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Bird Poo!


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Having progressed from "Hard-core off road/overland enthusiast" to "Purple freelander driver" I now have a very real issue with ... wait for it... Paintwork! :blink::lol:

You see, I used to be worried about which huge lump of steel work I was next going to bolt on to my wagon... now though the biggest worry I have is damaging the paint work on my luuuuurvly daily runabout. The freelander seems to have become a Bird Poo Magnet. This morning I went to clean off the poo from the windscreen but the wiperrs made no difference. I then got my squeegy thing out and hacked at one lump of poo for a couple of minutes before giving up.

So my question to you lot is.... What is the best way to get bird poo off? Any old wives tales that I could try?

All opinions or ideas greatfully recieved as I have a real need to spend the whole of sunday cleaning and polishing it!! :lol:

Cheers guys


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Plenty of water to loosen it. Soak the poo well and it should, mostly, wash off with a sponge / cloth / hose.

Bird poo is highly acidic, so time spent on the paintwork will attack the laquer / wax / finish, so be sure to keep the paintwork protected with your favourite brand of polish.

Also, the cleaner the paintwork (by this, I mean lowering the surface friction by liberal application of the shiny stuff), the easier it is to remove the poo / dirt / detritus.

Never pick at the poo with your finger nail as this will create tiny scratches in the paintwork, unless you're VERY careful.


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Thank you for the comments so far. :lol:

Bish... chisel? windscreen? paintwork? You west country folk! :P:lol:

Eighpot... :blink: I want to try to keep the paint on the car! :lol:

BigSi... hmmm clean it isn't, having been thrown around Brickiln Farm the weekend before... D'oh! :rolleyes:

So at the mo it looks like a nice soaking with warm soapy water or tar remover...

Watch this thread for more excitemnt!! ;):huh:

Cheers guys

D B)

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Solve the problem at source - buy a shotgun.

:hysterical: Not sure how the neighbours would take to the local nutter running round with a shotgun!! Nice thought tho!

This works well on crusty dried ones.

Ahhh haa.... this opens up another interesting question... how many different types of bird poo are there? :blink::hysterical:

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mmm Dan i would get one of those sponges that you get to take of flies . These work well with a bit of water.

BTW you should try Bat sh**. That stuff works better than paint stripper. Hence why the 12 year Disco and the 12 year 90 are sat in the garage and the 6 month old Toyota Camry company car sits out side on the drive :rolleyes:

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Never pick at the poo with your finger nail, unless you're VERY careful.

The Quote tool is great for picking sentences out of context! ;););)

For when I had a car that I cared about the paintwork, any cloth that has a mesh fabric is good for getting off flies, bird poo etc

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Mm... so you're posting a thread about Paintwork and I'm posting a thread about Welding... something's wrong here...


(Do I admit now or later that it got covered in my works car park and I meant to clean it off yesterday night but forgot... :ph34r: )

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Bet you don't know why shiny cars are a magnet for bird poo?

Apparently birds like to poo above water - so preditors cannot find their nest by following a poo concentration gradient.

From the air, anything shiny looks a lot like water. Thus, the more shiny, the more poo!


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Bet you don't know why shiny cars are a magnet for bird poo?

Apparently birds like to poo above water - so preditors cannot find their nest by following a poo concentration gradient.

From the air, anything shiny looks a lot like water. Thus, the more shiny, the more poo!


:rofl: Yet again Simon, you astound me with your knowledge!

I'll be remembering this amazing fact for the next party I go to!! :rofl:

Dan :lol:

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angle grinder?

For when I had a car that I cared about the paintwork, any cloth that has a mesh fabric is good for getting off flies, bird poo etc

eg old pair of tights ideal for flies etc. If you need any Walfy has some kicking around (apparently)

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Bet you don't know why shiny cars are a magnet for bird poo?

Apparently birds like to poo above water - so preditors cannot find their nest by following a poo concentration gradient.

From the air, anything shiny looks a lot like water. Thus, the more shiny, the more poo!


Which is probably why I hardly ever get a bird poo problem with a black soft-top nas :lol:

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angle grinder?

eg old pair of tights ideal for flies etc. If you need any Walfy has some kicking around (apparently)

I can't believe you're giving my good gear away James. I won't have any to lend you in the future ;)

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Guest mortus

this might sound stupid... but why dont you park where there is nothing over head, like no trees or power lines..

then birds wont poop on it so much, or build a garage?

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