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Sore about SORN


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Guilty until proven innocent, a sad decent into the dark ages. This should be clearly winnable in court, but who needs that hassle right?

Lesson, if your car is SORN'd take the plates off.

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Not going to pretend to have any legal knowledge but is there any case for things to be automatically cancelled if they fail to reply or provide information within a given time frame?.

Potentially you might be able to take them to the small claims court to reclaim any costs but I doubt it would be worth it and if they can suggest they were doing all they could in the circumstances you may not win anyway.

I am in a similar situation with TNT, got a delivery from China in January, got sent the invoice for the VAT and duty in Febuary and paid it, March they send me another bill for the same amount for the same delivery, got through on the phone to query it and was told the phone operators can't access bills etc to check and to send and email. Since then I have had automated responses followed by another invoice every few weeks which has been sent back with copies of the previous email and my bank statement showing it has been paid. Finally had a reply from there complaints people last month which stated they had check the VAT and it was correct, since I was asking why I was being billed twice it wasn't a very useful reply, they language was not good for a while!. After an hour managed to talk to someone who said they would look into it and put me on hold, after 45 minute on hold the line was disconnected at there end, 2 hours later on the phone got through again to a person (sometimes you think you are going to get through, you come off hold and it rings but then it goes to a silent line for a while and disconnects), this time they actually were helpful, looked into it asked a few questions and agreed with what I already knew, it was duplicate invoice and it would be sorted out. Yesterday got another email with another invoice for the same delivery demanding payment. What is really annoying is it is very obvious that no one has actually read any of the emails I have sent in.

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Thanks for your support anyway, and apologies  for the rant but I just need to vent a bit, as I do find it hardly believable. Well amazingly on Tuesday we got a letter from DVLA complaints team, they had received our letter on 11th May, and despite their website commitment to respond within 10 working days (so maybe they only work 10 days per month?), it crossed with the one we sent to the Chief Exec on Monday. I wish I could say it was good news. The original alleged offence was at the end of our drive on 15th Feb - the enforcement notice said so.   The new letter said the offence still stood as the vehicle was sighted on 17th Feb (no year or time) in a street I have never heard of. A quick Google showed the nearest street of that name is around 15 miles away. So that is a complete fabrication (ie we can't substantiate your original offence, but no problem, we'll invent a new one). The letter then said our GDPR request had been received 6 days later than it actually had been according to the Royal Mail - so again a lie, and we would not be prioritised against key workers or HGV drivers for the information. It then went on to say if we had parked under a bridge it was still on the road etc, and the penalty still stood. The writer clearly had read none of the previous letters, even their own,  or had chosen to ignore them. Another letter has been returned to the Chief Exec, and we have now also written to our MP. We are awaiting a response from the ICO to our complaint  about the non-compliance with GDPR.

As @sean f suggests above the time it takes and the effort to write all these letters or make calls, record the receipts etc is wearing, and frankly there are other things I would much rather be doing. I can imagine a lot of folk would be intimidated into paying to make it go away.

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2 hours ago, cackshifter said:

The letter then said our GDPR request had been received 6 days later than it actually had been according to the Royal Mail

I'm not surprised! Having done a fair amount of process mapping and operational improvement work over the years, I can see that both of these could be correct.

Some organisations get so wrapped-up in their KPIs that they pull all sort of stunts. One place said that they handled evidence bags within 24 hours of receipt. This they did, if booking-in and putting on a shelf is classed as 'handled'. The same bags then sat on the shelves, sometimes for weeks and even months in some cases.

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No I am not surprised by that either. DVLA needs to review that practice of that if it is the case. But GDPR doesn't allow for that; the time starts from the date of receipt. In any case we have allowed much longer than officially needed, and followed up with a reminder, again allowed a longer period. Most if not all of the time elapsed was before the lockdown. The ICO's site has plenty of cases where the DVLA has had to be forced to respond

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3 hours ago, cackshifter said:

The new letter said the offence still stood as the vehicle was sighted on 17th Feb (no year or time) in a street I have never heard of. A quick Google showed the nearest street of that name is around 15 miles away.

They have to then prove that it was your vehicle. Ask to see the evidence from this new sighting as there should be photographic evidence.. 

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I feel for you. This type of thing is so time consuming and preys on your mind, yet you are helpless to get it sorted as the speed of response is in someone else's hands entirely. I emailed our water supplier over a week ago to query a leak allowance on our bill and its taken them a week to acknowledge receipt and merely say they are passing it on to the wholesaler. Why couldn't they do that last week!? This has been going on since early February!

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I received a similar letter and when I got the photo I took a photo of my car and sent it back to them. The two vehicles looked completely different They were very efficient in cancelling the fine.

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