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O/T BT Con Artists


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If they charged based on how much work it was the paperwork would be a nightmare, and you'd have even more to complain about - suppose your neighbor ordered a line and got charged £25 as his was an easy job, but that used up the last "easy" path back to the exchange so when you ordered your line the engineer had to spend ages testing cables to find a good one, had to run back and forth for half a day, and you got charged £120 for the same thing? Would you be happy with that?

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OK point taken. In my work I just say Do that and it gets done. Not a lot of consideration as to costs.

An example of that is Last year I was 1 of the Demolition safety officers for the FirePower Demo in Warminster. I went at the beginning of the week and signed for a metric ton of explo :D , anti tank mines plus all the ancills to make them work. Each day I went to the bunker and said I'll have 1 of those, 2 of them and I'll have shed loads of explo. No concern as to what each day was costing.

Seems I have a lot to learn about living in the outside world. Not sure I want to at the moment :(

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Can I have some? :)

As I said no thought to cost. It all went up with a big bang (Not in 1 bang though) and a cloud of smoke. Perhaps if you call by this year I'll sort you out :P

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I used to have NTL for phone and internet a few years back. Complete rubbish with very poor service.

I then used BT for phone and Braodband and whilst it may not be the cheapest at least it works.

I used to be a TO for BT many years back (and a T2A / T1) so I have used my knowledge to help them identify the odd problem with the phone.

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Best I could think of but not actually what I was thinking..

Jeez some people are so tight fisted

BT have wages to pay you know :)

Not to mention my twice yearly pay-out as a shareholder in BT :P

Should charge twice that sum so I can drink £5-99 bottles of red wine from Tesco not the £2-99 stuff :rolleyes:

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I would never use BT again, diabolical BB, diabolical customer service, absolutely awful ! Like Mark90, a new box cured the problems with freezing and crackling and sound loss on our Virgin box, two weeks later they rang up and gave us a Virgin + box FOC and left the old new one for me to wire to a room upstairs :)


, Stay with VM Its probably a problem with your set top box , Ive been with them since Ive worked in the industry back in the 90s when they were United artists , then telewest .

My sister has BT BB and shes alwas ranting on about how carp it is and the Customer Service non exsistent , Unfortunatly she dosnt live in a cable area to change over to Virgin media .

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did he really say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PMSL and what was HFH expression LSWO from the shock of it!

Oi Trembath. You can bugger off. This was a civilised thread until you turned up :P:P

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Oi Trembath. You can bugger off. This was a civilised thread until you turned up :P:P

we are all tired.......................

some it seems more than others! stop moaning go for one of Chris' options, if VM wont sort it.

anyway i thought you would have been sat in the 90 rather than the house!

Does anyone on here work for Vm and could maybe get his internet to go wobbly as well as the TV?

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I personaly would have nothing to do with BT, I have virgin for my broadband and sky telly when I joind sky I explaned that their was no way on earth I would have a BT line on the house they charged a extra one of payment of £25 and let me join with out a phone line,

Seriously stay with cable I phoned them the other week told them I had been offered a 20mb connection for £20 they matched it but woth out a download limit

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Well BT BB will be non stop growing with targets of 3million onto BTelly in 08 and still by far the biggest BB supplier in the UK

unless you are cable then BT supply the goods you just pay a third party

my own BB failed when the wireless router died

24hrs later I had a brand new one delivered.

never had a fault even though the last house was 8.5km from the exchange

JST is over 9km

try and get supplied by a tin pot when you live in the sticks.

right at this moment I couldn't dislike BT more if I tried but the service on BB has been fine IMHO

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We use BT Business Broadband at huge expense, our router died 14months after we installed it and BT told us to go to PC World and buy a new one :blink::huh::angry:

Thankfully we don't get time to watch Sky TV - just about manage to sneak a bit of 'Dave' in some nights. Freeview recordable doofa is the best thing we have got for ages, you can record enough stuff in one day of Dave to last for weeks :)

Will :)

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We are pretty much stuck with VM here as the BT line will only support a 512kb BB connection. Trying to get BT to actually do anything about it is like pulling your finger nails out. :( We are only a couple of Ks from the exchange - about 1km as the crow flies.


