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Seven Sisters 4

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I certainly don't remember it being cheap, but I do remember them refusing Tom a glass of water when he walked in after his 4 hour drive, because they hadn't taken any money from him earlier in the evening. Never mind the other 20 of us sat there, then? :angry:

Last time we had an excellent meal here at Tafarn-y-Garreg, 10 mins walk from the Castle and highly recommended too but probably not that cheap either!

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I shall chow down in the bar at the castle on Friday - some of that chicken curry hopefully

Saturday I have no idea what is happening but I believe the Nurses Common Room will see some action later!

Edited to say: http://www.j33p.org/board.cfm?ID=2253

This looks to be the order of the day for Saturday night. Being on a tight budgie I will most likely grab a take away and some beer and doss in the Common room all night. The Abercrave is pricey and I am skint as a skint person who lives down skint lane in Skintville, Skint County, Miss.

Richard - help is always good. Help being people who are gullible enough to drive some of the maxi trial so I can see what is what. I also want to drive a section I 'found' last time which may be a bit interesting after all this rain...

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Me and the wife will be down there on Friday Morning, so I'll come and help set up.(wife going ghost hunting !!!!<_< )and staying warm in the castle instead of getting cold and un-doubtubly wet !

If anyone else wants my number so we can all meet up PM me

Dave, I'll give you a ring on Friday when we get there if not earlier in the week. Phone No still the same ?

Was planning on eating in the Castle on Friday but not sure about Saturday yet, :huh:

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Mornin' all B)

We're heading up afternoon of Friday and probably setting up/fixing what we broke (already) Friday night... will see you all Saturday morning and really like the sound of cheap takeaway in the Common Room on Saturday night as I too am from the same town as Mr Lovejoy :rolleyes: That's if they'll let us common camping people in :huh:

Bertha is now offically being 'bodged'... Dan changed his mind last weekend and despite working hard on her now wants to change the design of the whole back end (again :o:lol: ), so expect lots of rivets and chequerplate and next time you see her she'll look beautiful (I'm trying hard not to say 'I told you so ;):lol: ).

Lookin' forward to it and getting very over excited again :blink::D


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David,, will make sure Mark is holding ,, so you can eat sat !! :blink:

Les,, the wife and i stayed for the night on one of the ghost weekends last september,, good tour, but did not see any ghosts :( will sent you my nunber on the pm, sound like 3 of us (Darth,You and I) to help David & Paul etc on friday, should be at the castle just before 12


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Excellent, I'll give the pub a miss and find something a little more suited to my budget nearby :o

Tim, yep I'm up for meeting at J26 friday morning, I'll do my best to be there at 9. I'll PM you with my number, think I've still got yours...

Dave, I'm up for trying parts of the Maxi-trial as long as it's not too daft, and if it is I'll make sure I get some pictures of Tim doing it :lol:


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Dave, I'm up for trying parts of the Maxi-trial as long as it's not too daft, and if it is I'll make sure I get some pictures of Tim doing it :lol:


Richard,, it is David/Paul who is setting the maxi-trail up !! :rolleyes: the last one in July was called ??? opps can remember the name it got referred to, but along the lines of suicidal !!!

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Richard,, it is David/Paul who is setting the maxi-trail up !! :rolleyes: the last one in July was called ??? opps can remember the name it got referred to, but along the lines of suicidal !!!

One of them was called'Ludicrous' and was half driven by one vehicle and that took him a couple of hours. the other was a bit of a pig but even Les drove it with no worries or breakage.

This weekends is going to be much easier and much wetter - oh and much longer. It will contain winching sections. Howvere I am moving away from the area we used last time as it is suicidal in the wet...

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I still haven't worked out what time i will be coming up. I will be up by fri night at the latest- if i can make it any earlier then i will happily give you all a hand setting up- doing whatever really.

looking forward to it- just so long as a certain "unmentionable" can get a V8 back into the rangie and running before this weekend (actually before wednesday- i don't really want to be taking a new engine off roading the day after it's installed!)

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Ah, I missed the last one and didn't get a chance to do the one before that. Dave drives it all first in his Range Rover doesn't he - should be a walk in the park :P:lol::blink:

Oh dear, just what have I let myself in for :huh:


0900 for a 10 00 start normally

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One of them was called'Ludicrous' and was half driven by one vehicle and that took him a couple of hours. the other was a bit of a pig but even Les drove it with no worries or breakage.

This weekends is going to be much easier and much wetter - oh and much longer. It will contain winching sections. Howvere I am moving away from the area we used last time as it is suicidal in the wet...

if i can keep the series running ha ha ha i will have a go at the harder trial section or at least the suicide bits of it.

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One of them was called'Ludicrous' and was half driven by one vehicle and that took him a couple of hours. the other was a bit of a pig but even Les drove it with no worries or breakage.

This weekends is going to be much easier and much wetter - oh and much longer. It will contain winching sections. Howvere I am moving away from the area we used last time as it is suicidal in the wet...

you haven't broken her indoors' range rover have you.

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I still haven't worked out what time i will be coming up. I will be up by fri night at the latest- if i can make it any earlier then i will happily give you all a hand setting up- doing whatever really.

looking forward to it- just so long as a certain "unmentionable" can get a V8 back into the rangie and running before this weekend (actually before wednesday- i don't really want to be taking a new engine off roading the day after it's installed!)

You're not relying on Lund are you!

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You're not relying on Lund are you!

Interests Lots of odd things, like:

Watching Moglite develop

My wifes cats

Will Bowdens dirving style

The reliability of Paul Challis's Series

Sad aren't I?


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Does anyone have a list of things to take that from previous experience you might not think of? Could be in the way of tools, oils, filters, etc etc.

or even in the way of clothing!

I have a farily extensive list alredy- which includes boots, spare clothes and LOTS AND LOTS of SOCKS!

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Does anyone have a list of things to take that from previous experience you might not think of? Could be in the way of tools, oils, filters, etc etc.

or even in the way of clothing!

I have a farily extensive list alredy- which includes boots, spare clothes and LOTS AND LOTS of SOCKS!


Warm clothing



Don't worry about spares/recovery bits - Fruity will be there, like a short, grubby AA man

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