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Is there an easy way to tell if I have diluted a bottle of coolant?


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I usually scribble on the tub when I dilute antifreeze so that I know I have done it. But I have two open 5l bottles of blue antifreeze and I am sure one of them is neat and one is 50% - there is a small chance they may both be neat! Is there an easy way to tell if I have diluted one?

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Hydrometer is the word I couldn't think of!

According to the link in my previous post, the specific gravity of 100% concentration is 1.13 at 27'C or if it is 50% diluted then the SG will be 1.077 at the same temperature.

Hope this helps you.


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Hydrometer is of course the correct answer, as above.

Slightly more whimsically, dilute samples of both a bit more, and stick them in the freezer, see which freezes first :)

But if it were me, I'd just mix both bottles with 10L of water, and know I then had 20L of mix at somewhere between 33% and 50% which should be close enough for anyone...

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  • 2 weeks later...

99% of antifreeze for sale now is pre-diluted (at least from garages and supermarkets, professional may be still concentrate) -  easier to use for stupid people, but we are buying water at some inflated rate.

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