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1st April - Come on be honest ...did we get you too ?

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Ermmmm.........Well, Hello all. :lol:

Thought I had better… er, now, ..how can I say this ?….erm well say ‘something’.

Obviously this is the “International Forum” with many different Time Zones not just GMT, so hence the time now is 12.00 midday in the USA :P

This post sort of... erm ...'relates' to the recent one Stazworks Double INTERNAL Beadlock Rim Thread ….

So, How about……….

“Please check the ‘Date’ & ‘Time’ coding for this Post ?”

12.02am 1st April 2008..............Yep,...............As in – ‘1st April’, ….

As in this is a “LR4x4 Forum Special” – A complete and utter wind up :P

Whilst I do have a set of rims from Stazworks,

….(and yes they are truly loverley, )

….(and yes I have fitted them, )

….(and yes I have done a ‘Tech Article’…. )

….This is not the one….. :P this was a spoof

There is no “Prototype T System”, No, Honestly there isn't :P

I made it up, the most tricky thing was getting a 16” tube over the Donut ….whilst trying not to laugh as I took the piccie and aviod any camera shake

I along with the other Forum Mods, only a very few chosen Forum Members were in on the Post (Jez, Will W, Fridge, and a few others - Si R, Paul W, Rogue V - who knew but said nothing) thought it might be fun to see if we could get away with it. ?

With 34 Replies & 697 views to the thread, …I think we can say we have :lol:

We did wonder when Astro Al spotted it was both a ‘Tuesday’ AND ‘April 1st’ …. :unsure:

So, here now is the PROPER thread for the ‘Tech Article on Stazworks DBL Rims’

The ‘Really Truly Genuine (Honest Guv) - Tech Thread for Stazworks Double Internal Beadlocking Rims – erm without the <cough> Special ‘T’ Prototype System :P

So, be honest ………..did we “Gotcha” then ??? :lol:

Oh, ….and if you believed they only worked out at £187.12 each then we “Gotcha” twice :P

Nige & The Mods & Admin of LR4x4

Oh, yeah, and finally ………

PS “No Tubes were harmed in the making of this thread – one was however slightly inconvenienced” :rofl:

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Good one Nigel. Did not read it as it was night on 1st april when you posted it (for me ) but likeing your work :)

Down here in Aus Virgin Blue (branson Aussie internal airline ) put large adverts in every paper saying that they have new tickets aviable at half price Call stand only tickets. (wheer you stand in the Isle for the flight) And you get a free calf massage for flights over 2 hours :D:D

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The Flying Penguins trailer from the BBC took me in until I saw the full version, however I smelt a rat as soon as I saw the double internal beadlock stuff on this site . I wasn't entirely sure what was being discussed but it appeared to be from the pen of a certain Mr L O deBoleaux!!!


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Kinda got me I s'pose, while this alleged 'T' thingy went right over my head I did think the price seemed surprisingly cheap :)

50% - would have been more but it wasn't my piggy bank taking the hit so that alright then :P

Good work peops

Oh and mr Night Train the lowered 109 is most definitely not a wind up, Mr Corrode and I have been discussing that for a little while and he was looking for some grown up opinions rather than my it'll be a giggle, go for it sensible advice :lol:

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Poor Jon White posted up re

"I can only get 3 of my 4 gears" and peeps thought it was an april the 1st

And the "What have a I done to my diif "thread

All 3x of these were not wind ups poor sods who posted them :lol:

Nice to see some honesty and hands up

For a real laugh Tony and I (White 90) were even PMing each other re the detail of 'ordering' (nut angles etc) ....and sort of nearly caught ourselves out on our own wind up thread (Thanks Jez)

Its good to have a laugh :)


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Oh and mr Night Train the lowered 109 is most definitely not a wind up, Mr Corrode and I have been discussing that for a little while and he was looking for some grown up opinions rather than my it'll be a giggle, go for it sensible advice :lol:

Well my suggestion would still work and it would be an interesting vehicle. Looking forward to it now.

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Guilty as charged :lol:

Whilst A.) posting at 12.02 did cross my mind aswell as B.) the complexity of making a tube 'D' shaped was slighty out of the norm it never twigged ;)

Nice one :)


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Poor Jon White posted up re

"I can only get 3 of my 4 gears" and peeps thought it was an april the 1st

And the "What have a I done to my diif "thread

All 3x of these were not wind ups poor sods who posted them :lol:

Nice to see some honesty and hands up

For a real laugh Tony and I (White 90) were even PMing each other re the detail of 'ordering' (nut angles etc) ....and sort of nearly caught ourselves out on our own wind up thread (Thanks Jez)

Its good to have a laugh :)


And still haven't got to the bottom of it :rolleyes: Going to strip it out and see whats in store

Nice one Nige, you nearly had me going but I thought it would seem rude to say whether it was a fool or not as I had posted my stupid diff thingy at a silly hour as well :lol:

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Well. Hook, line, sinker, rod and copy of Angling Times!

Hence my enthusiastic questioning!

We did wonder when Astro Al spotted it was both a ‘Tuesday’ AND ‘April 1st’ …. :unsure:

I thought everyone was being unusually nice, considering the combo. Still, now its tomorrow and I'm safe-ish. :i-m_so_happy:

I had a feeling about the price though, dammit. :(

I'll start planning a joke for next year. Or maybe the one after. No, wait, it'll be ready for 2010 if I start buying the tools now... :ph34r:



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The greyhound racing was in 1 of the papers yesterday. Only 6 dogs and 1 race. Was the give away.

As for wheels I was a bit suspect when you mentioned Will had ordered a set with you. I didn't realise vapour trucks needed wheels :P:P . We haven't had any pic updates from him yet!!!!

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Luckily I had no idea what you were all talking about and had resolved to attempt to read and understand it later :rolleyes::lol: Although I did think they looked pretty and were rather cheap for what I suspected were quite expensive wheels!

Then Jez got scary and I ran off to hide back in the series forum :unsure:;):lol:

I'm happy to say though, the penguins didn't fool me :)

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Yep, I hold my hands up, I thought the T system was for real :rolleyes: although I also thought it was c**p and pointless but did post my reservations slightly more politely.

Didn't see the penguins on the telly but I didn't turn the telly on till the evening.

In my defense ive been house bound for 10 days now and didn't even realize it was April the first! Probably wouldn't have made any difference if I had. Doh!!!!

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