camera setup. It's using a Ford F150 mirror and a cheapy ebay camera (Which needs replacing due to water / condensation inside). It switches part of the mirror into a screen when reverse is selected. The mirror also has a mic that i could use for my handsfree if so wished. G
  13. You'll like the stack gauge. Until you drive at night Best get some sunglasses.
  14. Just buy a yank truck. My passenger sits so far away from me we need to phone each other for a conversation ! G
  15. zim


    this is from 6 months challenging. (I'm at sea for half the time as well!) Tuned 4.2v8. I've broken a lot more which isn't pictured. Front & rear HD shafts, ARB's / pegged diffs, crown wheel + pinions, drive flange bolts, props, steering boxes.... The list doesn't stop. The sooner i get the new one built on non landrover axles the better !
  16. With my twin axle (BJ) i regularly towed to German, Austria, France etc... All fully loaded. Tyres were never a problem. Going to tri axle was a good move though as it's a lot more stable I found at a cost of fuel economy. Then moving to a wider / bigger tow vehicle (pretty much the same width as trailer wheels) was another improvement for tram lines. G
  17. England - i like to know the temperature all the time, not just when my thermostat is open You have a thor sensor in now, why not just remove that and replace with your new one ? *Simples* :P
  18. Nige, i can't remember what your engine looks like. But is the hose after the thermostat like in the 'older' style ? If so, you need it in the inlet area before the thermostat. FWIW, all my gauges are stack. G
  19. I'm not to keen on the ifor tri axles. They end up being quite far apart due to the leaf springs. I like the smaller wheel variety so the 3 wheels are all pretty close. G
  20. zim


    yella has needs roof mounted axles, so i wouldn't ask about front and rear lockers (i'll let him answer about his dodgy toyota things he's got underneath / above his truck)
  21. To be honest i prefer a normal gauge to digital. Easier to watch etc. You learn positions of the needle so don't have to concentrate on it. G
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