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Thieving scum !

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Hi All,

OK the upshot is my car was broken into the other day and our SatNav was stolen, our own fault as it was left on display.

We all know how weak the security is on the Defender, but do people actually know how easy our cars are broken into?

Before my car was broken into, I would of thought a thief would unlock the driver door with a teaspoon, now that I have seen how easy it really is, even on a very busy shopping street, I reckon about 5 seconds!

As this is quite a sensative subject I cannot put the details of the intrusion or the solution on this forum for obvious reasons,

After taking advice from Ralph (Western) if any member is interested in the "solution" you can PM me. Aslong as you pass the forum Secret Service vetting

then all wil be explained free of charge.


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We all know how weak the security is on the Defender, but do people actually know how easy our cars are broken into?

sorry to hear about that.

In my experience, it doesn't matter how secure the cars locks are they still get in. Had a top end BMW where they simply punched a hole in the door panel with a screwdriver and levered up the lock. Obviously they knew exactly where to punch the hole.

If you make the locks too hard they simply break a window and so on.


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sorry to hear about that.

In my experience, it doesn't matter how secure the cars locks are they still get in. Had a top end BMW where they simply punched a hole in the door panel with a screwdriver and levered up the lock. Obviously they knew exactly where to punch the hole.

If you make the locks too hard they simply break a window and so on.


Hi Steve,

You are right there matey, no matter what measures we take, if thieves want our cars they will take them, but if I can cut down on an opertunist thief it will give me some piece of mind. The best security I have found so far is my two big dogs patrolling my garden.. ;)



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I dont think theres much point in the secrecy tbh, sharing potential security improvements with other forum members is a good thing, and the type of schemeys that steal your satnav dont come on internet forums finding out how to get into your vehicle.

Anything you do will only slow a theif down, and lets face it if they want that satnav off the dashboard and you've reinforced the lock, they'll just put the window through.

My old nova was broken into twice, first time the put a window thru and pulled the lock pin, stealing my stereo, CD changer and other bits n bobs. After that i took some security measures, i chopped the lock pins so they were flush with the door and couldnt be pulled up with the car locked, and always ensured i had the face-off removed and on my posession, not tucked away in the glove box like most people do. The second time it was broken into they jammed a screwdriver into the lock barrel and twisted, until the door panel bent enough and the barrel turned far enough to fire the central locking solenoids. Bearing in mind the face was off the stereo at this point, the first thing they did was open the glove box and dump its contents in the footwell, clearly looking for the face, they'd also rifled stuff out from under the seats. Left with nothing more than a torch.

Basically, dont leave valuables in the car, if somethings on display, it takes literally 5 seconds to put the glass thru and grab it, and believe me a junky bam wanting his next fix of heroin wont even think twice, and if you have a face off stereo, it goes in your bag/pocket, not the glovebox.

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:o Aragorn I do support your opinion perfectly well. Wife's mercedes was broken into due to her bag on a showcase in the front seat. The stone used could have jammed a bulldozer to bits. BIG one !! In that bag was her rings, backberry phone and many more. We never saw a trace of it afterwards. She learnt a lot afterwards!! Not even a coin comes under display in her car now. And in my truck (Lr td5 99 110) u only see ropes, empty cola cans and no attractive items so they barely touch it.

"Keep the truck empty before the scums empty it up for you"! :huh: And in worse cases I do not lock the door. :wub:

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Is it not the problem of how much effort into lock design by Land Rover the main cause. How easier would a thief approach if the lock was old fashion yale or common gate locks. I know this may sound trite. We seem in this modern technology world, suffer from common sense ideas when designing vehicle security. To the point when a would be robber or gang is now knocking on your property demanding the keys to the vehicle. How ironic if that is the correct term to use. When all this hue and cry over Quotation Four by Fours are the surge of the earth Close Quotation. Yet there seem to be a marked industry of spare parts of stolen to order of Defenders. Yet Land Rover design a door lock to open by a child with IQ of 2 open successfully. Great Idea. :wub:

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Unless your fitting armoured glass, the strength of the locks are irrelevant...

New cars have only become a lot more secure due to deadlocks and electronic immobilisers that are built into the engine ECU. The defender has never had these features, as presumably it doesnt fit with the ethos of the vehicle.

My dad used to leave his old transit unlocked. Was nothing valuable kept in it, and it had an engine immobiliser. Way he saw it, it was better the thief opened the door, saw there was nothing and scarpered, than smashing a window, or mangling the lock to find out the same...

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That's my philosophy, too. It's insane to spend a lot of time trying to harden the door lock in an aluminum vehicle. You need to step back and look at it from the thief's point of view. As long as there is a window, there is a quick, easy, and low tech way in.

Don't leave valuables in plain view in the vehicle. Put an alarm in, if you really think you need it, but I would leave the doors unlocked. The difference will be in the amount of damage done to get to the stuff they want. Which they will get if they want it.

Wouldn't hurt to hide an ignition cut out switch somewhere, to keep the entire vehicle from being driven off. But realistically...WHO remembers to flip the switch every time you get out? You'll do it for a few weeks until the novelty wears off, and then you are right back where you started. Less the cost of the switch you no longer use.

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I think the right combination of mechanical immobilisers coupled with a cheap alarm to make some noise is the best your going to do without wasting money.