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We are pretty much stuck with VM here as the BT line will only support a 512kb BB connection. Trying to get BT to actually do anything about it is like pulling your finger nails out. :( We are only a couple of Ks from the exchange - about 1km as the crow flies.

Chris, if the cable between you & the exchange is aluminium then it would all need replacing to up your speed - I don't know how many customers there are on your local exchange but I'm willing to bet it would not be a small job, and if the cable duct is full it means digging up the road & running new cable duct, making more space for the wiring in the exchange and potentially adding another green cabinet or making the existing one bigger.

I would say it'll get done eventually as our new network will demand it, but that's not due to be finished till 2012.

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An unfortunate side issue of the ofcom regulations is that the market place is now full of smoke and mirrors, and BT has been forced to divide into seperate regulated trading bodies which can often give an unfair impression of obstenance and unhelpfulness. There are very tight regulations around the provision of telephone lines, DSL tails (which come from different trading groups of BT and cannot cross-subsidise), and BT have to charge or it would be unfair to other service providers. Going back to the original point of it being expensive to install the BT line so a Sky service could be installed - why on earth should BT install a free line anyway just so you can use Sky?? Why are Sky not the con artists for not providing an access service?

Whatever you may think of BT, it's important to remember that without the massive push and investment into providing a national broadband platform, we would be in a very different position today. Don't forget that none of this network is a hangover from the old national company, though BT has of course had benefit from having the exchange building stock and a duct and route network. In the early days no other company was willing to invest in providing the necessary platforms, and even now cable roll out is very slow and only in areas where they know they will turn a profit, same with LLU broadband - no other company will do this where they may not get a good take up of customers.

Another side issue of the broadband scrum that happened when ofcom opened up the market to all and sundry is that the only way to gain market share was to offer broadband cheaper and cheaper, which of course means the added value services like customer service teams, tech support or free hardware is going to suffer - this is the same in any other market place - you get what you pay for.

Considering what we pay for broadband nowadays and the margin service providers get from it, I think levels of service are way higher than we get from other areas - banks, gas/electricity providers, car dealers, local government etc etc.... :blink:

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I never expected the phone line to be installed for free. It's just that I object to paying huge sums of money to be connected. If I had gone down the SKY route BT would still have a regular payment for the line either from me or from SKY.

The basic premiss is that I want a BT line and expect to pay a fair price for the instalation I don't see that 124 quid is a fair price. Obviously I am in the minority here so I've stayed with VM for the time being. And it seems a few others here aren't best pleased with BT.

The whole reason behind this thread was to have a rant and vent some pressure, it wasn't to slate off BT and their service. But as always things take a life of their own and things grow and change course.

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Being involved in the industry it's so frustrating that all these regs were brought in with the purpose of giving freedom of choice, better pricing and service levels to consumers, but all it does is leave everyone baffled, leave businesses especially with lower levels of service and poorer installation and fix times.

The connection fee actually covers the Openreach installation costs - the division of BT tasked with providing the last mile connection from house to exchange for all service providers. Your line rental is then paid to whoever you buy service from, maybe BT Retail, but could be anyone of a hundred other resellers, including Sky.

On the plus side, it does mean that computers will never actually be able to take over the world and force us to submission in slave farms wearing skins and eating lice from each others hair. :rolleyes:

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On the plus side, it does mean that computers will never actually be able to take over the world and force us to submission in slave farms wearing skins and eating lice from each others hair. :rolleyes:

Especially not if it's BT running the computers ;)


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At present I pay ntl £18 month for BB with unlimited GB download limit for all my porn Land Rover technical information.

If I choose option 3 with BT (unlimited GB download), I end-up paying more for what I already have and get things I don't really want as well. There's always a catch with set-price packages.


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