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Where is that very deep water

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No where near as bad as it looks.

In the height of summer there is a small gravel island in the middle. You do have to stick to the 'route' as it drops off rather deep on the down stream side. IIRC the east bank is a winch out job and is hidden in reeds.

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Theres one in Lavant near chichester - found on wet roads and also went there on Sunday after the trial at Brick Kiln to wash my tyres off - did'nt drive the whole length though but know where it comes out the Chi end wanted to check it 1st and did'nt have much time on sunday

I know the area very well spent my childhood playing in the general area and getting wet in the river ! and only went for the 1st time last sunday

Its running fairly quick at the moment



Best check the legality as the OS map shows both connecting roads as an ORPA but a Footpath in between where the river is:


Perhaps a call to West Sussex County Council to clarify?

Just trying to help you not get reported by locals to the coppers! :(


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If you want deep water then drive the tidal road at Aveton Gifford during the spring tides ................ its about 2-3 ft on neaps, 3-4 feet on normal tides, and 5ft on spring tides .................. you are far enough up stream for it to be mostly backed up fresh water................. the road is about a mile long, but stay between the markers. ;)



I Know the road you mean drove it a few years ago on a normal high tide and start to get seriously worried at one point, fortunately the tide was dropping so waited a while then drove through easily.

The ford on the East Portlemouth road opposite Salcombe can get pretty deep as well but is only short, I had to tow a metro out several years ago that had tried to drive through before discovering it was 4 ft deep!. I sent the driver back into to tie the tow rope on then stalled towing it out because I was laughing so much. Car had totally filled with water and weighed a lot towing it till I opened the door, driver then had to run aound recovering all the bits that washed out.

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Oh Goodie :)

And............ just had a nice and rather helpful man on the phone

from HCC - so 'nutter time' it is shortly :rofl:

Should be a good test of the Megasquirt :ph34r:



Don't forget the blummin video camera!

Should be fun, at least to watch *you* go through it :P

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Bit more info at the bottom of this page


The Droxford ford on this page is another good one - I did it 2 summers ago during the major flooding we had :lol: I walked it first and found it the main run to be thigh deep, deepening to be about waist deep at the deepest, however failed to take into account that the depth increased massively away from the edge as you got to the mill pond at the Droxford end.

On driving the main run was nice and steady, but when we got to the mill pond we dropped of the edge I'd walked into the deeper pool, just onto bonnet depth in a 2" lifted Disco. Great fun!

We really had to watch the speed though when it was this deep 'cause the bow wave went over the river bank (only 2" above the static depth of the river at the walled section) and into the nearest house's driveway...

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With reference to ^^^Mill Lane^^^ above I've done some more research and I'm pretty sure that the right of way no longer exists. You'd have to check before using it I'd suggest (but then you should do that for any green lane, as Nige has mentioned above)

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Are you not thinking of Furneux Pelham perhaps?? Thats the BIG one most people talk about down south! Not necessarilly the DEEPEST, but the LONGEST ford in the UK.

If you check out Wetroads.....any of the 5 star fords will do the trick.

If you ever decide to do the one in Clapham......give me a shout, as its only half a mile from me.


Tempting as it is, the one in Clapham here is a bridleway. I pass it twice a day, I work in Clapham.

The Wet roads site is a good starting point, but a lot of the fords on there aren't legal for vehicles. You need to do your own checking.

The base of Violets Lane at Furneux Pelham has got quite chewed up over the past few years. Even in the summer there are large pools of standing water.

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Pity about the one in Clapham, I always fancied crossing there.

Here is my attempt at a video of Violets Lane at Furneux Pelham; this was the first time I ever did it, and it is filmed on the 'return' route.

I have driven it several times since, and the last time was VERY deep....without a doubt the deepest water I have ever driven through! :)


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Hey Nige,

Here are some pics from the ford at Iver, it can get very deep. got some more and night shots too if you want can email you details


The Iver ford starts/ends at Reel Steel so you can get new parts after you drown your V8 :P


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