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December 07 LRO


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Have just received this Months LRO and on Page 241 there is a full page advert that can only be discribed as being at home in the Daily Sport.

I don't consider that I am a prude in any form but do not feel that this is appropriate in a Landrover Magazine just would like to canvas opinion am I right or am I just getting to be an old over protective parent?

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I haven't seen it, but my general view is that a Land Rover magazine should be for and about Land Rover's. It should be suitable for all ages to read, which from the tone of the first (and second) post it would suggest that this is not the case.

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Hmmm a 'quick fist' would be required if a reply to the mentined ad's on the 0909 *** **** numbers was dialled :o

I haven't seen the ad, Ralph so no idea, however the potential for chat lines in LR mags is huge...

"Discuss your flange needs with out resident experts"

"All greased up and ready to go, call.."

etc etc ;););)

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on a serious note though, like it or not the editorial side of a mag is normally very removed from the ad sales side. With the buying demographics of LR mags you can see why these type of ads crop up. I would suspect that there is a similar percentage of buyers that are males between a certain age group.

Remember that subscription forms or competition entry forms don't capture the rest of the family that read the mag. etc

So in summary, it's right to voice your objections but don't necessarily blame the editorial side as they are probably just as surprised to see the ads too.



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They’re in business to make money, same as everyone else. Ads make money, same as the cover price does. The circulation might drop a little but the difference is more than covered by the additional revenue of this advertising from businesses with massive profit margins and nearly no overheads.

Vote with your feet/wallet – I did and donated to this forum instead. Better tech and no ads! On the other hand, the mass migration of people to forums may have led the circulation to drop so far they need to cast a wider advertising net to stay afloat?

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What's that, LRO concentrating more on bottom line than Land Rovers? Surely not? :rolleyes: all the other comics are the same though, I'll bet their advertising crews are sitting there saying "why didn't we think of that?"

Apparently the Shire LRC club mag is mag of the month, despite the fact I keep slating them :lol: wonder if I printed a slating in the club mag they'd notice? :ph34r:

I just hope Mr Kidd lives up to his word and turns TOR around (again) so there might actually be something worth reading.

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Please be assured that no more chatline ads will appear in LRO. Some idiot of an Emap ad person sold a group deal across a number of titles, including LRO, without checking whether we accept them. We never have done, and won't in the future. This costs us in lost revenue, but LRO is a family mag, and we want readers of all ages to enjoy it.

I was absolutely furious to see the page – the first I knew about it was when I saw the printed issue, and it was too late to do anything. But it won't happen again.

John P Editor-in-Chief

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There is a mag here in Aus that is just brill. It is everything you want. Its all about Winch challenge events, racing, rock crawling , and then add on and product reviews and things like how to put portals on your truck :) and other stuff . Also lots about racing and everything you want . What TOR should be like. I think they need to look at it and take note

Next time you see Jules ask him for a look at a copy of Dirt Comp Mag

There is their webb site is Dirt Comp Mag

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Who'd do that? :huh: if you read LRO you'd know that Land Rover is the ultimate at everything and if it doesn't bolt-on it's not worth having.

And to think people have accused me of being a cynic :rolleyes:

Jon have you seen the mag i am talking about at Jule's. If not Ask him at the next meet and he will show you one. Its a great mag. Long time since i have got a mag and read it from front to back

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