Dont leave valuables in the car at all, never mind hidden out of view. As i've already said, face off stereos are nearly always put in the glovebox by lazy owners, so they'll still put your window thru on the offchance that its there if theres no easier target.

You need to balance the nuiscance of the security measure against the safety provided, because as you say, if its too much hassle you'll stop doing it.

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;) I am planning on building my own door and locks... Those from Lr are just like biscuits,, wheetabix to be precise.. :wub:

It's got so bad in some areas now, that some 'wise' people leave the keys in their BMW.Etc. Overnight, to avoid the risk of a mob of criminals breaking in and torturing them to hand them over, along with other valuables. One case I heard of involved 'them' bringing 'the baby' downstairs, and threatening to harm it, to ensure cooperation, it worked.

The problem goes way beyond locks, i'm afraid to say...



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Maybe when you buy a Landy, they should give you a shot gun and a big dog for security!!!!

It just puts you further in the wrong, than the low life you seek to protect yourself from.

Firearms offences, and 'dangerous' dogs, are more serious issues, than 'mere' vehicle theft, however serious it is for you.

On a positive note, every time you, I, or any one else 'offends', it triggers an army of Profesionals (for whom we must be thankfull) who's only income is derived from looking after our interests as offenders, and will not swerve from that path.



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surely the point is with it unlocked but immobilised, and with no valuables inside, the difference is that instead of smashing a window or breaking the door to get in, find theres nothing, then bail, they'll instead simply open the door, find theres nothing then bail.

I wouldnt be leaving my keys in the ignition, but i can see the point behind leaving it open

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Just a thought, but if your insurance companies found out vehicles were left unlocked or even with the keys in, they would not pay out in the event of a theft.

How could they know the door was left opened? In the cold hours of one morning, a pal had to drive without the window (patched with plastic everywhere due to some scums breaking into his car) Had he not locked the door, he could have driven with pleasure. (that morning was almost -9 deg! ) they took a ceramic cup and a Dolce and Gabbana belt left idly in the car. <_<<_<

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surely the point is with it unlocked but immobilised, and with no valuables inside, the difference is that instead of smashing a window or breaking the door to get in, find theres nothing, then bail, they'll instead simply open the door, find theres nothing then bail.

I wouldnt be leaving my keys in the ignition, but i can see the point behind leaving it open

thats assuming they are bright enough to try it first, my doors/locks were well and truly destroyed when they were left open, wasn't worried about the car as it had no engine or boxes in!


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i must admit that i gave up locking mine as it's an ex m il and had the slidey series 3 windows which were as secure as a wet paper bag. its also the thinking in tenerife-dont leave valubles in and at least it saves your car getting damaged.

on a side note, we had a work transit opened (remember 1in 5 ford keys open another vehicle!) and a laptop esq bag and few other bits were taken (later found emptied out in a nearby hedge) so now we just leave it empty

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  • 1 month later...

i know this post is a little old but the method i took too was buying some window tints which acts like armoured glass no matter what they hit it with it will not break through (it isnt just normal window tint it is designed for it especially you can get it from ebay in clear or tinted)

Also the earth wire which is attached to the injector pump i cut it in 2 in a descrete place connect 2 long wires and then connected them to a switch which is very well hidden, when you switch one way car works when locking car up switch the other way and try as you may it will not start.

Another good devide i have seen is the mech lock system from mud uk it pipes inline with the cluctch so when you lock the car up turn the removable key on the system and it stops your clutch working apparently you can fit them to the brakes too so when the brake is pressed it will not release them. they are expensive but so is the excess and the cost of a new landy.

one other thing is to totally disconect your locks on the landy and fit a remote central locking unit so thieving scum cannot simply turn the locks with a spoon to get it as they will not be connected to anything.

On my last defender i fitted a tracker and i would recommend this to anyone because if nothing the twats who took it will get caught but then i know with the way this pussy country is they will only get a slap on the hand and be made to promise not do it again,(joke) they want kneecapping or there fingers chopped off.

I had to laff the other day as at the bottom of the road were i live it is quite secluded and when i drove past i rember seeing a black 90 td5 on a 56 plate parked up looked like a xs model looked really well, when i came back i noticed a police man looking around it then leaving it. later on that night a disco 3 pulled up with a couple of lads inside they jumped out and proceeded to get in the defender then out of knowhere the police pulled up and nabbed them all.

apparently the lads had nicked it the night before and parked it there to check if anyone recoved it with a tracker, it did have one but the police left it there for a trap. brilliant! i was laughing ear to ear.

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Secure glass won't stop a thief either, they just lever the door top away from the frame and bend it down to gain access. Common thing with modern gutterless cars.

I used to have a 'secure' box in my Land Rover, it just meant that the thieves did more damage to get the whole box out when they couldn't open it. The security must have made them think there was something more then my sunglasses and a few cassettes in there.

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The most obvious thing that strikes me about the tint/armoured glass idea is that as a lot of people go wading, I wouldn't want to be in a vehicle that I couldn't smash the windows out on should the worst come to worst, especially with electric windows, but I imagine that having the patience for winding a window down when a car is on its side/roof and filling with water would also be somewhat difficult. After all, that's why the side windows on cars are made from safety glass not laminated like windscreens, they aren't designed to keep people out.

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