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Warning for Locals in Southwest


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Last night a mates yard was raided

IFOR williams trailers (tipping) stolen x2

Makita Disc cutters

Dewalt battery tools and some other power tools/nail guns

Land Rover Parts

They used a JCB to break into the shed.

must have come equipped with two towing vehicles at least,

as usual no one saw a thing..

see anything like the above in odd circumstance for sale please let me know

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We had a hydraulic breaker and a compressor nicked from site in Winscombe the other week , Right on a main road with houses everywhere , Funny thing is nosey pensioner residents were moaning all day about the noise and inconvenience we were causing , but did they see the kit being nicked that evening , Did they hell .

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My workshop was broken into two weeks ago.Five thousand pounds worth of garage tools,carpentry tools and general building stuff.

Seven properties in a row all done over.

I know of four other similar robberies locally just last week.

Several police officers have commented on the sudden increase in robbery with the sudden drop in the price of scrap.

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Britain sounds like a wonderfull place to live nowadays.

YOu should start sending types like this to colonial islands or something.

Bugger off - we don't want them!!!

Though we might consider it if you will swap neighbouring countries :)

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Remember everyone, to be politically and legally correct, we must not be using the term Pikey as it is racist * and we certainly wouldn't want to be offending those hard working, pleasant... and dare I say it valuable members of our society.

We should instead be using the term "itinerant traveller".

I received an email from a local Police after using the word Pikey on my local village web site. After a long and at times heated email exchange, I removed the word. I did of course suggest that rather than hassling me they should be out there catching the thieving Pikey b*****ds doing all the nicking. Of course that went down like a lead balloon. :lol:

* According to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination:

the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.


As far as I am concerned, sod the UN convention, they should be shot!

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What is the difference between this thread and the post a few days ago by a chap whose yard had been raided and his HGV and trailer stolen?

At the time of posting, a moderator locked the other post, stating lack of relevant content, but did not delete as he felt some sympathy towards the poster. It would appear the post has since been deleted.

This post also has zero LR content, but does have several abusive comments towards certain parts of our society. It does little to sustain the image of the forum.

I would be interested in comments from moderators.


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Is it still racist if it's accurate? :ph34r: It's a bit like saying "Chav" is offensive.

If it's accurate it becomes super megasquirted racist.

Everything cannot always be a democracy ........ I say shoot the thieving f*****s irrespective of where they come from. May their finger nails turn into fishing hooks and may they develop a bad case of the itch where it will hurt the most. :wacko::moglite:

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Tiddler did you not read the first post?

and it is a warning for locals that thieves are about looking for trailers/land rover parts

both of which are common on here.

As for Racism etc

that is not allowed and posters should consider what they say before typing it

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What is the difference between this thread and the post a few days ago by a chap whose yard had been raided and his HGV and trailer stolen?

At the time of posting, a moderator locked the other post, stating lack of relevant content, but did not delete as he felt some sympathy towards the poster. It would appear the post has since been deleted.

This post also has zero LR content, but does have several abusive comments towards certain parts of our society. It does little to sustain the image of the forum.

I would be interested in comments from moderators.


Sold your Ibex yet Mr Evans?

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They will have a shock if i catch the little ~@~*@~#*er

*white90-unsuitable image removed

That picture conjures up some suspicious conclusions!

Playing with one's gun, real or replica whilst perusing job adverts in the mental health sector!

As to the gun, what is your point!

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