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thanks for the replys guys im fine now we actually laughed about it earlier saying id love to be a fly on the wall as they see me drive through the river lol

i have a first four shadow winch bumper and rock and tree sliders and tubular rear bumper so car would of been ok in a ram bit does still shake you up

ive only had the thing on the road a week

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and the worst thing is, if you get caught speeding to try and get away or trying evasive action on the road, you will get fined/bollo*ked for it when you have no other option :angry:


AFAIK "Duress" is a valid defence and you'd certainly be under duress being chased by a vanload of hijackers!

Don't think it's a valid defence against trying get away from the police though!

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thanks for the replys guys im fine now we actually laughed about it earlier saying id love to be a fly on the wall as they see me drive through the river lol

i have a first four shadow winch bumper and rock and tree sliders and tubular rear bumper so car would of been ok in a ram bit does still shake you up

ive only had the thing on the road a week

No need to panic about being car jacked,i know the guy with the sprinter(he is a good friend of mine).

I asked this morning if it was him who tried to stop an orange bobtail yesterday,he said he only wanted to have a chat about some the mods you had done to it(i am helping him modify a range rover at the moment),also when you turned on to packet boat lane he thought you were going to stop,thats why he followed.

One other thing is the other two people in the van were his 5 year old daughter and his wife.

Hope this puts your mind at rest as i have been on the recieving end of some nasty road rage and it does shake you up a bit.



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No need to panic about being car jacked,i know the guy with the sprinter(he is a good friend of mine).

I asked this morning if it was him who tried to stop an orange bobtail yesterday,he said he only wanted to have a chat about some the mods you had done to it(i am helping him modify a range rover at the moment),also when you turned on to packet boat lane he thought you were going to stop,thats why he followed.

One other thing is the other two people in the van were his 5 year old daughter and his wife.

Hope this puts your mind at rest as i have been on the recieving end of some nasty road rage and it does shake you up a bit.



Is this a joke?

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No need to panic about being car jacked,i know the guy with the sprinter(he is a good friend of mine).

I asked this morning if it was him who tried to stop an orange bobtail yesterday,he said he only wanted to have a chat about some the mods you had done to it(i am helping him modify a range rover at the moment),also when you turned on to packet boat lane he thought you were going to stop,thats why he followed.

One other thing is the other two people in the van were his 5 year old daughter and his wife.

Hope this puts your mind at rest as i have been on the recieving end of some nasty road rage and it does shake you up a bit.



is he irish?

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Tell ya 'mate' he was acting like a pillock in that case, and needs to re-learn some rules of the road.

a few points-

no this is not a joke

no he is not Irish

bowie69-when i spoke to him he was quite shocked at what was being said about him,he said he never tried to swerve in front of anyone or force him off the road(remember he had his 5 year old daughter with him)

i posted this as my MATE has no access to a computer at the moment and i thought he needed his side of the story told.

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as has been said - report it to the fuzz, if necessary tell them you had a child in the car and you were concerned for their safety?

that ole chestnut dosnt work with the fuzz anymore , The best thing to do is call the fire brigade , tell em there are arsonists threatening your property and they have started a fire , they will only then turn up with police back up , hey presto you then have the rozzers there .

Or another one is to tell the call handler that you saw one of the culprits waving what you thought looked like a gun , Hey presto instant rozzers

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to the driver that never got LANDY JACKED. I am the person not of the irish variety that was driving the van. I wasnt trying to jack you i never even got near you. I DIDNT SHOUT ANYTHING TO YOU also i only followed you from p****t b**t because i though you was going to the fitness club. I was with my 4 year old daughter and her mother, i only flashed at you twice as you were approaching the width restriction when you sped of i knew you were going to go across the ford as i have been through there many times myself and i was wanting to talk to you about you suspension set up i apoligise for for shaking you up as i am quite a big built fella. If you would like to tell the rest of the fellow landy lovers that you misjudged a person that was admiring your landy.

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that ole chestnut dosnt work with the fuzz anymore , The best thing to do is call the fire brigade , tell em there are arsonists threatening your property and they have started a fire , they will only then turn up with police back up , hey presto you then have the rozzers there .

Or another one is to tell the call handler that you saw one of the culprits waving what you thought looked like a gun , Hey presto instant rozzers

As someone who used to deal with these sorts of calls day and night, that's not very helpful. Making a false call to the Fire Brigade is an offence and they WILL prosecute. Likewise, you're likely to end up in court or with a fixed penalty notice if you do a similar thing to the Police. Lying does not help your case and would give any defence lawyer enough ammunition to cast doubt on any statement or testimony you make.

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As someone who used to deal with these sorts of calls day and night, that's not very helpful. Making a false call to the Fire Brigade is an offence and they WILL prosecute. Likewise, you're likely to end up in court or with a fixed penalty notice if you do a similar thing to the Police. Lying does not help your case and would give any defence lawyer enough ammunition to cast doubt on any statement or testimony you make.

Deal with these calls ? do you realy ?Its a fact now that the police are to busy to deal with real crime and they tell you that they have no one to attend to real time crimes , So the only way to get someone there is to exagerate the facts , after all they are the ones who say they cant attend ?. and when you are stating you are in right bother they all of a sudden appear , Now whos the one making a false statement .

