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members vehicles forum!


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I am gutted i can't see it, i've been a member for over a year but never really have much to say, but enjoy reading and looking at the site every day, and so don't post much, and now i can't see a part of the site, unless i post stuff just for the sake of getting my post count up, which will then fill the site with pointless post making it harder to search for somthing, than again starting another post with a topic that already been discussed!!

well this has at least got me one more post count!!

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unless i post stuff just for the sake of getting my post count up

No, don't do that, it's called SPAM, and gets you banned :P

Honestly, I'm not really sure we need it, but the admods have decided and maybe for once people should let it lie rather than starting another 10 page thread about something which is pretty inconsequential.

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Members post pictures and details of their trucks in the assumption that it's an innocent thing to do (pride, embarassment, excessive bling, whatever). You wouldn't consider that someone else was using that same forum to decide what's a decent truck to steal. It's not brain surgery to look at a truck, see it's specs, then use other posts/info to find out where it's parked. We wouldn't want to think that this website has contributed to some poor soul having their L/R stolen (and I'm sure you wouldn't want to think that your truck was stolen because you posted the specs of it on here). There seems to be a sudden rash of stolen L/R's at present - with this in mind - we have instigated the post limit for people to access the Members Vehicles forum. If enough people object to this rule, then perhaps a poll would be the best way to decide?

You would never get back the true value of your vehicle - Insurance companies being the animals that they are - we wouldn't want to be partly or wholly responsible for you losing it.


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..... but surely having to make 20 short pointless posts in order to access it isn't going to put off people who want to eye up people vehicles to steal would it??

Depends if you have a criminal mind I suppose!

Of course we could do nothing and bury our heads in the sand.


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Of course we could do nothing and bury our heads in the sand

True I guess but unless you posting up details of the security you have on your Land Rover or the street you live in I just fail to see the security side of restricting people viewing a particular part of the forum.

Also the member vehicle section tends to be an area that newbies visit and post details of their own Land Rovers (as I originally did) but now they can't!

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Guest diesel_jim

Well, if it's that much of a problem, then post your pictures somewhere else (photobucket for example) then put a link somewhere where anyone can look at it.

You could even print some posters up too. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Like it or lump it... that's the way this forum is run. A lot of people on here have complained about some stuff in the past... some things have been rectified, some things the mod's (rightly or wrongly, depending on who you ask) have left "as is".

But at the end of the day, that's how this forum is run.... we all have a choice.... either be a member or not.

If it's that bad here, and you don't like the way it is, then kindly close the door behind you :P:P

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If it's that bad here, and you don't like the way it is, then kindly close the door behind you

Steady on, I'm was just asking a question as to why there is a restriction in one part of the forum. I'm just trying to be a part of the forum and contribute to a post someone has made. Not once have a criticised the decision to restrict it.

The idea of sectioning the forum is to keep relevant topics in some kind of order. If I join the forum and say "hello people I have a landy here's the details and pics of it" the best place in my eyes to post it would be the members vehicles section but I can't until I have posted X number of times that was the point I was trying to make!

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Just out of interest, has anyone else wondered if this thread might have just negated the whole point of making the Members Vehicles forum not accessible to any and all? Surely this is just going to pique the interest of passing visitors who are gonna wonder what all the fuss is about???

note - nothing to see here, just a lot of rusty heaps, move along please :ph34r::P

BTW I hadn't even noticed the change so no problem here

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..... but surely having to make 20 short pointless posts in order to access it isn't going to put off people who want to eye up people vehicles to steal would it??

Of course, were it not for threads like this then no potential Landrover thief would even know such a mysterious catalogue of pimped-up, ready to steal and break up forum existed and so would not likely mess about making 30 short posts just in case - it is a little like buried treasure, you don't often see folk digging for it randomly on the off-chance. :P


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So I am now in the situation where I have contributed to the members vehicle forum with photos and details of my trips in the past but am now excluded!

Go on. 1 more post and you're in. You know you want to. ;)

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