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to the driver that never got LANDY JACKED. I am the person not of the irish variety that was driving the van. I wasnt trying to jack you i never even got near you. I DIDNT SHOUT ANYTHING TO YOU also i only followed you from p****t b**t because i though you was going to the fitness club. I was with my 4 year old daughter and her mother, i only flashed at you twice as you were approaching the width restriction when you sped of i knew you were going to go across the ford as i have been through there many times myself and i was wanting to talk to you about you suspension set up i apoligise for for shaking you up as i am quite a big built fella. If you would like to tell the rest of the fellow landy lovers that you misjudged a person that was admiring your landy.

Hi Sniff,

Its good that you actually joined the forum to clear your name! :)

Its pretty understandable that someone could mistake the situation and that Ebo was upset.

I actually hope that you can both speak on this thread to clear it up and who knows you might even have that discussion about suspension. :D

I also hope you stay a member on this forum and can get rid of that bitter taste in your mouth for your first post. :D:D

All the best to yourself and Ebo and well done for coming on to clear this up.


Grant :)

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I've had plenty of 'roadrage' from other motorists when I was a bus driver, but the strangest one recently was going through a set of roadworks in my MG. Single-lane roadworks at 50mph, so I was doing 50mph. A car came up behind me reasonably quickly and sat about 4ft from the back bumper. I covered the brake pedal with my left foot just to bring the lights on, no response and no better distance, so I brought my speed down to 45mph gently by backing off the throttle a little. Still 4ft from the back of my car. I came down to 40mph (trying to adjust the speed so that the gap they insisted on would be safer) but they were still so close that I couldn't see the headlights or numberplate in the rearview mirror.

At this point the roadworks ended and the road opened into three lanes so I went for the left lane and stayed at 40mph. The car behind took the left lane too, despite the right lanes being empty, and stayed close on my rear bumper. At this point I decided they were playing silly buggers, hit the hazard lights and coasted onto the hard shoulder to get out of the way. The car accelerated past me in lane 1, so I gave some well-intending visual advice on coffee bean selection out of the window as it came past. Glancing sideways I was treated to a view of Granny with her chair pushed right forward, hunched over the steering wheel and eyes fixed on the horizon.

It's not always as it seems from your driving seat.

Probably my mum! :D

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Or another one is to tell the call handler that you saw one of the culprits waving what you thought looked like a gun , Hey presto instant rozzers

Even that doesn't work in some parts of Belgium... :angry:

Sometime last year, when picking up my GF from work, I had to make an emergency stop at a junction because some #&$s in an A3 where going way to fast to grant me the priority I was entitled to. I did hit the horn when they passed just in front of me and then continued on my way. The A3 stopped, backed up and started following me. We were stuck in traffic at some lights, with me making sure there was plenty of room in front of the Range should I need to take evasive actions. They where right on my bumper, to close to see a plate and making clear gestures about my life expectancy...

When the light turned green and we could move on, we heared a loud bang, the rear window shattered and the A3 sped of in a side street. I gave pusuit, but lost too much time turning around at the junctions because of the traffic. We immediately called the police, but because we weren't wounded, they had no intention of coming up to the scene. We could come to the station and file a report, if we really insisted. We did, off course, but nothing ever came of it.

Worse part is, I have to pass the same junction (in a noteably bad part of Brussels) on foot several times a week, usually carrying a briefcase with a laptop.

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i carry my air rifle in the landy, never had to point it another person yet and nor under most circumstance would i, but if that had of been me looking back at those pikeys on the other side of that river i'd have definatly been aiming at their heads :ph34r:

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i carry my air rifle in the landy, never had to point it another person yet and nor under most circumstance would i, but if that had of been me looking back at those pikeys on the other side of that river i'd have definatly been aiming at their heads :ph34r:

Do us all a favour, leave your air rifle locked away at home where it belongs or sell it/hand it in. You're obviously not stable enough mentally to be trusted to carry a firearm around with you. Basically what you just said is "If I mistakenly thought someone was chasing me I'd shoot them in the head".

You've also announced this fact on a public forum so if at sometime in the future you do decide to shoot someone in the head there is evidence here of pre-meditation.

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Yep ,hand it in Rambo ,

Its always advisory to keep any firearms and rifles locked in a secure cabinet , The security of a Land rover is questionable at the best of times , Iwould hate to hear of someone breaking in and stealing it whilst you were away from the vehicle , Then it would definetly be in the wrong hands

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^^^ yep, what he said..

If you are the sort of person who thinks he has the bottle to pull out a gun in that sort of situation you really shouldn't be carrying one around..

Exchange it for a decent sized tyre iron... at least it's sort of legal...

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If someone tries to steal your car, LET THEM TAKE IT! there is no point in getting hurt or killed for your car, no matter how much you love it. It's insured and will get replaced. You may be insured, but you will not be replaced.

If you get pulled with anything considered to be a weapon "tucked down beside the seat, in the door pocket" etc, you are going to be in trouble. The police will have heard all the excuses before and there is no getting out of it.

I have had two attempted jackings (both in a 306) and am now very cautious about what is going on around me. Lock the doors in town, if stopped in a queue of traffic, leave space between you and the person in front so that you can pull away if needed, keep your feet ready to drive (in gear, on the bite, handbrake up) so you can move off quickly if someone tries it.

As for "air rifle in the cab", behave fella - get rid of it or leave it at home. if you get caught with that with no good reason you could end up doing time. As I said, the police will know why it's there and wont accept any bull**** excuse on it.

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